I'm Not Your Steppin' Stone
i'm not your steppin' stone - part three
<i>Part Three</i>
<p>“Hey Anne! Wait!” Davy called out. She stopped and waited impatiently for him to catch up. ”Ey, why’d you run out so fast?”
<p>“’Cuz I wanted to.” She shrugged and continued her way back to the house.
<p>“Oh. Well, you shouldn’t worry about Mike. He’s always going off like that.”
<p>“I’m not worried.”
<p>“But you’re upset.”
<p>“I’m not upset either.”
<p>“Then why are you acting like you’re mad at me?”
<p>“I’m not mad at you, or anything, okay? I just don’t want you around me.” She snapped as they reached her doorstep.
<p>“Fine!” Davy growled. “Bitch.” He muttered, turning around.
<p>“Why am <i>I</i> the jerk?” His eyes widened then narrowed as Anne remained on her doorstep, smirking.
<p>“You walk around with this arrogant air about you, like ‘oh, no girl can resist my charms, I’m so cute’ and it’s so obvious. I could do us <i>both</i> a favor by pricking your swelled head with a pin.”
<p>“You’re doing a good job of deflating me…” He admitted.
<p>“What about you, though? You go around thinking you’re so smart-”
<p>“So? I am. It’s a fact. If you want a hopeless idiot, I’m not the one you should be pursuing.”
<p>“You know what? I don’t think I like you.”
<p>“I’m crushed.”
<p>Then Davy leaped up on the doorstep and they began kissing each other fervently as Anne tugged him inside and slammed the door shut.
<p>“Mike?” Gwen knocked on the upstairs door.
<p>“What?” He snapped from inside.
<p>“Can I come in?”
<p>“No.” So Gwen opened the door and went inside anyway.
<p>“I just said no-“
<p>“I don’t care.”
<p>“So are you <i>all</i> like that?”
<p>“Yeah, at times.” She kept standing there by the foot of his bed, and he motioned for her to sit down when he realized she wasn’t going anywhere. “So why are so pissed?”
<p>“Why am I so pissed?” He looked at her as if she were the stupidest person on earth. “You’re friend was just a complete…”
<p>“Okay, man, you need a dose of reality. Not everyone you meet is gonna be sweet-as-pie. It’s as if you’re living in some warped television dimension, where the evil villains are the only mean people and all your friends are the good guys that can do no wrong. Life isn’t all black and white, you know. You take the bad with the good. And stop taking yourself so seriously, the only way you can live happily is to laugh at yourself.” She folded her arms, quite pleased with how smart she had just sounded.
<p>“Like you’re so experienced.” Mike scoffed, picking up his guitar and strumming it quietly.
<p>“Here, can I see that?” She asked, motioning to his instrument. (His guitar, you sick-minded freak!)
<p>“Uh, yeah-but be careful-“ He mumbled, handing it over. She began to play a melody.
<br>is all that you can't say
<br>years gone by and still
<br>words don't come easily
<br>like sorry like sorry
<p>Forgive me
<br>is all that you can't say
<br>years gone by and still
<br>words don't come easily
<br>like forgive me forgive me
<p>But you can say baby
<br>baby can I hold you tonight?
<br>Maybe if I told you the right words
<br>at the right time you'd be mine
<p>I love you
<br>is all that you can't say
<br>years gone by and still
words don't come easily
<br>Like I love you I love you.”*</i></center>
<p>When she was finished she smiled at Mike and handed him back his guitar.
<p>“I didn’t know you could play…and sing.”
<p>“Yup. I can.”
<p>“Well, yeah. You don’t have to re-state the obvious.”
<p>“It’s what I do best.”
<p>“What? Playing the guitar?”
<p>“No, stating the obvious.”
<p>“Oh. Did you write that song?”
<p>“Nope. Anne did.**” He looked at her with shock.
<p>“You mean <i>that</i> sentimental stuff came from her?”
<p>“She wrote it after she broke up with Theodore.”
<p>“Ah, I see. It’s pretty good.”
