<PiCtUrEs Of FriEnDs
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PiCtUrEs Of FriEnDs

Here is Sam Dewey and Tab Johnston

Amber Schnetzer, Tab Johnston, and Me (Amanda)

Me (Amanda), Kristen Menard, Kayla DeRocher, Lindsay Heeren, Lindsay Klemme, and Grace Pokela

Krystal Gabel and Me (Amanda)

Sam Dewey and Tab Johnston

Lindsay Heeren

Amber Schnetzer and Tabitha Johnston

Sam Dewey

Matt and Jasmine

Dennis Price

Heath McManaman

Here's Big Kern!! ;O)

Lyle Stinton and Samantha Dewey

Kristen Menard

Amanda Evelyn

Macy Swanson

Me (Amanda) and Tab

Back Row: Jessica Harvey, Tonia Watkins, Me (Amanda) Front Row: Kayla DeRocher, Lindsay Heeren, Ashley Clarey

Me and Lindsay

Email: oomandyoo@hotmail.com