___The Fans Speak Out about AJ

Email: ajc21_22@hotmail.com

Thoughts & Feelings: Sometimes we seem to forget that success, album sales and sold out concerts do not equal happiness. We feel that if everything is going right on the outside, and that if one is surrounded by those who love him/her, he/she will be happy. But life is never that simple. AJ is in fact a normal person like the rest of us, going through a really difficult time in his life right now, and the stress and high demands of being on road surely were not helping. I am glad that he got help, and decided to take the time off. I totally respect that, and we have to understand that not all problems can be solved in 30 days. AJ needs to take all the time he needs, because the Backstreet fans want the best for him, and will wait patiently until he has recovered. And remember - even the darkest hour is only 60 minutes long.
-Love for AJ from JA

Email: chill_dog55@hotmail.com

Thoughts & Feelings: AJ,
I want you to know that your forever in my heart, and I am so sad that this is happening to you that I haven't been able to stop crying. I am supporting you 100% and I'll alway be a fan of AJ McLean, and the Backstreet Boys. you are in my prayers, and I want you to know that I have faith in you, and that I know that I will never meet you in person but we are all brother and sister on this earth, and I've seen you in my dreams enough that I somethimes look for you to be beside me but I know thats never gonna happen, and thats ok with me. I feel like I am in heaven when I hear you sing, all of my problems just fade away, and I am up dancing around. AJ you are the Greatest and don't let what anyone says about you or BSB get you down because you can't please the world so why try? I wish you the best please get well ASAP we miss and Love you. I am keeping The AJ Pride Alive, as well as The Backstreet Pride. AJ, I am proud of you and my love for you shall always be ! unconditional, and without limits. I'd love you even if you wasn't a singer because you seem like your so real, your a dude that I would go for cause there is nothing to not love about you. AJ we miss you, you sweet thang. Get Well soon baby. may your life be filled with Peace, True Love, Great Friends, and a wonderful Family, kisses and hugs xoxo Donna supports you all the way baby! Keep on fighting the fight for we are with you! c'ya back on video soon I hope. I Love You AJ BSB 4 ever!

Email: ab126@hotamil.com

Thoughts & Feelings: Aj-
What words can a person use to describe you? Unique? Breathtaking? Amazing? Now that I think about it, Amazing IS the best word for you. You are an amazing person Aj. I know I've never met you, but your personality looks... just so amazing, words cant even describe. You are a strong person Aj, and I know you will make it through this, and I can't wait until you are back- Be true to your feelings, and don't come back unless you are Completely ready okay? The wait is WORTH knowing you will come back at 100%. You have already beat this by getting help, Aj. We love you!! Love, Annie

Email: charmed1320@hotmail.com

Thoughts & Feelings: I love you AJ. I always will. Pull thru baby!

Email: onlyinyou@hotmail.com

Thoughts & Feelings: It is understandable that in such an environment, many celebrities with seek no other way out of stress but through drugs and alcohol. Thanks God, Drugs is not AJ's case. Anxiety and depression can lead to a devastating ending and I think that the cancellation of the tour for treatment is the best alternative. AJ, we love you and we are behind you through all this 1,000 %. You are a strong individual and we know you are going to make it. We Love you!

Email: pigglet51@hotmail.com

Thoughts & Feelings: I love you AJ you rox get better soon!!!!!! :o) I love you guys since the beginning you guys are the best KTBSPA 4 ever and get better son I'm praying for you always.
Luv your biggest fan

Leslie Green

Email: tweetypie2k12001@yahoo.co.uk

Thoughts & Feelings: Hey big guy! you'll get through this with all the love for you! no-one can count how much love all the fans have for you, and the guys you'll get through this! I have the faith!
Get well soon ChuckiE!!

Email: ten_thousand_promises@hotmail.com

Thoughts & Feelings: All I have to say is if you really want it you can achieve it......is you really want to quit your smoking, quit drinking you just have to work hard, just like you did to become part of the BSB...nothing in life is easy. I do not know what lead you to the drinking...but that is not the answer to your problems......Animo!!!!!!
Espero que te mejores pronto y nos vemos en el concierto.......I love your voice......tienes una voz maravillosa


Email: jerica_juelsgaard@hotmail.com

Thoughts & Feelings: Me and my sister love you!!!! if you would email me I would love it!!!!!!! and email my sister at jessica_juelsgaard69@hotmail.com!!!!




Email: sberna@worldnet.att.net

Thoughts & Feelings: AJ, We love you so much!!  I hope you recover really soon and can get back up on your feet.  You have done so many things for us and I'm very thankful for everything!!  THANKS!!


Email: davi22285@aol.com

Thoughts & Feelings: AJ, Man, I've noticed how much you've been down since your grandma passed away, and I am very sorry from the bottom of my heart! I know how bad it is to loose someone that was close to you, and the Backstreet Boys helped me through it. Your music inspired me so much and taught me that life does go on.....Hang in there buddy, your fans are here for you! Love ya!

