Together Forever
Source: Live&Kicking interview (issue 95 Aug 2001)
In the second part of our exclusive BSB interview, we allow the guys to get all misty-eyed as they look back over their eight - yup, count 'em - eight years together.

Q When you guys look back, is there anything you regret?

AJ: Yes! Hahaha! Some of my old haircuts were really tragic!

Kevin: I regret some of our old pictures and looks, but then again it's a learning process, and boy did we learn a lot!

Brian: We've also made some bad business decisions in the past. Being able to change them would be perfect.

Howie: You've got to live and learn!

Q Set something straight for us. L&K heard you guys were planning a duet with top weirdo Michael Jackson?

Howie: We were going to....

Kevin: We were working on it. The song was called Not For Me which is on our album. Because of all the politics it didn't happen.

Q How do you feel you're different to all the other boybands our there?

AJ: I think over the years, we've evolved our own identity. We're just ourselves and don't try to be something we're not. We don't dress up to look like dolls for one thing! We've all become strong individuals as well as becoming a strong unit, and I think that makes us different from other groups too.

Q L&K has got to ask this - how the jiggins did you convince Howie to be a girl in the vid from The Call?

Nick: He volunteered! He was desperate to do it! Haha! no, I'm just kidding!

Howie: I had to do it for the team.

Nick: He has got the long hair thang goin on tho'! Haha!

Q Nick, do you ever get bothered when people comment on yur weight?

Nick: Well, I did have a little problem with my weight and a lot of people did pick on me for it. I remember logging on to the internet once and there were people talking abut how fat I was. It hurt a lot but I got through it.

Q On a lighter note, how's yer little bro Aaron's music career going?

Nick: I just saw him two days ago at a aconcert, he's good. it's cool that he'd getting a bit older now, 'cause we can hang out more. It was kinda hard when he was eight or nine!

Brian: I saw Aaron the other day and it was like deja vu, 'cause he's 13 or 14 now, and that's how old Nick was when I first me him! Anyway, Aaron's actually a hardcore rapper now!

Q If you could change one thing in the world, what would you choose?

Nick: I know that it's not really safe to say this around these guys, but I think gas is a big problem. (others all laugh)

Nick:No, not like that! I just mean pollution! I'm gonna shut up now!

AJ: I would change people's attitude towards each other and help them to realise that we are all equal.

Brian: I would build more homeless shelters, 'cause everybody deserves a chance

Howie: I would want to find a cure to all the diseases out there.

Kevin: It starts with the planet. We're abusing the earth and now we're paying for it.

Q On this tip, you guys do a lot of charty work don't you?

AJ: I just started a brand new charity for the Diabetes Association, but we all try and get involved. nic has got involved with the ocean, and Kevin has a charity that he did on behalf of his father to try to help this whole planet, to clean it up, make our water cleaner an dmake this world a better place.

Q Who are your influences?

Howie: My sister - she gave me confidence. I started in the business with her when we were six.

AJ: My mom actually influenced me 'cause she listened to loads of different kinds of music.

Nick: My dad used to DJ at this little club so I grew up listening to all these old, old records. And I'm also influenced a lot by these guys.

Brian: I used to come home from school and I'd hear my folks practising their church songs, so gospel was a big influence for me.

Kevin: Like Brian said, church music. My mom used to sing solos in church all the time and on the way to church the whole family would be singing. And we would always be listening to the radio.

Q Finally, what keeps you guys going?

Howie: Our fans. We've had a lot of ups and downs in our eight years as a group, and to see people supporting us and coming to our concerts sitll really inspires us. The fans do a lot for us.

AJ: They are so important, and to be up on stage and see all of those faces cry, smile, sing - I wouldn't change that for the world.

Nick: Since we have been together for so long we've been able to see the same faces grow with us. Seeing all those people sticking around makes us want to stay here even longer - like forever!