___Backstreet Boys To Men

Nick needs no one to tell him that he will always be a successful entertainer; it’s what he’s done all his life. Truly, he can’t see himself succeeding at anything else. So if he ever gets some down time from his duties with BSB, expect to see some kind of other project from this pure performer—like maybe a solo album.

Kevin can’t imagine a day when he doesn’t perform with the Backstreet Boys. But during time off from the guys, don’t be surprised to find thespian Kevin at a theater near you: supposedly Hollywood’s casting agents are calling.

Like all the guys, AJ fantasizes about what he’ll do sans the Boys. “I would like to show a different side of me, do a solo show like R. Kelly or Keith Sweat.” AJ would also like to complete his education by getting a college degree once BSB fever cools down (as if!)

Career-wise, Brian can’t help but contemplate the satisfaction that he would get from starting and starring in a pop-gospel show some time in the future. For now, the dream will have to stay just that.

Though he’s not anxious to ever leave the Backstreet Boys, Howie (like the other guys) looks forward to recording a solo album of his own, then continuing to record and tour with the Boys.