Email: sparkles3003@yahoo.com

Thoughts & Feelings: AJ IS SOO HOTTTTTTTTTT!!!  I went to a concert when I was 8 and all I would look at was AJ I mean he has like changed my life. I am a different style because I just love it. well I don't know what else to say but he is soooooooo hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! G2G



Email: amdrummer26@hotmail.com

Thoughts & Feelings: It's great that AJ wants to get better. I think he deserves to be happy because he is a great guy, he is great to his fans and such a good friend to BSB.


Email: meredith_12@hotmail.com

Thoughts & Feelings: I'm really glad AJ admitted to his problem, they're are a lot of people who cant. my dad has alcoholism and I've suffered with depression so I understand what AJ is going through. all we can do is show him love and support through this rough time. we know BSB will come off of this stronger and better! good luck to AJ and the rest.

Email: flirty_chica21@tellmeimcute.com

Thoughts & Feelings: I love AJ and I don't know why he did this and I don't really care why! All I want is for him to get better! even if it means postponed or maybe even cancelled shows! I hope you get better AJ....your fans are gonna be with you all the way! We love you! hope you get better(*sniff*)

Love Always your biggest fan,

Email: becca_w_03@yahoo.com

Thoughts & Feelings: AJ, you are great! I'll be praying for you. You and the BSB's have been such a great band. Love ya lots! :o)

Email: reservation_chick00@yahoo.com

Thoughts & Feelings: OK........let's start this. First and foremost, I love you AJ Now I know you probably hear that all the time and never really think much of it but I mean it with all my heart. I hope and pray that you will be alright and I hope you don't leave the band any time soon. I don't know what caused your depression, but I'm trying my hardest to figure it out. It seems to me that you have anything and everything I could imagine having. You have millions of people on this earth that love and care about you as if they knew you all your life. Believe me, I'm one of those people. I don't think you can grasp just how much we fans depend on you to continue to travel around the world and come to our towns just to sing for us. You change our lives just with you music. I really wish you could be in my mind for one day, especially the day when I heard the news. You wouldn't believe what goes on. We love and care about you more than you know and we pray for the best for you. We love you always.


Email: dianajuliette@verizon.net

Thoughts & Feelings: I really cared about AJ. I am so sorry that this happened to him i wish him the best of luck and give him lots of love. 

Diana his favorite fan love you AJ


Email: nick_19_babygirl@yahoo.com

Thoughts & Feelings: I think it took AJ ALOT of guts to come out and tell the guys that he had a problem. It takes a real man to do that even though he already is. This shows all of his fans that you can't handle your problems all by yourself that you just need to ask for help once in a while.  GET WELL SOON AJ !!!!!!!!!!


Email: kenyan_kiwano_chica@hotmail.com

Thoughts & Feelings: Hey everyone...when I found out about AJ I was so sad.  I think it's awesome that he made it public so us fans would know, too. So anyway, I just wanted to say, get well soon AJ!  We love you!  


Email: revolution_chic19@yahoo.com

Thoughts & Feelings: To all you Backstreet Boys,

I hope you all can get through this with a happy ending! I think it's cool that you all are in this together to help AJ. We love you all and wish the best. AJ it was good that you were able to say you had a problem I know some people who denied to their problems and got worse. I believe that all your fans are behind you on what ever you choose to do, including meeh! Great thanks from my head to my toes and straight to my heart!!!!!!
love always,

Beverly A.
p.s. high hopes, ok !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Email: backstreetbrokgirl15@yahoo.com

Thoughts & Feelings: AJ, I know what you are going through, just with your grandmother's death. Even now, after 2 years, I don't think I have accepted my grandfather's fully. But, you and Backstreet helped me more. Without that, I don't know what would have happened. Please, get well very soon. I am behind you 100% and always will be. Your personality always makes me laugh and smile. I love your singing voice... Thank you for helping my life. Now it's time for me and all the other BSB fans to do the same for you. We will always be there; never forget that. I love you AJ. I'll be praying.



Email: Rhonda Doss

Thoughts & Feelings: I just want to say that this may have shocked, upset, and hurt a lot of fans to hear that AJ had to go into rehab because of this problem, but if all of us pray for him and hope for the best in this situation, everything will be fine. I'm gonna pray for AJ tonight when I go to bed, and every night until he gets out of rehab, and that I know that he's ok and doing well. I'm gonna get closer to prayer more than I have ever been before because I want to see everything turn out on the bright side, the positive side... No matter what, I'm always gonna love AJ, he has impacted my life and all of our lives with his wonderful singing voice and songs that he has wrote, and let's not forget the way he's impacted us with all those smiles we see on his face!! :) If we stick with God and stick with prayer, God will make sure everything turns out ok!!


Email: baybelilangel@aol.com

Thoughts & Feelings: I'm very proud of AJ for being such a strong person and realizing he has a problem and going out to seek help. It's not that easy for everyone to do that. I'm also glad that BSB trust their fans and are loyal enough to go and tell us the truth. They know that we'll always be there for them and support them through anything. AJ will be in my prayers, as well as the whole group.


Email: martine192000@yahoo.co.uk

Thoughts & Feelings: Good luck and get well mate.


