Top 10 Reasons Why Jamie Loves AJ
10.   The way he looks in a backwards baseball hat and glasses... oh and add a wife beater... HELLO!!

9.    The way he adds his own special "flavor" to live shows.

8.    The way his hair changes as often as most of us change our underwear.

7.    His nickname is "boner"-nuff said.

6.    His neatly shaven goatee, that seems to be different everytime you see him.

5.    His performance of "Lay Down Beside Me" on the Homecoming Special.

4.    His "69" Tattoo around his belly button.

3.    His little dance in the shoe store on the Disney Special.

2.    The way he doesn't care what people think.

1.    He's a lunatic, he's just....AJ!!