Top 10 Reasons to be a BSB Fan

10. Howie
9.  Kevin
8.   AJ
7.  Nick
6.  Brian
5.  The way they always try to please the fans.. as though its their only duty in life.
4.  The way they feel free to not hide their relationships from the fans, because they're so confident in their talent so they know it won't matter. (it doesn't)
3.  The way you wait for a new song to come out to call in to TRL and request it a million gazillion times, even though you know its already planned out, but just in case, you're gonna try your hardest to make sure BSB is at #1 where they belong and not some other *cough* gay group.
2.  The way you feel when you hear them sing their solos, for those few moments, all the world seems right.
1.   How when you hear them sing the National Anthem, it makes you so damn proud to be an American.