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Trivia of the Day Blog
Friday, February 29, 2008
Trivia 2/29




Answer for 2/28:


DENKs is an acronym for what?


Dual-Employed, No Kids, which refers to a family consisiting of spouses who both work and have no children. They are a prime target of luxury items and investments, due to their larger amount of disposable income. Some players mentioned they knew the terms as DINKs, Dual-Income, No Kids. I don't know why there are two versions, maybe people prefer being called DENKs and not DINKs.


61 players answered correctly.




Question for 2/29:


Which is the name given to a person born on Leap Day, February 29th:

(A) Leaper

(B) Leapling

(C) Leap Lad/Lass

(D) Leappie



Do you know the answer?
Send it to me at

Posted by stars2/quizz2000 at 8:18 AM EST
Updated: Friday, February 29, 2008 8:19 AM EST
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