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Zombies: Never played this game, so I'll assume they're still the same.
Cerberus: Still the same dumb, easy, and annoying dogs.
Bats: One shot'll but them out of your misery.
Spiders: It's kind of a cheap trick enlarging critters that already exist.
Moths: Anooying and easy to kill. Another bad example of something already around that was enlarged.
Albinoid: This critter is no threat to you in this puny for with no arms or legs. Wait'll you see it again......
Adult Albinoid: This boss is the albinoid you saw earlier. Blast it dead like the others!!!!
Bandersnatchers: These big things are slow, so kill them.
Hunters: Again, kill them before they kill you.
The Gulp Worm: Kill this before it eats you.
Tyrant-078: Instead of being the final boss, I think this one's the first one.
Nosferatu: Shoot the guy in the heart and he'll make this game a whole lot easier. Use the Sniper and stay away from this one. He used to be Alexia and Alfred's father, before they preformed some T-Veronica experiments on him.
Alexia: The boss of this game wants to kill you for no reason.
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