Email: anonymous

Thoughts & Feelings: I have never been a huge Backstreet Boys fan, but they are an inspiration to me. I cried when I saw Nick, Howie, Kevin, and Brian on MTV. My reaction was of mixed feelings: a glimmer of hope, sadness, and shock. From what I know, AJ is a wonderful person, and to say the least, very talented. Seeing someone with depression get help, who means so much to so many people, is a true inspiration. Over the past year I have suffered with Manic Depression, but knowing that help is right around the corner is truly uplifting. For that I want to thank AJ. It is the hardest thing in the world to admit a problem, and I commend you. You deserve a lot better, and it is good that you knew that. I know BSB will survive, along with AJ. I wish AJ a speedy recovery, and my prayers will also be with him and the Backstreet Boy's, along with hundreds, if not, thousands of other people's. Best of luck with everything, and once again, thanks.


Email: aprettyangel1982@aol.com

Thoughts & Feelings: I have been a fan for 5 years. Practically growing up with the BSB. Your songs help me through the roughest times in my life. Us fans love you guys..And we wish nothing but the best for you AJ. I personally applaud you. It takes a lot to admit when you have a problem, and it takes a lot to get help. I hope you can get through this, Your fans, friends, and family love you very much. Please remember that..
Your Canadian Fan for 5 years..and counting.


Email: bsb_rocks_my_world_forever_2001@yahoo.com

Thoughts & Feelings: I love you AJ!!!! I hope you get better!!!! You will always be in my prayers and I support you all the way!!!! I look up to you and the other guys so much!!!! I love you so much!!!!


Email: aliciac_7@hotmail.com

Thoughts & Feelings: I just want AJ to know he will always be loved, if not by millions than at least by me. I will love him no matter what he does, I'm just glad he made the choice to get help when he knew he needed it. It takes a strong man to admit he has a problem, and AJ is a very strong man to be able to admit it in the kind of spot light he is in. I just wish I could be more than a fan right now so I could be there with him helping him get through this and hold his hand so he knows how much I care about  him and want him to get better. That's about all I can say in words about how I feel about AJ, so god bless and goodnight! I love you AJ with all my heart and soul and always will.


Email: kera_aj33@yahoo.com

Thoughts & Feelings: Even though I don't know him or probably ever will, AJ McLean is one of the coolest guys I've ever heard, or seen. this news has broken all of our hearts and especially mine! AJ, you are very strong and I know you can get through this.


Email: malaangel2@netscape.net

Thoughts & Feelings: I really love AJ and I think he is really hot. I was supposed to go to their concert July 9th but it was cancelled :o( I had a back stage pass too :o( well I hope AJ gets better real
soon bye.


Email: bsb4eva27@Hotmail.com

Thoughts & Feelings: At first I was shocked, because I thought it was going to be something about nick, but then I saw that AJ wasn't there and I was like uh oh something is wrong with AJ, seriously I was up all that night crying off and on because recently I have became a REAL big AJ fan. He is such a sweetheart, and it shows you that even the most famous, talented, good looking people can have their own problem; I really respect him and love him for telling the guys about this, it takes a lot of strength to tell people you care that you have a problem, and it just shows how really wonderful AJ is as a person. My hopes and prayers go out to him, and I hope for a speedy recovery so I can keep buying his music, and seeing his smiling face in concert more. GET BETTER AJ!!!!!!!! Love ya 4 ever. KTBSPA


Email: funkymonkeybritt@aol.com

Thoughts & Feelings: We are all here supporting you and wish you the best. You have helped me through my tough times, hanging on my wall, making CD's for us. When my parents split up recently I was really upset and when I switched on your CD I felt better, especially listening to "More than that." If you are reading this thank you!! You have made all my problems blow away and all my good times stay forever. So if AJ ever happens to stop by this site, THANK YOU! And were here for you!


Email: elyse2003Bsb@aol.com

Thoughts & Feelings: AJ........just the sound of his name makes me cry.  From the moment I saw him I knew that I loved him and I still do.  I want Alex to know that no matter what happens I will support him! I love you AJ!!!

Email: bsb_duck513@yahoo.com

Thoughts & Feelings: AJ, I will always love you and admire you. I wish you the best. Hope you get well and I can't wait to see you in concert!! Best wishes!!

Email: bsbbaby_2001@yahoo.com

Thoughts & Feelings: You are very special to everyone of your fans. So be strong and come back soon! We love you!
Love always,


Email: nickshugestfan@excite.com

Thoughts & Feelings: AJ will get thru this in no time, and if he does need a lot of time we will give it to him! He has ALWAYS been there for us and we need to do the same for him. If you wanna send him a card or letter then go to MTV.com and you can get the addy from the thing w/ his mum! Love ya AJ!

Email: fesha99@hotmail.com

Thoughts & Feelings: AJ, I support you through this very rough time in your life. I share your feelings because not long ago I lost one of my close friends. This is a very emotional time, all you can do is just pray to God for strength to get through this  and if you feel like crying then let it out and if you feel like smiling then smile the biggest smile you've got. All of your fans are here for you and if you need a shoulder to cry on then my shoulder is here for you. You will get through this, you are a very strong man and I truly believe in you.
#1 supporter, Fleicia
