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September 29, 1998: Jill grabbed on to a branch sticking out of the mountain. “Barry!” she yelled. He also had grabbed on to a branch. “Are you alright?!” Barry looked up at Jill. “I think so!” he yelled back. “It’s still a long way down! Do you have a plan?!” Jill thought about that. “Attach your shooting rope around the branch!” yelled Jill. “Then jump!” Barry did as he was told. He flew down the rest of the mountain and landed safely. “Come on!” he yelled. Jill jumped and and also landed safely. “What do we do now?” asked Barry. “Well,” said Jill. “We can’t go back up into the building, so I guess we have no choice. Let’s head back to the city. Alright?” Barry was staring past Jill. “Jill....,” he said. Jill turned around. Suddenly, her eyes widened. “Let’s go,” she said. “Now!” RESIDENT EVIL 2: The G Virus RACCOON CITY LIMITS. Population: 200,200. Leon Scott Kennedy, had just arrived into town. The sign he was just reading was all bent and had patches of blood on it. Once he reached downtown, he got out of his jeep. He looked down at a dead body. “Boy,” he said. “It’s my first day of work at R.P.D., and things are already going crazy!” He decided he would explore the city a bit. Walking down a nearby alley, he heard a scream come from the door in front of him. He got out his handgun and pointed it at the door. Suddenly, the door swung open revealing a teenage girl, with a Zombie behind her. “Get down!” Leon yelled. The girl ducked down and Leon shot the Zombie in the neck. Then the girl ran into his arms. “Thanks,” she said. “No problem,” replied Leon. “Get off me!” yelled a truck driver. The Zombie flew out the window. “That guy’s a maniac!” he yelled. “Why’d he bite me?!” He pulled out of the gas station. Three Zombies were chasing Leon and the girl. “In there!” he yelled, pointing to a crashed police car. They got in and drove off. “So,” said Leon. “What is your name and how’d you get here?” “My name is Claire,” replied the girl. “Claire Redfield. I’m here because my brother Chris is missing. I rode his motorbike he kept at our family house to get here.” “Chris Redfield,” Leon repeated. “I’ve heard of that name.” “Really?” Claire asked, interested. “Yeah,” replied Leon. “He’s one of the S.T.A.R.S. at R.P.D.” “Oh,” said Claire. “Great,” Leon said. “The radio’s out.” “You’re a cop, right?” asked Claire. “Yeah,” Leon replied. “First day on the job, great huh? The name’s Leon Kennedy,” he replied. “Look inside the glove compartment and take what you see.” Claire opened the glove compartment. “A gun,” she said, loading it. “Better take it with you,” suggested Leon. Suddenly, a Zombies attacked Leon from the back seat. “WOAH!!!” he yelled, trying to steer the car. Then he slammed on the brakes, and the Zombie flew out the window. “That was close,” he said, looking at the rear-view mirror. There was a truck speeding down the street. Leon looked at the driver. He was a Zombie. “Get out!” Leon yelled. They jumped out of the car, and the truck smashed into it, creating an explosion, and then a fire. “Claire!” Leon called out. “Leon!” Claire also called out. “Head to the police station!” Leon yelled. “It’ll be a lot safer there!” Leon started running down the street, dodging every Zombie he could. Then he ran inside a gunshop. “FREEZE,” said a man pointing a shotgun at Leon. “Don’t shoot!” yelled Leon. “I’m human!” “Oh,” said the man. “Sorry about that.” He walked over. “I thought you were one of them.” “What’s going on here?” asked Leon. “Hold on,” said the man, locking the door. “I haven’t got a clue! By the time I had noticed something was wrong, the whole town had turned into Zombies! Try asking the S.T.A.R.S. of R.P.D. I’m sure they’ll tell you exactly what happened.” “Hmm....,” said Leon, checking his handgun. “Got any ammo for a handgun?” “Plenty,” replied the man. “Behind the counter.” Leon ran over and picked up the ammo. Suddenly, five Zombies broke through the glass. “NO!!!” screamed the man, shooting a Zombies in the neck. “AAAAHHHH!!!!” The first Zombie jumped on top of him, knock the man down. “NO!!!” he screamed again. Then the Zombies started eating him. Gross, thought Leon, shooting the Zombies. Then they went for him. It took three bullets each to kill all the Zombies. Then Leon ran over to the man. “He stopped breathing,” Leon said to himself, and picking up the man’s shotgun. “This might come in handy.” He ran through the back door and down the alley to the stairs. Once he was up, he looked over the side of the balcony. There were four Zombies on the other side of the blue dumpster. “Looks like I’ll have to try and dodge them,” he said, running down the next set of stairs. He jumped over the dumpster and tried out his plan. It worked, as usual. Then he ran through the gate and around the next corner. There was a basketball court with three Zombies in it. Suddenly, they broke through the gate. Leon’s only choice was to shoot them. Unless he could climb the fence. “I’ll do it,” he said to himself. He jumped up and grabbed onto the gate. Then he climbed over the top and jumped down. “Hah!” he laughed at the Zombies. He ran through the next gate, and around the corner onto a street. There were four Zombies eating a dead guy on the ground. Leon quickly ran past them and ran into a bus. As soon as he was in, a teenage girl Zombie was crawling towards him. He shot her, and ran down the rest of the bus, but was stopped by another Zombie. He quickly killed it, and ran through the front door. Once he was outside, five Zombies came towards him. Three of them were cops. “How many Zombies are in this city?!” Leon asked himself and killing the Zombies at the same time. Around the corner, two more cop Zombies came at him. He ran around them and ran through the gate, closing it behind him. He looked at the rest of the way. “Looks like I’m safe from Zombies for now,” Leon said to himself, looking at the lawn beside the police station. It was shorter, but there were two cop Zombies blocking the way. There was also some stairs that led down to an alley. Leon didn’t expect Zombies to be smart enough to walk down stairs, so he took that way. Suddenly, a door in the alley swung open, and a man ran out screaming. Then three Zombies came out the door. The man turned around and killed the Zombies. “Who are you?” he asked after he killed them. “Leon. Leon Kennedy,” replied Leon. “The new guy, right?” asked the man. “That’s right,” Leon replied. “I’m Brad Vickers of S.T.A.R.S.,” the man told Leon. Suddenly, Brad and Leon heard the sound of footsteps. Suddenly, something came down the stairs. “FREEZE,” Brad told the figure. “Who you telling to freeze?!” a voice shouted. “It’s me, Jill!” Brad dropped his gun. “Sorry,” Brad apologised. “Brad?” Jill asked. “I thought you were a Zombie!” “Nah,” replied Brad. “I found this dead Umbrella member in a back alley with some antidote.” Suddenly, Brad raised his gun again. “What is it?” asked Leon. “I’m going to go check it out,” said Brad. “You guys head up into the police station. Once Leon and Jill were up the second staircase, they heard a moan. Suddenly, Brad came through a fence beside the police station. He was grabbing his chest, and had blood all over his face and arm. “B-Brad?!” yelled Jill. “What happened?” Suddenly, a big creature wearing a suit jumped down. “AAAHHH!!!” Brad screamed, falling backwards. Then the creature grabbed Brad’s head and broke his neck. Then Brad fell to the ground. The creature then went for Jill. “Leon, run!” she yelled. “It’s Nemesis! Get into the Police Station and meet me in the S.T.A.R.S. Office!” Leon ran over to Brad’s body and found a note, then he ran into the Police Station. Leon read the note he had found in Brad’s bullet-proof vest. “Let’s just see what’s on your mind,” said Leon. ‘Brad’s Note: No!!! It’s that monster in the black suit again! Why does that thing keep chasing me? What did I do?! This must be someone’s sick idea of a joke. If I knew things were going to turn up like this, I would have left S.T.A.R.S. long ago.... But whining won’t help me now, I know I’m finished. In my hometown Delucia, I bet the flowers are in full bloom. If I could only see them once more before I die....’ !” Leon filed the note and looked around. In a way, the Main Hall kind of looked like a church. Leon looked around. There were three doors, and a large fountain. He ran over to it and read the little sign on it. “I will wait until I see the Unicorn’s beautiful fur,” it said. Leon tried opening the first door- the one up the little staircase and to his right. “Locked!” yelled Leon. He tried the next one, but it was also locked. “Let me guess,” he said. “The next one’s locked too.” But to his surprise, it wasn’t. Inside, the whole room was a mess. There was also small puddles of blood on the ground. “Uhhhh....,” moaned a man sitting on the ground. “Aw, man,” Leon said, running over. “What happened?” The man looked up at him. “Are you Leon Kennedy?” “That’s me,” replied Leon. “Oh,” said the man. “Sorry to break the news to you but, I think your party’s been cancelled.” “That’s all right,” said Leon. “So what’s the story?” “Well,” the man began. “Two months ago, the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team was sent to the Spencer Mansion of Raccoon Forest to investigate the recent killings there and all of a sudden, they disappeared. So we sent the Alpha Team to find them. They eventually found the Bravo Team, missing one recruit. The S.T.A.R.S. returned that night with only four Alpha Team Members, and one Bravo Team Member. Chris reported that our Captain, Albert Wesker was working for Umbrella, and had led them into a trap, killing four Bravo Team Members. The remaining S.T.A.R.S. told everyone in the city about this, but no one believed them. Here.” The man handed Leon a Red Keycard. “Use this,” he told him. “Use it to unlock all the doors in the Main Hall. Rescue all the survivors. Uhhhh....” “But!” Leon protested. “Just go!” yelled the man, pointing a gun at Leon. “Fine,” Leon said. “But I’m coming back for you.” Once Leon was out of the room, he heard the door lock. He ran over to the computer behind the front counter and turned it on. ‘DOOR LOCK SERVICE: Hall doors: LOCKED. Please insert Keycard’. Leon stuck the Red Keycard in the slot. ‘Thank you’. Leon suddenly heard three clicks which meant- the doors were now unlocked. He ran over to the double brown doors and ran through them. There was a bench with a note in the room he was in. Leon picked it up and filed it so he could read it later. As he approached the window, something crawled across it. “Uh oh,” Leon said to himself. “Looks like trouble.” He ran through the door beside him and found himself in a hallway with broken windows. There was a monitor on the wall around the corner. Leon checked it. “Shutter control. The shutters cannot be closed because the cord has been cut,” he read. He ran through the next door and found himself in a hallway with boarded-up windows. “Pretty dead in here,” he said, looking around. As he came around the corner, he saw the corpse of a police officer on the ground. The corpse also had no head. “Yuck!” yelled Leon, looking at the place where the head should have been. “It looks like it’s been twisted off!” Suddenly, the sound of clicks came from the roof. Leon looked up and saw what looked like Spider-man and Venom mixed together. The creature had no skin and skull, so you could see it’s muscles and brain. “Ssssaaaa,” he said, dropping to the ground. Leon quickly pulled out his shotgun and started shooting it. After two shots, it died. “Ugghh,” he said, looking down at him. He took out the file he had previously pick up and read it. “September 25, 1998: Chief Irons had ordered a couple of officers to move the safe from the West Hall Office and into the East Hall Office. The safe code is “4542” to anyone who will find it. September 26, 1998: Zombies have attacked R.P.D. We are unable to halt the assault, due to Irons orders to hide the ammo in several unknown areas. September 27, 1998: The Zombies have proceeded further into the police station and have injured 12 officers. September 28, 1998: We have encountered a new creature that has killed five officers in the basement and one in a hallway. This creature has been dubbed a “Licker” because of it’s tongue, which is capable of piercing a human torso within a second. We are still trying to find a way to deal with this new threat. The Zombies have also proceeded further into the police station, killing four officers. Only us four are still alive. Hopefully, someone will rescue us....” Leon filed the note again and ran through the door at the end of the hall. The next hallway had boarded-up windows in it, and double-doors leading to another room. Leon went through the double-doors. There was a room with a whole bunch of chairs and tables inside. Leon guessed that this was where his party was going to be. On the opposite side of the room, the was an opened door. Inside, there were three chairs knocked over, and a fireplace. Above the fireplace, there was a picture with a little sign on it. “A sacrifice to Hell,” Leon read. Obviously, this was another puzzle he had to solve. Leon thought about what the sign had said, and then he came up with a solution. “If I light up the fire with my lighter, then maybe....,” he said, lighting the fire. Suddenly, a little whole in the picture appeared, and a red jewel fell out. Leon picked it up and examined it. “I wonder what I use this for,” he asked himself. Then he left the room and continued down the hallway and through the next door. There was another hallway with five Zombies in it. They didn’t seem to notice him, but as soon as he killed one Zombie, two of them turned towards him. Leon killed the two Zombies coming at him and ran around the corner. Suddenly, a Zombie grabbed him and tried to bite him, but Leon shook him off and knocked him to the ground. Then he killed the second Zombie and stepped on the first Zombie’s head, causing it to explode. “Take that!” he yelled at the Zombie. He ran over to the door behind the staircase and went inside. Leon had come to a room with two lockers, file cabinets, and a room where you could develop photos. He ran over to the file cabinets. “Let’s see what we’ve got,” Leon said to himself. He eventually found some handgun bullets. After he picked them up, he ran out of the room and up the stairs. At the top, he ran down the hall and came to a place with a big statue, and two smaller ones. He read the little article on the biggest statue. “Only the glaze of sun and moon and release the red soul,” he read. Leon looked at the two smaller statues. One of them was brown, and the other one was white. Leon guessed that the brown one was sun, and the other was moon. There were patches of brown against the wall, so he thought that if he moved the statues around and placed them over the brown patches, the red jewel would drop. He tried out this plan and when he was finished, the red jewel dropped, so he picked it up. “It’s another one of these things,” Leon said to himself. “I wonder why I would need two.” He ran through the next door and came to the hallway with the S.T.A.R.S. Office. There were four Zombies guarding it though. “Looks like I’ll have to use the rest of my ammo now,” Leon said, shooting the Zombies. After five shots each, they finally went down. Leon ran inside the S.T.A.R.S. Office. It was empty. He looked around. There was a picture of all the S.T.A.R.S., a whole bunch of trophies behind glass, desks for every S.T.A.R.S. member, a communications computer, and a first-aid box. Leon walked over to the desk in front of him. There was a diary on the desk, so he picked it up. ‘Chris’ Diary. June 1, 1998: The fourth victim of a wave of grisly “Cannibal Crimes” was found in the city today. June 15, 1998: Officers have reported to me that there is a creature with a long tongue crawling around. I caught a glimpse of this creature while I was driving home. This must be the work of Umbrella. June 23, 1998: Our mission at the Spencer Mansion was actually a trap. Our former S.T.A.R.S. Captain Albert Wesker was a traitor. It was later revealed that he was working for Umbrella. July 28, 1998: The S.T.A.R.S. Team has been taken off the Raccoon City investigation. September 22, 1998: Today, I witnessed a teenager getting attacked by a Zombie. I tried to help him, but he wouldn’t let me. September 24, 1998: Me, Jill, Brad, Barry, and Rebecca have planned a trip to Europe, to pay a visit to Umbrella HQ. I’m sorry I haven’t informed my sister on this trip. Forgive me Claire....’ Underneath the diary was some sort of medal. The was a picture of a unicorn on it. Suddenly, the door opened. Leon turned around. “Claire!” he exclaimed. “Leon!” exclaimed Claire. “Glad to see you’re still among the living.” “Yeah,” Claire said. Leon looked down at the ground. “It looks like we won’t be finding your brother here,” he said, handing her the diary. Claire took the diary and read it. “I should’ve known,” she said, afterwards. “One more thing,” said Leon. “Here’s a radio. That way we can keep in touch with each other.” Suddenly, the door opened again. “Leon,” said Jill. “You alright?” “I’m fine, Jill,” replied Leon. Jill looked at Claire. “You’re Claire, right?” “Yes,” replied Claire. “We think your brother’s in Europe, but we’re not sure. We were separated as we were running from Zombies and Lickers.” “I see,” said Claire. “There’s no reason we should stay here any longer,” Leon said. “We should try to get out of here as soon as possible.” “Right,” Claire and Jill said together. “I’m going first,” Leon told them. “I’ll go last,” said Jill. “I guess I’m second,” Claire said. Leon left the room and ran through the door at the end of the hall. He was now in another hallway with three Zombies. Once he killed them, he walked down the hallway with a red light. He quickly check it out, and then walked back. Suddenly, he heard a door slam, and a little girl ran through the opposite hallway. Then he heard another door slam. Suddenly, Claire entered the hallway. “Leon, did you see a little girl?” she asked. “Yeah,” replied Leon. “She went that way.” Leon pointed down the opposite hallway. “Thanks,” said Claire, running in that direction and then going through the door. Leon ran up to the same door and tried to open it, but it was locked. Then he remembered what the sign on the large fountain said. “I will wait until I see the Unicorn’s beautiful fur,” he repeated. Then he took out the Unicorn Medal. “I’ve got it!” he yelled. He ran all the way back to the bottom of the stairs and through the door he came in from. As he past the second window boarded up, four Zombie arms broke through it and grabbed him. “AAAHHH!!!” he screamed, trying to get away. After a while, the arms let go, and Leon killed the Zombies outside. “Stay away from the windows, stay away from the windows....,” Leon kept telling himself as he ran down the rest of the hallway. Suddenly, two more Zombies tried to get him, but he was too fast. Leon ran all the way back to the Main Hall and ran up to the fountain. He pulled out the Unicorn Medal and placed it on the little pad. Suddenly, a the