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Trivia of the Day Blog
Friday, April 25, 2008
Trivia for 4/25
Answer for 4/24:
The Vasa (or Wasa) is one of Sweden's most popular tourist attractions. What is interesting about the sailing history of this ship from the 1620's?
The ship sank less than a nautical mile into her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628. Numerous attempts to retrieve the ship or it's cargo were fruitless, until in was finally recovered in 1961. It is now a museum ship, and has attracted more than 25 million visitors.
53 players answered correctly.
Question for 4/25:
In imagery, what is "The Droste Effect"?
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Posted by stars2/quizz2000 at 7:39 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, April 25, 2008 7:40 AM EDT
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