<p>“Yeah, it’s June’s favorite. Anne actually doesn’t like it all that much, but it’s one of the few I’ve completely mastered the chords for.” She grinned sheepishly. They sat in silence for awhile, the only sound coming from Mike playing Gwen’s song.
<p>“I can’t believe you can play it so quickly, just from listening to it once!” Gwen blurted out, breaking both the silence and Mike’s thoughts.
<p>“I can do that with most anything.”
<p>“Well, it’s not fair.” She pouted jokingly.
<p>“Do you really think the guys and me are good?” Mike said abruptly.
<p>“Of what I heard, yeah! Micky has a nice singing voice, and you play the guitar great. I only got to hear one song when you threw that hissy fit, though.”
<p>“Um, do you wanna come to our gig tomorrow night?” He asked non-chalantly.
<p>“Sure. I’ll ask June if she wants to come too.”
<p>“Oh. Yeah.” He mumbled. “I mean, do you want to do something afterward, like go out?”
<p>“Okay. Groovy.” And they both looked down at the floor, smiling to themselves.
<p>June and Gwen left soon after that, uncertain on whether the night had been a success or disaster.
<p>“I can’t <i>believe</i> Anne did that.” June spouted angrily,
<p>“Hmm. Yeah.” Gwen answered distractedly.
<p>“I mean, she managed to insult nearly everyone we met-and we’ve only lived in this damn apartment for one day!”
<p>“One day. That’s right.”
<p>“I’m just glad Micky and Peter weren’t that upset.”
<p>“That upset. Oh no.”
<p>“Did I forget to mention that while you and Mike were upstairs Peter, Micky and I engaged in a very entertaining orgy?”
<p>“Entertaining orgy. Uh huh. Wait-<i>what!?</i>” Gwen stopped dead in her tracks.
<p>“You haven’t listened to a word I’ve said!”
<p>“I know. I’m sorry-but Mike asked me out! Oh, and he wants us to see them play at a gig tomorrow night.”
<p>“Coolass! Grr, I hate you for getting me hooked on that word, you know.”
<p>“You guys didn’t really have an orgy, did you?”
<p>“Gwen! Of course not! Do I seem like the orgy type?”
<p>“No, but I was just checking.”
<p>“Uh huh. Sure.” They walked inside their apartment to find Davy putting on his clothes and leaving quickly.
<p>“Mm…hi Davy.” Gwen greeted, smirking.
<p>“Uh, hello Gwen. I was just leaving.” And he rushed out of the house as fast as his little legs could carry him.
<p>"Bye Davy."
<p>“Anne Rachel Tyler!” June’s eyes widened as she realized what had just occurred.
<p>“Yeah?” Anne appeared at the top of the stairs.
<p>“You didn’t just…?”
<p>“Is he good?” Gwen giggled.
<p>“Henrietta Gwendolyn Lewis! Augh!” June threw her hands up in frustration and stalked into her room.
<p>“Don’t <i>ever</i> use my full name again!” Gwen grumbled loudly to her friend, then turned her attention back to Anne. “Well?”
<p>She shrugged. “He was okay. I don’t really like him, though.”
<p>“He seems nice enough.”
<p>“Well, he is nice and all-“
<p>“I think hell will freeze over before you ever date a non-jerk.” Gwen rolled her eyes.
<p>“Not true! Theodore wasn’t a-oh, yeah, he was.”
<p>“What about Dimwit?”
<p>“<i>Dmitri</i>.” Anne corrected huffily.
<p>“And Carl?”
<p>“Okay, Carl wasn’t a jerk.”
<p>“That’s right. He ended up being gay and running off with Tom, right?”
<p>“You don’t have to remind me.”
<p>“But it’s so much fun!”
<p>“You’re such a good friend.”
<p>“I know.” She smiled and bopped Anne on the head with a pillow.
<p><i>*"Baby Can I Hold You" written by Tracy Chapman
<p>**Does the song seem familiar? That's cuz it was written by Tracy Chapman, circa 1983. I know that it wasn't written yet at the time this story takes place, but I'm sorry, I really like the song and wanted to use it. I do not own the rights to it.</i>
<p><a href="/stars2/reesie/steppinstone4.html">Part Four</a>
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