__Did you know?
- The guys are talented.
- They DO sing.
- They write music.
- They play instruments. (Nick: drums/guitar, Brian: guitar/percussion, AJ: bass guitar/piano, Kevin: Piano, Howie: Acoustic guitar- for example)
- They can dance.
- They are honest with their fans.
- They deserve respect for being honest about AJ's problem. If not for anything else, it should be for this.
- The guys are nominated in 2 categories at the VMA's this year. N'Sync however, is nominated for 6. (Anyone else smell a conspiracy..last year I don't even think the guys were nominated and of course, N'Sync was. C'mon, no award for 'Show Me The Meaning'? These people are insane.
- They love doing things for people.
- Two of them are married. (Brian to Leighanne and Kevin to Kristin)
- They have had personal problems they weren't given time to deal with. (Brian's surgery, Howie's sister dying)
- They don't take shit from anyone. (Lou)
- They've been a group since April 20, 1993. That's 8 years.
- It's Backstreet not Backseat, Backdoor or any other lame ways of changing the spelling.
- They aren't gay but if they were, WHO CARES?
- Backstreet Boys do not hate N'Sync and vice versa.
- Chances are (I'm 99.9% sure) that you will NOT marry them.
- Chances are (I'm 99.9% sure) you will never meet them and the guy you talk to online who claims to be AJ (or whoever) isn't really him. *gasp*
- If you hate the Backstreet Boys, you can bow out gracefully now. No hatemail.
Most Importantly..
- You may think you know how it is for them, or just know about them. The reality is: You have no idea. Deal with it.
- They aren't perfect, *gasp* so don't get pissed if they make a mistake. They're only human.