Top Ten Reasons to hate Christina Aguilera
10.   She's as thin as a frickin' toothpick! Get some meat on your bones girl, you look anorexic.

9.   She changes her eye color like she changes her underwear (we hope) ! We can't keep track anymore!

8.   Her hair! UGH, one day its short, the next day its long. "Like I can't look the same everday, oh my god that is so UNCOOL!"

7.  Did I mention she's as thin as a toothpick? Oh I did..jus' checkin!

6.   Her voice is terrific but its what she does with it when she adds in her own crap that makes me wanna vomit!--That's why Britney is my favorite!

5.   Her crushes come and go with the frickin day. One minute she likes Fred Durst, then she likes Eminem...hell tomorrow it'll be Marilyn Manson!

4.   When Fred Durst said he sang with her for the nookie, she's like, yeah right you'd never get it, but YOU KNOW she wants to bang him! I can tell!

3.   She's a Britney wannabe...--in my opinion!

2.   She's an American pop star, yet everytime she performs (Grammy's for example), she sings in Espanol. SCUSE ME but I thought the language in AMERICA was English or maybe I'm mistaken. Nope, I'm an American citizen, I was born here, and I'm pretty DAMN sure it's English. Try singing it for a while, its nice I guarantee it! Hell you might even LIKE it and decide to keep singing in English...HEY Miracles can happen!

1.   She's got the mouth of a frickin' walrus, and yet all she uses it for is to bash other artists. Why not use it for something worth while *looks around to see if she is the only one thinking sick* You sit there and say that Jive should be embarassed to have their name on the new CD. HAHAHHAA what they SHOULD be embarassed about is your candy ass even being on their label, in the same league as BSB or Britney. You don't even compare hun. You have talent sure, but you have NO personality! We'll see when your new album comes out how DIFFERENT it is from your last one, and then we'll see whose sells more, Britney's or YOURS! I'll be waiting...