___Love Notes


Nick says he doesn't pay a lot of attention to what he likes physically in a girl. Though he says brown is his favorite hair color for a girl, it really doesn't matter "as long as they have a good personality and they are really, really nice.


Kevin is attracted to girls who accept him as he is. Sure you're saying, "That's real tough!" But the truth is, Kevin isn't confident and camera-ready as he appears in BSB. "I'm a shy guy, and sometimes I think too much about what I'm going to say to somebody or what they are going to think," he said.

Like the other guys, he has to worry why a girl likes him. "There's a genuine fear deep down in all of us why someone's talking to you. Is it because you're Kevin or Brian or is it because you're in a group called The Backstreet Boys.


Though he looks rough on the outside, AJ admits he's a 100% romantic, down to earth dude on the inside. Take, for example, what he notices first about a female: "Their eyes. Honestly. I know most guys would not agree with me, but they first thing that I look at is eyes. I have to look into her eyes because if I could look deep past those eyes it's like WOW! And I like long hair. Short hair is just as nice, but I like long hair. Other than that, I don't care if they are fat, skinny, tall, short."


Brian says he is attracted to a girl's eyes. "Eyes are very appealing to me. I also like somebody who is interested in a career for themselves and can treat me like a normal person." Line forms to the right!


As far as romance with Howie, glum, sullen girls need not apply. "I like someone who is always looking at thing in a positive way, someone who knows what she wants in life and how to go about getting it."

She also need to be really supportive, because when he is tired and lonely on the road, he need someone who will be there in person or on the phone to cheer him up - on on.
