___Face Value: Howie

Howie's roundish forehead indicates that he likes the status quo-no quick changes for him. It also means that he likes the comforts of home.

Exposed eyelids mean that Howie likes to cut straight to the point. No long, drawn out discussions for him. One of the plus sides of his trait is that Howie knows how to get people to open up easily.

Howie's thin strands of hair mean that he is very sensitive, not only emotionally but physically. That means loud noises or unpleasant smells affect him more than they would, say, Kevin.

The relatively large space between Howie's eyebrows and eyes mean that he is a very forgiving person.

Howie's big irises mean that he is oh so sensitive. If he becomes your friend, you've got him for good!

...Come back next week for AJ's Face Values
