___Pumping Up

The wear and tear on a world famous music group (especially one that dances through most of its songs) is enormous. In a recent interview, The Backstreet Boys shed some light on how they stay in peak conditions for all tours, TV appearances, photo shoots....

"We normally try to hit the gym," said Kevin. "The cardio always helps with our vocals on stage while we're dancing."

But what happens when The Backstreet Boys are in the middle of a bone crunching tour and there's no gym in sight? "The stage keeps us in pretty good shape," said Kevin.

Not only do the Boys like to boost their heart rates in gym and on stage, but give them a hoop and they'll show you what they're made of on the court, too. "We'll try to rent out a basketball court somewhere to go play, so you can just kind of get your frustrations out," said Brian. "It's something active besides singing and dancing."

With all of this vigorous exercise, injuries are bound to happen. But the Boys are never worried about having to sit out a performance. "One of our security guards is a certified masseuse," said Kevin. "So in case we get a pulled muscle or something's out of whack, he'll give us a good hook up before the show."