fountain moved forward and banged against the edge, causing a little key to fall out. Leon pick it up and looked at it. “It’s a key with the shape of a spade on it,” he said to himself. Leon decided he would go through the door beside the main entrance. On the other side of it, there was a hallway painted in blue. There were also five Zombies in it. “Aw man!” Leon shouted, shooting the Zombies. “More!” After Leon finally killed them, he ran through the double blue doors. He was now in a fairly large office, with long desks. There were also six Zombies in it. “How’d you guys get it?” Leon asked the Zombies, and shooting them at the same time. Once they were all dead, Leon ran down the isle in front of him and went inside the little office at the end. There was a safe in the corner. Leon looked down at the lock. “Man!” he exclaimed. “What is the code?” Then suddenly, he remembered where the code was written. It was written down on the Police Memo. He quickly took it out and scammed through it to find the code quicker. “4542, 4542, 4542....,” he kept repeating. Inside the safe, was some ammo, and a map of the police station. Leon quickly tucked the map away, and then he ran through the opened door at the end of the room. There were two doors in the little hall. Leon checked the first one. “It’s locked,” he said to himself. Then he looked at the little shape below the knob. “A Heart is sketched on the door. What the hell does that mean?!” Leon didn’t bother trying the second door. Instead, he ran out to the blue hallway, and down the rest of it. There was a brown door at the end, so he went through. Now, he was in a long, red hallway. As he came close to the end, he noticed that three of the doors in the hallway also had shapes on them. But this time, they had the shapes of a club on them. There was only one door left that he hadn’t tried. The one with the window on it. Surprisingly, this one was unlocked. The room inside was kind of strange. It had a magic mirror on the wall, and it was empty, except for the ammo on the bookshelf. He quickly took the ammo and then ran out of the room and back to the blue hallway. From there, he ran back into the Main Hall. “Now where?” he asked himself, looking around. “The only place I can go is probably back to the first hallway.” Leon quickly ran back to the hallway where he saw the Licker. There was a metal door on one of the walls that required a key. Leon tried the key with the shape of a spade on it, and the door unlocked. Inside was a total mess. There were books all over the floor and a messy bookshelf. On the other side of the bookshelf, there was a ladder. Leon climbed on top of it and saw what looked like a mini crank on top of another bookshelf. He quickly jumped down and push the ladder up to the second bookshelf and then climbed up. After he got a better look at the crank, he jumped down and ran out of the room. Then he ran all the way back to the staircase and climbed up. From there, he ran back to the hallway with the locked door. After he used the key on it, he ran through. Inside, there was a big library. There was also a staircase in the corner. He quickly climbed up it and ran down the platform. Suddenly, the floorboards broke, and Leon fell through, landing on the ground. “Great,” Leon said, looking around. “How do I get out of here now?” Then he noticed that there was a little switch on the wall. “I wonder what this does,” he said, pushing it. Suddenly, the bookshelf blocking Leon’s way, moved backwards. “Well,” he said. “I now know.” He ran out into the opening and saw that the little switches on the other bookshelves had turned on. Above the bookshelves, was a large painting. “This only means one thing,” he said, studying the painting. “Another puzzle to solve.” Leon ran back into the room he was once trapped in. There was a mini painting on the wall that looked exactly like the larger one. It also showed the bookshelves underneath it, but in a certain order. “I’ve got it!” he exclaimed, running back out into the opening. He quickly moved the bookshelves into the same order, and then noticed that the mini painting had opened up. Inside, he found some sort of plug with the shape of a bishop from chess on it. “Aw,” Leon said. “Not another puzzle!” He quickly tucked the plug away, and then ran through the double doors. Suddenly, the sound of Zombies footsteps was echoing through-out the Main Hall. Leon looked around. There were two Zombies coming at him, and three Zombies on the other side of the balcony. He was on the balcony in the Main Hall. “You guys couldn’t have gotten up here!” Leon yelled, shooting the two Zombies. “A door must have been open or something!” Once the two Zombies were dead, he killed the rest of them as he was running. At the end of the balcony, there was a door. He ran through it and found himself in the Waiting Room. All he found here was ammo, and ‘Secretary’s Diary A’. Once it was filed, he ran through the next door. There was a hallway with three Zombies in it. He quickly killed them, and then he ran down the rest of the hall. Suddenly, a Zombie caught on fire grabbed Leon. Leon kicked the Zombies in the gut and then killed it. There was a fire at the end of the hall, probably started because a helicopter had crashed into the building. There was also a door beside the helicopter, but it was blocked by the fire. “There’s got to be something to put this fire out,” Leon said to himself. He ran back down the hallway and through the door beside the one he came in. The hallway he had come to had broken windows, and broken glass all over the floor. As he came around the corner, he saw some crows eating a dead guy on the ground. Leon shot the crows with his handgun, and then checked the body. There were holes all over it. “He has been pecked to death,” Leon said to himself. Suddenly, around the corner, three windows broke open, and three crows flew through. Leon quickly killed them, and then he ran through the steel door at the end of the hallway. He was now outside, which was where the helicopter had crashed. There were also stairs at the end of the platform. Leon ran down them, and then killed the four Zombies at the bottom. At the end of the walkway, there was a cabin. Inside, he found a valve handle and some more ammo. “I bet I need to use this valve handle to turn on some water,” Leon said, looking at the valve handle. He ran back outside and up the stairs to the area behind the fence. Sure enough, there was a place to put the valve handle. Leon stuck the valve handle on it, and began to turn. Suddenly, water poured down from a water tower above him and put the fire out. Leon took the valve handle out and checked the helicopter. There was some ammo by the driver’s seat. Leon quickly picked it up, and then ran through the opening the helicopter had created. Then he went through the door he couldn’t go through before. Inside, it looked like a place where extra things were kept. At the end of the room, there were two little statues in the wall with a hole in their chest’s. Leon studied the holes and then realized that the holes were big enough for the red jewels to fit in. He quickly pulled them out and put them in. Suddenly, the chest of the big statues opened up. Leon checked the inside and found another plug, but this one had the shape of a king on the top. Leon was just about to leave the room until he saw something shiny on a box. He quickly checked it and found another key but this one had the shape of a diamond on it. “Another key,” said Leon. Leon thought about where he could use this. “What about that metal door in the hallway with the stairs?” he said. “Let’s try.” He quickly ran back through the Waiting Room and back around the balcony. Then he burst through the Library and through the next two hallways. At the bottom of the staircase, he saw the metal door he was looking for. Leon ran over and pulled out the diamond key. “I guess it worked,” said Leon, moving through the door. Inside, three Zombies came at him. Leon, being quick on the trigger, killed all three of them within seconds. Suddenly, two more Zombies came from behind some drawers. Leon turned around and killed the first one, but the second one grabbed him. “Get off!” Leon shouted. He knocked the Zombies over, but noticed that one of the Zombie’s arms was still grabbing on. But it soon fell off-once the blood was all out of it. Leon looked around for a door. There was one in the corner. He quickly unlocked it and burst through. The room he was in looked familiar. There were lockers at the far end, tables and chairs knocked over and patches of blood on the floor. But where was the man? Leon looked around for him. Then he saw something move in the office. He ran over and saw that there was a dead Zombie on the ground. Inside the office, was the man he saw earlier, but badly bitten. “Leon.........,” he moaned, getting up. Leon looked at his face. His skin was turning grey. The man started walking towards Leon, but he was already out of the office. Then he turned around and killed the Zombie-which was once a police officer. Once the Zombie was down, Leon ran back inside the office and found a Heart Key on the desk. “I now fully understand what those symbols on the doors mean,” Leon said, looking at the key. Then he ran back out into the Main Hall and back to the East Office. From there, he unlocked the door that had the heart shape on it. On the other side, there was another hallway with broken windows. Leon ran down it, and found a staircase leading down at the end. “I guess I go down,” Leon said to himself. At the bottom, there was hallway that