Top 10 Reasons Jamie Loves Howie

10. How Howie is so sweet and generous, it makes you so proud to be a backstreet fan.
9.  How you felt when you heard Howie actually got to sing on the Millennium album.
8.   When you hear Howie sing "My Heart Stays With You" you realize he actually has an amazing voice.
7.  His abs.. 'nuff said.
6.  When he says "stuff like that" you can't help but smile :)
5.  Howie's teeth in the Everybody video..and his fake bite.. that was adorably cute.
4.  The way he said "I'm single Ladies" on the MTV show before making the video of SOMH.
3.  The way in the Orlando Special.. he ever so subtly tried to make the audience think the band actually screwed was a nice try How-dog
2.  How is the business-man of the group.. he keeps things in order.. thanks howie
1.   The way he smiles when he winks, as though its involuntary.. *wink* *smile*, *wink* *smile, etc.