Top 10 Reasons Why Jamie Loves Brian
10.   How in the official book the caption he wrote for the As Long As You Love Me Video he put, directed by Nigel Dick, "Where I met the rest of my life" --if you couldn't tell, he was talking about Leigh-Anne

9.    Lil' Tyke--he's so cute.

8.    The way he purposely threw a gutter ball to let AJ win the bowling game on the Disney Special.

7.    His bright baby blue eyes.

6.    The way he finds all the cameras around anywhere just so he can say "hello" and jump into them.

5.    The way he ever so adorabley did two impressions on Backstreet TV on MTV.. (the one of the foreign girl- "I think you're really funky dancers and then of the dad driving the girl from Monroe, WI to NY).

4.    The way you feel when you hear him sing "Mmmm bop I've got clean socks, yeah, Mmmm bop Clorox Rocks!"

3.    How him and Nickay are so close...(Frick -n- Frack).

2.    His love for cheese!!

1.    The way he never messes up dancing live, and sounds exactly the same on CD and live, or better