lead to another one. Suddenly, he heard some footsteps. Leon looked around and saw nothing, but then he saw a dog trot around a corner. Then it broke into a run. Leon didn’t think that this dog could hurt him, but he was dead wrong. The dog had jumped up at him, barking. Leon ducked in time, and the dog barely missed his head. Leon quickly got up and killed the dog. Suddenly, two more dogs came around the opposite corner. He quickly killed them and ran through some double-brown doors. Inside looked like a power room. There was a giant generator in the middle of it, and a power console at the end of the room. Leon ran over and checked it. The power was at 0, and he had to get it up to 80 if he wanted the power supply on OK. He quickly pressed, up, up, down, down, up, and the power supply was on OK. As he came around the corner of the room, he saw a map. He quickly picked it up and looked at it. “A police B1 map,” he said, looking at it. “I’ll need this.” He quickly moved out of the room and down the rest of hallway. There was a metal door at the end. On the other side, was a parking lot for police cars. As he came towards the middle, someone tried to shoot him. Leon stopped and turned around. There was a woman with a red skirt and black skin-tight pants on. She was pointing a gun at Leon. Then she lowered it. “Sorry,” she said. “I saw the uniform and thought you were another one of those Zombies.” Then she walked past Leon. “Who are you?” Leon asked. “My name is Ada,” the woman replied. “Ada Wong.” “And,” said Leon. “What are you doing here?” “I’m here to find my boyfriend, John,” Ada replied. “I heard a rumour he was here. Right now, I’m trying to find a guy named Ben. He’s a reporter, and I want to know what he told Irons.” Then she looked at the blue truck blocking a door. “I’ve been trying to move this, but it’s to heavy for me. Maybe if we work together, we can move this.” She walked over to the truck. “Okay,” replied Leon, walking over to the truck. After a couple of minutes, the truck was finally out of the way, and they walked through the door together. Suddenly, Ada ran off. “Ada, wait!” Leon yelled after her. He had no idea where he was going, so he just ran down to the end of the hall. There were some prison cells behind a sliding caged door. Leon looked inside the last cell. There was a man laying down on one of the benches. “Let me guess,” said Leon. “You must be Ben. Get up, now!” The man sat up. “Can’t you see?” he asked. “I’m trying to get some sleep here!” Then Ada ran over. “Is this the guy?” Leon asked her. “Ben,” said Ada. “Some people said you told Irons about what’s going on. What did you tell him?” “Why would I tell you?” Ben asked, turning around. “Okay,” said Leon. “I say we leave him in there. Does anyone know where they put the key to this cell?” Leon tried opening the cell. “I’ve got it right here, officer,” said Ben. “But I’m not about to leave this cell. Those Zombies aren’t the only things out there.” Suddenly, they heard a monster cry. “You see?” said Ben. “There’s no telling what that is.” “Look,” said Leon. “If you want to stay alive, you’re going to have to come with me. I’m the only cop left alive in this city.” “What?” asked Ben. “Wait. Do you even know how to get out? There’s a kennel in the back of the building. Inside, you’ll find a manhole but, it won’t be easy. “I’m going,” said Ada, running off. “Ada wait!” Leon yelled after her again. “Get out of here before you lead that thing right to me,” Ben told Leon. “Whatever,” said Leon. He turned around and found a manhole opener on a shelf. Then he ran over to the kennel. Inside, dogs were barking at him like crazy. Leon killed them all before he opened the manhole. Then he climbed down the ladder. At the bottom, there was sewage water and two giant spiders. Leon quickly ran past them and up the stairs. At the top, Leon saw Ada. “Ada,” said Leon. “I don’t think I’ve introduced myself yet. I’m Leon Kennedy of R.P.D.” Leon looked at the giant door. “It’s a dead end.” But Ada was looking up at a ventilation shaft. “Do you think that ventilation shaft leads upstairs? Give me a boost, I’ll go check it out.” Leon bent down and Ada climbed up on his back. Then Leon stood up and Ada climbed through the vent. On the other side, there was a door. Ada went through and found herself on a bridge going across a pool of water. There were also three dogs coming towards her. Once they were all dead, She ran through a door at the end of the bridge. There was a room with three boxes in a pit. Ada jumped down the large stairs and moved the boxes in a straight line across the end of the pit. Then she climbed back up the large stairs and turned on the water. The boxes rose up with the water, and Ada ran across them. There was a shelf on the other side of the boxes. Ada found a key with the shape of a club on it. She quickly picked it up and ran back to Leon. “Leon!” she called out. Leon stood up. “Ada, did you find anything?” “Hold on,” she said, throwing the key through the vent. “I can’t reach the vent,” said Ada. “But don’t worry, I’ll find a way out.” Then she ran off. Leon picked the Club key up. He knew exactly where he needed it. He ran all the way back up to the blue hallway and down to the last door in the red hallway. Once it was unlocked, he ran through and read the first picture on the wall. “Light the King, Queen, and the Jack, and the wheel will start turning. Leon looked at the other end of the room. There were three little candlesticks and a furnace. He quickly lit the furnace, and the three candlesticks. Suddenly, the wheel in the picture dropped, and Leon picked it up. Then he ran back out and into another room. There was a large mirror on the wall and a shelf in the corner. Leon looked at the thing on one of the shelves. It was a Rook Plug. “What do I need these for?” Leon asked himself, angrily. As he passed the mirror, a Licker jumped through it. “AAAHHH!!!” Leon shouted, not expecting it. He quickly killed the Licker and ran back into the blue hallway. “What do I do with this cogwheel?” he said, looking at the golden cogwheel. “There’s a room at the top of the Main Hall I haven’t checked, so maybe it goes somewhere in there.” He ran all the way back to the library and up the stairs inside. At the top of the stairs, there was a door he didn’t go through last time he came up there. He ran through and found himself on the highest balcony in the Main Hall. At the end of the balcony, was a door. Leon ran through and found himself in an attic. There were some stairs in it, but they were turned the wrong way. Leon saw a little hole on a round thing. It looked like he needed a crank to insert. Then he remembered that he was carrying a mini crank. He quickly pulled it out and started turning it. Suddenly, the stairs slowly came down. Leon ran up them and saw more golden cogwheels in a mechanical box. There was a missing cogwheel in the line of cogwheels. Leon put the cogwheel he found there and pushed a switch. the cogwheels started turning and a secret door in the wall opened. Leon found another plug hanging on the wall inside. He picked it up and saw that this one had a knight on it. There was also a dust shoot. He jumped down it and soon found himself back in the basement. “AAAHHH!!!” he heard somebody scream. “NO!!!” Ben was backed in a corner. Some sort of creature was closing in on him. Then it put some sort of worm in Ben. Ben fell to the ground. Suddenly, an eye in the creature’s looked around. Then it closed. Leon ran over to Ben’s cell. It was opened, and Ben was sitting on the ground. “Ben!” yelled Leon. “Can you hear me?! Ben!” “Damn!” said Ben. “It’s all the chief of police’s fault! Get....that....scum!!” Ben handed Leon ‘Mail to the Chief’. Then he got up. “Something’s....wrong!” he said, grabbing his chest. “What’s wrong?!” asked Leon. “Stomach....burning!” yelled Ben. Suddenly, a tentacle shot through Ben’s shoulder. “AAAHHH!!!” he screamed. Then his stomach split apart, causing blood to splatter all over the ground below Ben. Then a little creature jumped out of Ben. Leon watched as the creature ran away. Then Ada came over to the cells. “Good God,” she said. “What was that?” “I don’t know,” replied Leon. Ada started to run, but Leon stopped her. “Where are you going now?” he asked. “To the chemical plant. I have a feeling I’ll find John there.” Then she ran off. Leon pulled out his radio. “Claire?” he said. “Do you read me Claire? We now have access to the back of the building.” “Got it,” replied Claire. “I’m going to the sewers. Can you meet me there?” asked Leon. “I’m on my way,” replied Claire. Leon tucked the radio away and ran over to the kennel. Then he climbed down the ladder and ran up the stairs. From there, he went through the Septic Pool door. As he came over to the bridge, a big arm fell from the ceiling. For a moment, it just laid there. “What is that thing?” Leon asked himself. Suddenly, two big arms and legs shot from the arm. Then it grew ten times larger, and a head poked out. Then it threw up two little creatures-which came and bit Leon. “Get off me!” he shouted, throwing the creatures off. Then he pulled out his shotgun and started shooting the larger creature. “I don’t believe this!” he shouted, shooting the creature. After a couple of minutes, the creature finally fell. “What was that thing?” Leon said, looking down at the large creature. He continued down the bridge and saw a door in the corner to his left. There was also a little console beside it. “King, Bishop, Rook, Knight plugs are required,” he read, pulling out the four plugs he found. Leon heard a quick click, and then opened the door. On the other side, there was a large garbage disposal machine. As he came down the steps, some dirt fell from the ceiling, and Ada fell through. “Ada!” shouted Leon. “What was that! Running off like that! Those Zombies are everywhere!” “I’m so sorry,” Ada said, sarcastically. “Look,” said Leon. “It’s my job to protect you. From now on, stay close to me.” “Alright,” said Ada. “We’ll do it your way now.” Leon led Ada down into the water and through a door on a ledge. Inside, was Control Room 2. Leon found a Sewage Manager Fax on the table. He quickly filed it, and Ada followed him to the elevator. At the bottom, they saw a woman look at them, and then run off. “Hey!” shouted Ada, running after the woman. “Ada! Don’t!” Leon shouted. Suddenly, a gun fired at Ada, and barely missed her head. “Look out!” Leon shouted, running towards Ada. Leon jumped and pushed Ada out of the way, and getting shot at the same time. Then he hit the ground hard. “Leon?” Ada asked. But Leon didn’t answer. