AJ Is The Talk Of The Town
Source: http://www.sacbee.com/lifestyle/news/lifestyle07_20010719.html
(Published July 19, 2001)

Backstreet Boys' heart throb A.J. McLean is in rehab for alcohol abuseand depression, and his group has postponed its stateside tour. So what's any good BSB fan to do?

Jump online and vent.

Pop music's second favorite boy-band is already the focus of dozens of Web sites, and its online message boards are brimming with reactions to BSB's forced downtime. On the band's official site -- www.backstreetboys.com -- a message board dedicated to McLean recently was filled with more than 11,000 posts.

Most fans offered their support to the fallen BSB hunk, with such subject headings as "To A.J. With Love," "In Tears," "A.J.'s Gonna Be Fine!," "Canada Is Behind You, A.J." and "Like, I'm Sad."

Many teen-poppers have also been sharing stories of, "Where were you when you heard that A.J. was going to rehab?"

At the BSB fan site www.backstreet. net, one user identified as "Trish" left the following recollection:

"I heard the news on my way home from the doctor's office. ... Last I heard A.J. was over his problems with alcohol.

"When I heard the rest of the boys explain the situation in tears (on MTV's 'TRL'), I lost it. I broke down on the phone with my boyfriend, and I couldn't stop crying.

"... All I can say is A.J. we're all praying for you."

Others have taken a more "tough love" approach, or have even taken McLean's downfall as an opportunity to bash BSB. As "Nsync-4eva" writes on www.backstreetboys.com:

"A.J.'s a dumb alcoholic who should be kicked out of the Backstreet Boys and be arrested. He smokes, too! That's a sign of weakness. He's an idiot!"

And at a message board on MTV.com, Dina from Las Cruces, N.M. says sarcastically:

"I can't believe it! A young famous person with a drinking problem? Get out of here! I don't really see what the big deal is. We all have problems. Get over it, A.J."

Despite all his problems, McLean's message board at backstreet- boys.com ranks third in popularity compared to his bandmates.

Nick Carter currently leads the pack with more than 62,000 messages on his board, while Kevin Richardson's forum is at the bottom of the heap, with a scant 3,100 posts.

--Chris Macias, Bee pop music writer