Top 10 Reasons Annie Loves Kevin

10) If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have Brian!! :(

9) Kevin is so sweet to fans!

8) MAY I MENTION: If it wasn't for Kevin, the BSB wouldn't have DROPPED THEIR PANTS for the Rolling Stone Cover. May I say, THANK GOD FOR KEVIN RICHARDSON!!!

7)He wrote "Back To Your Heart" (my fave off Millennium) along with Its True, both songs are amazingly beautiful!

6)He came up with the Idea for the Everybody video!

5) He is so PROUD to be Brian's cousin. HOW DAMN CUTE!

4)He loved his dad so much, and *to Kevin*- Im sure you will be just as good of a man as you say he was!!

3)The way he made fun of how tight his riding pants were on the Disney Concert (lmao) *Tight is good* :)

2) He called Aj a dildo on the BSB Diary and it was Hella funny!! :)

1)Kevin is a wonderful singer with a nice body. :) Like the other 5. :)