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back.” Ada ran after the woman. On the other side of the next door, Ada saw the woman climb up a ladder. Ada did the same, and ran through the vent at the top. At the bottom, of the second ladder, the woman fired at Ada again, hitting her gun. “Don’t move,” the woman said, pointing a gun at her. “Who are you?” “Ada Wong,” Ada replied. “I’ve heard of that name,” the woman said. “One of the workers at Umbrella talks about you. I think his name is John.” “What?” Ada asked. “John’s dead,” said Annette. “He became one of those Zombies.” Ada looked down, feeling hurt. “Who are you?” she asked the woman. “Annette,” replied the woman. “Annette Birkin. My husband is the man responsible for all of this. He is the creator of the new G-Virus.” “G-Virus?” Ada repeated. “The G-Virus is capable of turning a normal human into the ultimate fighting machine. None of this would have happened it Umbrella had just left my husband alone. But he was shot and-” Annette stopped talking. “Are you trying to say that,” said Ada. “The monster of the police station is-” “Precisely,” replied Annette. “My husband, William. And it’s all Umbrella’s fault.” William laughed. “It’s near perfection. My precious G-Virus. This contains my life’s work.” He held up a needle containing the G-Virus. “No one’s going to steal it from me. Not even Umbrella.” Suddenly, the door to the lab slid open. William quickly stood up, knocking his stool over, and grabbing a gun. “So,” he said. “You’ve finally come.” “Doctor,” one of the men said. “We’re here to retrieve the G-Virus.” “I’m not giving it up!” William snapped. But one of the men pulled out a machine gun and shot William in the shoulder. “AAAHHH!!!” William yelled, falling backwards. “Don’t!” yelled the second man. “Maybe he’ll give it to us.” “He won’t,” said the first man. The quickly took all the G-Virus samples and left. “No....,” moaned William. Suddenly, Annette ran through another door. “William!” she yelled. “Hold on! I’ll go get some bandages to heal your wounds!” William nodded. Then he held up a needle containing the G-Virus he found on the ground. He looked at it for a while, and then centered it. Then he stuck it in his stomach, and injected the virus in him. Suddenly, he started shaking. “Are you saying that he injected the G-Virus into his own body?” Ada Asked. “Yes,” replied Annette, and then continuing on the story. “Umbrella,” one of the men said. “We’ve retrieved the G-Virus. We’ll be at the rendezvous point soon.” Suddenly, the heard a monster yell. “What was that?” one of the men said. Suddenly, a huge monster came around the corner. “What is this thing?!” the other man yelled, shooting it. “AAAHHH!!!” The monster had killed him. In the other hall, two more men had heard the scream. “Let’s check it out.” Then the monster came around a corner in their hall. The first man started shooting it. “AAAHHH!!!” he screamed as he was slashed in the chest. “What the-” said the second man, starting to shoot the monster. Suddenly, his gun ran out of bullets. “NO!!!” he screamed, getting slashed in the throat. Then an eye in the monster’s arm opened up and looked around. Back in the lab, 20 rats rolled around in a puddle of T-Virus. “So the rats were the carriers of the virus,” said Ada. “Yes,” replied Annette. “But I won’t let anyone steal my husbands work! Goodbye.” Annette pointed her gun at Ada, but she quickly grabbed Annette’s arm and flung her over the railing. “AAAHHH!!!” she yelled, falling into a pit of green water. “Sorry,” said Ada, looking down at Annette. Then she crossed a bridge and climbed down a ladder. Ada was now on a ledge above a pit of garbage and sewage water. Suddenly, the water started splashing. “AAAHHH!!!” Ada screamed, as the huge creature emerged. “Aw, man,” Leon said, sitting up and grabbing his chest. Suddenly, a second elevator came down, and Jill jumped off. “Leon!” she gasped, running over to him. “What happened?” “Well,” Leon began. “I met a woman named Ada. She was just about to get shot when I jumped and took the bullet instead of her.” “That’s good bravery,” Jill told Leon. “I know,” he said. “Well, you’d better go.” “Yeah,” said Jill. “Will you be alright?” “Don’t worry about me,” replied Leon. “Okay....,” said Jill, running off. Leon quickly got up and ran through the door. Then he ran through a caged door in the sewage water and through a thick door. Grabbing his chest, he ran over to a little machine. There was a little thing where you could insert the Valve Handle. “Valve....handle,” Leon said, pulling out his valve handle and inserting it. Once it was twisted enough, a bridge swung down, allowing him to cross it. On the other side, he used the valve handle again and the bridge went up. Leon ran through the next door and down the hall. There was an opening, and Leon saw Ada shooting something in the water. “Ada!” he yelled. Ada looked up. Suddenly, a big mouth tried to eat Leon, but he jumped away just in time. Then a huge alligator emerged and chased him. Leon ran back down the hall and saw a button that was flashing red. He quickly pushed it, and an explosion tube fell over. The alligator picked it up with it’s mouth, and Leon shot it. The alligator exploded, leave guts all over the wall. Leon gave a sigh, and then ran back over to Ada. Once he was on the same ledge, he knelt down, still grabbing his chest. “Leon,” said Ada. “Are you alright?” “That bullet isn’t making things easier,” he replied. “Don’t worry,” said Ada. “I’ll bandage it.” After a couple of minutes, Ada had finished. Leon now had a bandage around his chest. “Let’s go,” he said, climbing up the ladder. At the top, he ran across the bridge and up the ramp, picking up an eagle medal beside a human corpse. “I wonder what happened here,” Leon said. “Looks like a monster got him,” Ada said, looking at the scratch marks and blood all over the body. After that, they climbed back up the ventilation duct ladder and down into the sewage water below. There was a ledge over in a corner with two Umbrella men laying down, dead. “These two were also attacked,” Leon said, examining all the blood and picking up a wolf medal. Then he showed Ada the two medals. “Do you have any idea of what I need these for?” Ada studied the medals. “No,” she finally replied. “Maybe you have to insert them somewhere to open a door.” “Maybe,” said Leon, jumping off the ledge. As they came around the corner of the sewers, five Zombies emerged from the water. “Where’d you guys come from?!” Leon asked the Zombies and shooting them at the same time. Once they were dead, Leon and Ada ran through the caged door and down to the end of the next hallway, where there was a door blocked by a waterfall. Leon looked around. “Now what?” “Look!” Ada exclaimed, pointing to a console. “Wolf and Eagle medals required.” Leon ran over and stuck the two medals in the slots. Suddenly, the waterfall went away, and the sewer water had also drained away. “Well,” said Leon. “Now we know what these are used for.” Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming from the other end of the hallway. Leon turned around, pointing a gun at the figure. “It’s only me!” Jill yelled. “Oh,” Leon said, putting his gun down. Jill looked at Ada. “You must be Ada.” “How do you know?” Ada asked. “I met up with Leon while you were chasing another woman.” Then Jill looked at Leon’s bandage. “Feeling better?” “Yeah,” replied Leon. “Thanks to Ada.” “Well,” said Jill. “We’d better get going.” Leon looked at the door. “Do you know where this leads to?” “No,” Jill replied. “I haven’t been through that door before.” “I think I know,” Ada said. “I think it leads to a tram.” “Well then,” said Leon. “Let’s take it!” The three of them ran through the door and found themselves on a long platform, leading to another door. As they came towards the middle of the platform, they felt a slight rumble. They quickly ran down the rest of the way and through the door. On the other side, sure enough, there was a tram. “So,” said Leon. “How do you start this thing?” Jill looked around. “I dunno.” But then she spotted a panel. “Over there!” She ran over to the panel and pushed a button. Suddenly, they heard a motor turn on, and the front lights shone in their faces. They quickly ran over to the door and went inside. Ada walked over to the panel in the corner of the train and activated it. Once they were on the moved, they felt another rumble. Suddenly, a huge claw burst through the roof, barely missing Ada’s head. Leon and Jill jumped up, guns ready. Suddenly, another huge claw burst though, barely missing