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Trivia of the Day Blog
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Trivia for 9/10
Answer for 9/9:
50 years ago this year, Ed Wood unleashed his "Plan 9 from Outer Space" on movie goers. The convoluted plot revolved around aliens and their attempt to get humans to accept their presence by implementing "Plan 9".
What did the aliens' Plan 9 involve, more or less?
"Plan 9" involved the resurrection of the recently dead by stimulating their pituitary glands, to gain the attention of humans, to hopefully stop them from creating a sun-driven bomb called Solaranite in the future. Still does't make much sense. The film has had a reputation as being the "worst movie ever made". Regardless, a remake is on tap to start shooting next year.
48 players answered correctly.
Question for 9/10:
In England, what was the first Football League (Premier League) squad in 115 years to go unbeaten for an entire season:
(A) Arsenal
(B) Liverpool F.C.
(C) Manchester United
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Posted by stars2/quizz2000 at 6:47 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:48 AM EDT
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