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Kickstarting this baby.
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Saturday, 7 February 2004
Google ads.
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Topic: Kickstarting this baby.
Have chosen Adsense from google and am awaiting approval. I've used this service before and it's one of the least invasive revenue generators. No popups or irrelevant ads. They should be more or less space or nuclear related. The advertiser,sponsor and readers all get a better deal that way. As soon as my first cheque arrives I'll post the funding status. My name is Wayne Smith by the way. I should put a link here somewhere to the website.
I first tried to start an Orion fund years ago and was a little overwhelmed by the impossible regulations involved. It seems to me that governments around the world are doing their very best to choke all creativity and entrepreneurial spirit out of the masses. They achieve this with jungles of red tape and legal fees only Bill Gates can afford to shelve out. I researched every loophole. Charities, non-profit organisations and even other countries where laws governing the solicition of funds might be more sane. It was just too difficult so I redirected my energies toward simply promoting the concept. Now I'm going back to the original plan. I'm sure that this could prove the best way to promote Orion anyway. A lot has happened since I first founded the Pro_Nuclear Space Movement. The movie 'Deep Impact' they used the orion propulsion system to reach the deadly asteroid threatening earth. That was the one without Bruce Willis. Freeman Dyson's son George has written a very concise and interesting novel about Project Orion called surprisingly enough 'PROJECT ORION', which instantly achieved more promotion of the concept than I was able to bring about in the preceding 5 years. I put copies of the book covers used on the front page of the website and it's available through most good book stores including Amazon, Barnes and Noble etc. In fact if you do a search on Project Orion the amazon site will probably pop up as number two on the list of websites given. My own website generally shows up at number 3 but I'm hoping to hijack the top spot shortly. I really should get a shopping page up and going. Not just for my own merchandise but everything relating to Orion. There are a number of good fictional novels out there and Scott Lowther used to make scale models of Orion. So much to do.

Posted by stars2/projectorion at 11:17 AM EADT
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