Leon. He quickly shot it, and then he went away. But then it burst through again, and Jill shot it. Then they heard something squishy, and the creature on top of the tram went away. Suddenly, the tram bumped against something, meaning that they had arrived at another station. “What is this place?” Leon said. “I think it’s Umbrella’s Underground Lab, a little south of Raccoon City,” Ada answered. “Look!” exclaimed Leon. “There’s a door in that corner. Let’s check it out.” They ran over to the door and went through it. There was a hallway with footsteps echoing through it. “Sounds like-” Jill started. “Zombies.” And sure enough, there were Zombies. As they came around the first corner, three Zombies came at them. “Well,” said Jill, shooting one. “I guess there has to be Zombies here if it’s an Umbrella Lab.” After a couple of minutes, the three Zombies finally fell, and they continued on and through the next Zombie-infested hallway. At the end of the hallway, there was a ladder. They quickly jumped up it and closed the hatch at the top. “That was another close one,” Ada said. “I agree,” said Leon. “Me too,” Jill said, joining in. “But we have to keep moving if we want to stay alive.” “That’s right,” said Leon. They quickly got up, ran through the door, and to a second tram. Leon quickly pushed a button on the control panel, and the tram turn on. Once they were all inside, the tram flew down. Suddenly, a huge claw shot through the side of the tram, getting Ada in the arm. “Ada!” Leon yelled. But Ada had passed out. Leon stood up and looked at Jill. She seemed surprised. “Let’s go check,” he told her. “Right,” Jill agreed. Once they were out side, Leon gave out the instructions. “You go that way an I’ll go this way.” Jill turned around and ran off in the opposite direction. As Leon came around his corner, a thick bar was thrown at him. He looked up at the top of the tram. There was a huge monster, wearing torn-up jeans and a lab coat-which was ripped because of size. Leon looked at the monster’s face. It was human-like, but suddenly, a monster head shot up and the human head melted into it’s chest. Then it jumped down and attacked Leon. “JILL!!!” he shouted, and Jill burst around the corner. Leon watched as she pulled out a sub-machine gun and started shooting the monster-which was holding Leon. Then it dropped him and went for Jill. Leon pulled out his shotgun and got one bullet on the monster when suddenly, it jumped off the platform and hung on a ledge. “What was that?” Jill asked. “I don’t know. Suddenly, the tram reached the bottom, and Leon ran back inside to get Ada. Then he picked her up, and he walked over to a room with Jill. Inside, there was a bench-so Leon put Ada down on it. She was still asleep. “Jill,” Leon said, getting up. “We’ll split up again at this point. That way, we can cover more.” “Okay,” said Jill. “Do you have a radio?” “Um, yeah,” Leon replied. “Right here.” He pulled out a radio. “Good,” said Jill. “That way, we can call each other if anything happens.” “That’s what I told Claire,” Leon told Jill. “She has one too?” Jill asked. “Yeah,” replied Leon. “I gave her one too.” “Have you talked to her lately?” Jill asked. “No,” Leon replied. “I guess I’d better call her before we leave, just to make sure she’s alright.” “Good idea,” Leon said, pressing the talk button on his radio. “Claire.” It took a while, but Claire finally answered. “Leon,” Claire said. “Have you seen a big monster with a green suit on?” “No,” Leon replied. “Well,” said Claire. “He keeps going after Sherry. Keep an eye out for him. He’s really dangerous.” “I’ll keep that in mind,” Leon said. “Anyways, how are you doing?” “Okay, I guess,” Claire replied. “Well,” said Leon. “Me and Jill have to go now. I’ll see you later.” “Alright,” said Claire. Leon tucked his radio away and then turned to Jill. “Let’s go.” He and Jill left the room. “We’ll both go through that door, and then split up.” “Got it,” Jill replied. They ran through the door in front of them and came to a little machine-which the main fuse was missing. “The power is not operating in some areas because the main fuse is missing,” Jill said, examining the machine. “Your good to have around,” Leon told her. “I know,” she replied, looking up. Leon at the two doors in front of them. One had a blue light above it, and the other had a red light above it. “I’ll go through the one with the red light,” Leon said. “You take the blue one.” Leon watched as Jill ran through the door with the red light, and then he ran through the blue one. On the other side, there was a big shutter door to his left. There was also a switch next to it, but the power was not on. So he ran down the opposite way and went inside a room. There were some tentacles coming through an opened vent, and a human corpse on the ground. “It doesn’t look like we’re going to find any survivors here,” Leon said, looking at the corpse. Then he turned around and saw some lockers in front of him. Inside, he found a Flamethrower. Then he exited the room. Once he was in the hallway, his radio beeped. He quickly took it out and pressed the talk button. “Jill?” Leon asked. “Leon,” Jill replied. “I found the main fuse!” “Did you insert it in the machine yet?” he asked. “Hold on,” Jill said. After a couple of minutes, Jill returned. “It’s in,” she said. Leon looked at the switch beside the shutter door. It had turned on. “The power should be on full now,” Jill said. “See you later!” “Bye,” Leon said, pressing the button on the switch. Suddenly, the shutter swung open, revealing a door, but two Evil Plants were guarding it. They lunged at Leon, but he quickly pulled out his Flamethrower and melted the plants. Then he ran through the door and encountered another Evil Plant, but he melted it too. Then he climbed down the ladder and ran through the door at the bottom. He was now in a large room with several monitors. They were all broken though. He ran through the next door and came to a hallway with two Lickers, but suddenly, another one fell through the ceiling. He quickly pulled out his shotgun and blew it apart, but there were still two left. Once they were both dead, he continued down the hallway and came to a large opening. There was a computer in the corner, so he checked it. “A MO Disk is required to open the emergency door,” he read. “Where do I find that?” He ran through another door and came to another hallway. There were two ways he could go. To his right, there was hallway covered in webs and maggot eggs. To his left, there was a door which was torn up. He decided he would rather go through the torn-up door, than go through hell. Inside, there was another door, which automatically opened up when he came close. There was also a Zombie. After he killed it, he ran through another automatic door. There was a lab with six Zombies in it. It took him a while, but once they were all dead, he searched the lab. On the last desk, he found an Umbrella Lab Cardkey. Then he left the room and headed back up the ladder. Then he ran back to the machine with the main fuse. Jill must have gone somewhere else because she was not here. Leon ran through the door with the blue light and used the Umbrella Lab Cardkey on the first door. There was a room with a large generator, and four Zombies-one coming towards him. He shot it’s head off, and then pressed the switch in front of him. Suddenly, the generator turned on, and the other three Zombies slowly came towards him. Once they were all dead, he found the MO Disk beside a hospital bed. Once he came out of the room, someone was pointing a gun at him. “Who are you?” he asked the woman. “Annette Birkin,” the woman replied. “I know what your here for!” She held out a sample of purple liquid. “This is my husband’s legacy!” “I don’t even know what that stuff is!!!” Leon yelled. “Well then,” Annette said. “I guess you didn’t ask your friend Ada. She knows what it is. That’s the whole reason she’s here for.” “Ada?” Leon asked. “I know her! She’s not here because of that! She’s looking for her boyfriend!” Annette laughed. “Oh, your so gullible. She isn’t looking for her boyfriend. Like I told you, she’s here for the G-Virus.” “That’s a lie!” Leon shouted. “Fine,” Annette said. “Believe what you want.” Suddenly, the lab gave a big rumble. Then two big bars fell down on Annette, knocking her out. “Warning,” a computer voice said. “The self-destruct sequence has been activated. All employees-proceed to the bottom platform. Leon ran over and picked the little sample Annette was holding. Then he heard an alarm go off. Still feeling the rumbling, he quickly pulled out his radio. “Claire!” he yelled. “What?!” she yelled. “Are you alright?!” Leon asked. “The big monster with the green suit just smashed the main generator! We’ve got to escape!” “Head down to the escape train!” Leon yelled. “I’ll meet you there!” Then he called Jill. “Leon? What’s happening?!” “The big monster with the green suit just smashed the main generator!” Leon replied. “Head down to the escape train!” Leon ran through the door and over to the door with the red light. But as he came close to it, someone stopped him. “Leon,” Ada said, pointing a gun at him. “Don’t move! Just hand over the G-Virus.” “What?” Leon asked. “Don’t play games with me!” Ada yelled. “Just hand it over, or I’ll shoot!” “You can’t do that,” Leon said. Suddenly, someone shot Ada in the chest. Annette had shot Ada, and then she fell to the ground. Ada fell over the edge of the railing, but Leon had grabbed her just in time. “Leon,” she said. “Let go.” “No!” Leon said. “We’re going to make it out together.” “No Leon,” Ada said again. “I