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Here are the enemies in the first RE.
Zombie: These things seem harder in this first game.
Cerberus: These dogs are like zombies, which then name them zombie dogs. They are fast, and will kill you in large numbers if you are not quick to move.
Spiders: What's the mst annoying thing about them? When they die. Smaller spiders jump out of their carcasses and attack you.
Plant 42: This plant was injected with the T-Virus, causing it to mutant. Studies have shown that it has a mind of its own. Due to a water leakage this thing grew many times larger than any other plant. Shoot its roots to make it weaker.
Bees: These things sound annoying, and are annoying. They buzz around you and poison you if you're not careful.
Chimera: Umbrella must be out of their minds when they created these freaks of nature. They climb onto the ceiling and attack you from behind. Blast them dead before they get to you.
Hunter: Beware of these things, kill them A.S.A.P.
Snake Boss: This boss killed me, the best of the best, about 4 or 5 times. If you've got the bazooka and lots of rounds for it, USE IT. You'll also want maybe the serum and some green herbs. You must kill this boss, as it leaves you a very important item......
Neptune: This shark is fast in water, and will easily kill you if you're not fast enough. Lower the water it's in and it won't be able to do anything.
Tyrant: Only killable with the one weapon Brad Vickers will drop you.
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