___Interesting Facts

1. The Backstreet Boys received their very first Triple Platinum award thanks to their loyal fans in Canada, especially in the city of Montreal.
2. The Backstreet Boys are named after Orlando, Florida's open-air shopper's paradise, the Backstreet Market.
3. Nick and Brian usually share a hotel room when they are on the road.
4. Kevin takes an envelope filled with pictures of his family when he goes on the road.
5. In March, 1997, AJ sprained his ankle when he was caught in a crush fans at Musique Plus, Montreal's own version of MTV. He managed to perform that night and later allowed a Montreal radio station to auction off the cast for charity.
6. Whenever they are in foreign city, Howie and Kevin like to try the local food, while Nick, Brian, and AJ search for the closest McDonald's.
7. According to an informal poll of the Boys, Brian keeps his room the messiest, while Howie is "Mr. Neat."
8. Who's the most likely to lose his luggage on a trip to Europe: Survey say...Howie, who has on many occasions arrived at his destination with only the clothes on this back.
9. Nick is the prankster of the group. "I like to do anything I can think of to those guys," he says.
10. The most evil prank Nick ever pulled? It was the time he gave their managers, Donna Wright, gum that tasted like fish.
11. The two Backstreet Boys most likely to get into a friendly argument: Kevin and Nick.
12. Howie is most likely to find a peaceful solution to the argument. "He's Mr. Mediator," says AJ.
13. The biggest flirt: AJ. "I like girls and I'm not gonna say I don't," he says. He also says he's the most likely to serenade a special someone with a song.
14. The guys all say that Brian is the most shy member of the group.
15. Everyone also thinks that Brian is the Backstreet Boy to get Married First. [too late]