deserve it.” “Shut up!” he snapped. “Your going to make it! Just hold on to my hand!” “Leon,” Ada moaned. “I really want to escape. Escape....from everything. Just let go.” Leon just stood there for a moment, and then let go. “ADA!!!” he shouted. Then he looked at the G-Virus sample. “So, this is what everyone’s dying for!” Then he threw it over the edge. Finally, he ran back to the ladder in the west end and slid down it. Then he burst through the door. But the hallway was infested with ten Zombies. He quickly dodged them and then inserted the MO Disk in the computer. The emergency door swung open, and Leon ran through. There was another door at the end of the hallway, and Leon also ran through it. On the other side, there was an elevator, which probably led down to the escape train. Suddenly, the lab gave a violent shake. “Warning! Five minutes until detonation!” the computer voice said again. Leon bolted towards the elevator button and pressed it. Once the first green light came on, something tried to break through the ceiling. Suddenly, it fell through, and a large creature emerged. This one had four arms, and a little mouth in it’s chest. It also had a long monster head. Leon started shooting it with his shotgun, but the monster had come close enough to slash him in the arm. “AAAHHH!!!” Leon yelled, and started to shoot it even faster. Suddenly, blood started squirting out of the monster and it suddenly grew larger. Then the mouth in it’s stomach grew larger, and huge spikes shot out of it. The monster now looked like a giant frog. It jumped at Leon and grabbed him with his mouth-in-the-stomach. Then it swung Leon all the way over to the wall. Leon banged against it, and then with his last ounce of strength, he shot the monster as many times as he could before he blacked out. He got five shots on the monster until everything went black. Jill ran into the room. There was a monster bolting towards Leon. Thinking quickly, she pulled out her sub-machine gun and pumped the monster with lead. Then it fell to the ground and blood squirted out of it. Jill then ran over to Leon. He was laying on the ground. “Leon!” she cried. She check for any signs of breathing. He was breathing, but he had blacked out. Suddenly, she heard a quickly beep, which meant that the elevator had arrived. Then the door slid open, and she pulled Leon inside. Once Jill pushed the button, she mixed some green herbs, and fed them to Leon. After a couple of seconds, he finally woke up. “Leon!” Jill cried again, throwing her arms around him. “I thought you were a goner!” “Wh-what happened?” he asked. “You had blacked out,” Jill replied. “I saw you laying on the ground when the monster was running at you. So I think I killed it.” “Think?” Leon said, eyeing her. “I’m not sure if it’s dead or not,” she said again. “But, I feel like that monster’s a distant friend or something.” Leon thought that Jill sounded insane, but he didn’t say anything. Suddenly, they heard another beep, and the elevator doors opened. They quickly jumped up and ran down the hallway. At the end, a red train was starting to pull out of the area. “Leon, Jill!” Claire shouted. “Hurry up!” Leon and Jill quickly jumped through an opening in the train, and then headed for the front. “Leon!” the little girl Leon saw earlier shouted. Suddenly, the lab behind them exploded. “Get down!” Leon yelled, pulling them all towards the ground. Once the shaking was over, they got up. “Are you guys alright?” Leon asked the three. “Yes,” they all replied. Leon turned away. “It’s over,” he said. But Claire shook her head. “No, I have to find my brother.” “She’s right,” said Jill. “And I’m going with her.” Leon looked back. “You guys are right. It’s only the beginning....” Suddenly, the train shook again. “I’ll go check,” said Claire. Once she was outside the door, she heard a computer voice. “This train with self-destruct in three minutes.” Claire turned to the door behind her. “Leon?” she asked. “What’s wrong. “I don’t know,” he replied. Claire kicked the door. “Open up you stupid thing!!!” she shouted. But her only choice was to go through the doors in front of her. She quickly ran through and saw two long tentacles pull something big through the large opening. It was some sort of huge blob, with a large mouth in the front. It also had six tentacles reaching for her. But she quickly pulled out the rocket launcher a suspicious person gave her and fired five rockets. Suddenly, the blob turned a dark color and stopped moving. Then she ran back outside. Her only choice now was to climb up on the roof and climb over to the control room. Leon backed away as the door burst open, and a huge blob came through. “Jill!” he yelled. “Move away with Sherry! I’ll take care of the big guy!” He looked down at a cage on the ground, below it, there was a little space where he could fit through. Leon jumped over and climbed under it. Claire looked back and saw some tentacles coming out of the train-moving. “You just don’t give up!” she shouted. “Do you!” She climbed over to the hood above the control room and opened it. Inside, Sherry (the little girl) was looking around for a certain switch. “Sherry!” shouted Claire. “Pull the big switch down!” Sherry quickly grabbed the top of the biggest switched and pulled it down. Suddenly, the train stopped, and Claire and Sherry jumped out. “Where’s Leon and Jill?!” Claire yelled. “We’re right here!” Leon and Jill said together. “Look!” shouted Leon. “There’s an opening! Get to it!” The four of them bolted towards the opening, and barely made it out. Right after they got out, the lab exploded. Once the explosion was over, they fell to the ground. “That was really brave of you, Sherry,” Leon said. “Yeah, well....,” Sherry said, blushing. “It was nothing.” Claire looked around. “Hey, you guys,” she said, getting up. “We can’t stop now. We’ve still got a job to do. I’m heading back to the city. Jill, do you know a way we could get to Europe?” Jill thought about that for a moment, and then she remembered about the boat her and Barry made. “There’s a boat me and Barry made,” she said. “It’s somewhere on Raccoon Beach. But it won’t be easy going through the city.” “Why not?” Claire asked. “There is a creature that is far more powerful than we could possibly imagine. And it looks like he won’t stop killing until he kills us.” “Is it from Umbrella?” Sherry asked. “Yes,” replied Jill. “Chris sent a fax to the S.T.A.R.S. office, warning us about it.” “Well,” said Leon. “Let’s get back to the city.” As they were walking, Jill told the other three about this monster. “He is big, and creepy looking by the name of, Nemesis. He wears a black suit, and uses a rocket launcher for a weapon.” “I caught a glimpse of him before I went inside the police station,” Leon told them. “He had killed a S.T.A.R.S. member named, Brad Vickers.” Then the city came into view. “There it is,” said Claire. “The nightmare which was once Raccoon City.” Once they were in the city, three Zombies came towards them. “Not the best welcoming party,” Leon said, killing one of the Zombies. Claire and Jill killed the last two. “No, it isn’t,” Claire said. Sherry looked around the city. “It sure is quiet around here,” she murmured. “Well,” said Claire, looking down at her. “It’s because everyone’s a Zombie.” Sherry nodded. “Now which way do we go?” Jill looked around. “If this is the highway, then we go down 1st Avenue.” Suddenly, something big and black flew across a building. “Claire!” Sherry cried. She was the only one who saw it. “What is it?” Claire asked her. “I saw something move on top of one of the buildings!” she said. Jill was listening carefully. “Nemesis,” she said. Suddenly, a rocket flew past their heads. They quickly turned around and saw a huge monster pointing a rocket launcher at them. Then it fired another one. “Run!” Jill shouted. But their path was blocked by five Zombies. Suddenly, Nemesis fired another rocket. “DUCK!!!” Leon shouted, pulling them down. “The rocket flew clearly past them and hit the Zombies, leaving puddles of blood. “It’s clear!” yelled Jill. They ran down the rest of the street, and turned down an alley. Suddenly, they came to a dead end. “We’re trapped!” Sherry shouted. She was right. It was over. Nemesis had them cornered. He lifted up his rocket launcher and.... But suddenly, they heard the sound of a sub-machine gun. Nemesis turned around and fired towards the sound of the machine gun. “Run!” Claire shouted. They bolted out of the alley and ran down the street. Then they stopped to see if Nemesis was coming. “He’s gone,” said Jill. Then an explosion happened. It came from the alley. Then a man came running out. “RUN!!!” he shouted at the four of them. Then he turned around and disappeared. “Who was that?” asked Leon. “His voice was familiar,” Jill said. “Let’s hurry up and get out of here!” Sherry yelled. “You’re right,” said Claire. “We should take off.” They continued down the street and came to a fork in the road. But then another rocket flew past them and hit a car. “As I was saying,” said Jill. “He won’t stop until we’re dead.” Nemesis was getting close, but Jill had her sub-machine gun out. And she started pumping lots of lead into Nemesis. Finally he fell down. Jill looked at him for a moment. “He’s not dead.” The other three gasped. “He’s still alive,” Jill said again. “Let’s get out of here before he gets up.” They ran down the road to their right and kept on running until they were stopped by three Lickers. “Start shooting them with your most powerful weapon,” Leon said, pulling out his shotgun. Claire pulled out a magnum and Jill had her sub machine gun out. The Lickers died quickly, and they started running again. Suddenly, a man grabbed Jill. “Jill!” he shouted. “I’ve been looking all over for you!” “B-Barry!” Jill exclaimed. “Are you another S.T.A.R.S.?” Leon asked the man. “Yes,” the man replied. “Barry Burton. The S.T.A.R.S. Weapons Specialist of Raccoon Police Department. And you?” “Leon Scott Kennedy,” Leon replied. “The new guy at R.P.D.” “Ah, yes,” said Barry. “Irons told us about you. I see that you’ve met Jill already.” “I met her just outside of R.P.D. with Brad,” Leon told him. “Brad wasn’t a Zombie. He had found some antidote just in time. But he was killed by Nemesis.” “So, you know what that thing is,” Barry said. “I saw you guys cornered in an alley. So I started shooting it.” Then he looked over at Claire. “You look like Chris. Are you his sister?” “Yes,” Claire replied. “I’m looking for him. I heard that this was where he was last seen.” “Well if you want to find him,” Barry said. “I suggest you go to Umbrella HQ in Europe. Me and Jill tried to go by boat, but Nemesis stopped us. Now let’s get moving before we all die.” “But where do we go?” asked Claire. “To Raccoon Beach,” replied Barry. “That’s where our boat crashed. We’re going to need to fix it up though, since we have five people in our group. The boat was only made for four people. Now let’s go.” They moved down the rest of the street and came to Henderson Drive. “We go left here and then we should come to another street that leads down to Beach Avenue,” said Jill. But as they went down the street, a helicopter came and hovered above them. “What’s happening?” Sherry asked. “Umbrella,” Barry replied. Suddenly, a man slid down a rope ladder. Then he pulled out a gun and fired at Barry, but he missed. Then he hit Claire in the head with the back of his gun, knocking her out. “HEY!!!” Leon shouted. But the man threw a grenade at a crashed oil truck. “JUMP!!!” Barry shouted. They four of them jumped, and the truck exploded, creating a huge fire around the street. Once Claire and the man were in the helicopter, it took off. “Great,” said Leon. “Now they’ve got Claire.” “They’re taking her to an Umbrella Lab,” Jill said. “Possibly the Umbrella HQ.” “We’ve got to get there in that case!” Sherry yelled. “Hold on,” Jill said. “First, we’ve got to get to that boat.” “And it won’t be easy,” Barry said. “We’re going to have to get some tools to fix the boat,” Jill told them. “And the closest place is the mall.” “The mall!” Sherry shouted. “But there’s lots of Zombies crawling around inside!” “There’s either that,” Leon said. “Or through a nightmare complete with Nemesis.” Sherry thought about that for a second. “The mall,” she said, shortly. Getting to the mall wasn’t easy. They encountered, more Evil Plants, Zombies, and Lickers, but no sign of Nemesis. “Here we are,” Jill finally said. The mall was very large and there were probably a lot of Zombies inside. “Let’s get in,” Leon said. “Before Nemesis finds us.” Inside, there was a large hallway with endless rows of stores. There was also a lot of broken glass. So far, there were no Zombies. Then suddenly, a Licker jumped through an opening on the second floor. Barry pulled out his shotgun and blasted it. “We’re going to have to split up,” Jill told them. “We’ll find the shop faster that way.” “Barry,” said Leon. “You take Sherry, since your the best with guns.” Sherry walked over to Barry. “Alright,” he said. “Jill,” Leon said, looking at her. “It’s you and me.” Jill gave a quick nod. “Barry,” she said. “Use your radio to contact us.” “Okay,” Barry replied. Jill and Leon ran off in the right direction while Barry and Sherry went left. Jill and Leon suddenly heard the sound of squishy chomping. It was coming from one of the stores. “You check it out,” Jill told Leon. “Oh, alright,” he said, walking over to the store. Inside, many tables were broken and shoes were all scattered around. The sound he and Jill had heard was coming from behind the counter. Leon peered over and saw three Zombies eating a salesman. Then one of them looked up at him and got up. The others did the same. Leon pulled out his shotgun and blew off the first one’s head. Then he shot the other two in the chest. Once they had fallen to the ground, he ran back out into the hallway. “What was it?” Jill asked. “Three Zombies eating a salesman,” Leon quickly replied. “And I think I need some better guns.” “There’s another gunshop in this mall somewhere,” Jill told him. “I’ve been to it before. It’s where I got my handgun.” “Which way do we go to get to it?” Leon asked Jill. “It should be somewhere on the second floor,” Jill replied. “But I can’t remember how to get to the Tools and Parts store.” Suddenly, two Zombies slid through some broken windows. “It’s your turn to kill them,” Leon told Jill. “I killed the last three.” Jill pulled out her sub-machine gun and killed the two Zombies with it. “No problem,” she said. “I need one of those guns,” Leon said, examining the sub-machine gun. “It’s maybe one of the best,” Jill said. They continued down the long hallway and stopped once three Lickers jumped at them. “There seems to be lots of these creatures too,” Leon said, killing one and leaving the other two for Jill. “Let me tell you this,” Jill said, killing one. “They’re a lot easier than Nemesis.” Leon thought that she was right. Once the Lickers were all dead, they continued on. But suddenly, Jill stopped. “What?” Leon asked her. She was looking inside a store. Leon read the sign above it. “Electronics Boutique,” he read. Jill ran inside, with Leon running after her. “Why do we have to come in here?” he asked her. “There might be something useful in here!” she exclaimed. “When I was a little girl, I used to come in here a lot.” “Where are you from?” Leon asked Jill. “Raccoon City, New York,” Jill replied. “And you?” “Boston, Massachusetts,” Leon replied. “Is your hometown infested with Zombies?” Jill asked. “Not yet,” Leon replied again. “It isn’t easy when your hometown is infested with Zombies,” Jill said again. “It’s really hard to know that you’ll never be safe in your own bed again.” Jill walked over to a computer. “I always wanted to work for an electronic company.” “I always wanted to be the best cop,” Leon said. “And I say we should get going.” “Okay, but we’re going to stop here on our way back,” said Jill. “The boat needs a computer. I forgot to install one on it.” They ran back outside and once again, down the rest of the hall. After a while, they stopped to rest. “I’m going to call Barry,” she told Leon, who gave a nod. “Barry?” Jill called into her radio. “How are you guys doing?” “We’re doing fine, so far,” Barry replied. “We encountered a couple of Lickers and Zombies though.” “Is Sherry alright?” Jill asked. “Yeah,” Barry answered. “I gave her my shotgun so she could help me kill all those Zombies and Lickers.” “Well aren’t you generous!” Jill exclaimed. “We’re just about to head upstairs.” “Do you want us to come too?” asked Barry. “No,” Jill replied. “Stay on the bottom floor.” “Oh, alright,” Barry said. Jill stuck her radio back on her belt. “Are you ready?” she asked Leon. Leon reloaded his shotgun. “Ready,” he replied. “Then let’s go!” Jill exclaimed. But just before they were about to leave, two Evil Plants had closed in on them. “Leon,” said Jill. “Did you by any chance pick up a flamethrower?” Leon looked his backpack. “Uh, yeah I did,” he replied. “Well now’s a good time to use it,” Jill said. Leon looked at the Evil Plants. They were getting pretty close. “Good idea,” he said, pulling it out. Once the Evil Plant were close enough, he quickly melted the first one. “There’s one down,” he said, turning around and melting the second one. “And two.” They quickly ran off and came to a staircase, close to The Bay. “We’re going up,” Jill told Leon, who gave another nod. At the top, they heard the sound of squishy chomping again. “More Zombies,” Leon said. “Eating someone.” As they came close to another store, they saw two Zombies eating a man. Then they got up and came for Leon and Jill. But before Jill could even get a good gun out, Leon had killed the Zombies with his shotgun. “Hey!” Jill yelled. “I wanted to kill them!” “Well then you get the next creature,” Leon said. Jill looked around. There was still no sign of the Tools and Parts store. “Still no sign of the store,” Jill said. They ran down the rest of the hall and came to another hallway on their right. “Is this the biggest mall you have?” Leon asked Jill. “Yes,” she replied. “It used to seem big to me, but now, it seems small.” They ran down the next hallway and eventually came to another hallway. “I think this is the one with the gunshop,” Jill said. “Do you want to go in now, or later?” “Now,” Leon quickly replied. But as they were going down the hallway, a grenade fell from a little hole in the ceiling. Jill looked up and saw something black move. “RUN!!!” Jill shouted, pushing Leon forwards. Then an explosion happened. Leon sat up and looked at the fire, created by the explosion. “What happened?” he asked. “Nemesis threw a grenade at us,” Jill replied. “And we barely made it. I guess we have no choice but to pass by the gunshop.” They quickly got up and ran off. Once they came to the gunshop, they stopped. “Weapons and Gadgets,” Leon said, reading the sign. Inside, there were no Zombies, so it was safe. Leon looked around at all the guns on the shelves. “M16’s, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers, Acid Launchers, Flame Launchers, Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns, Flamethrowers, and Machine guns,” Leon said, looking at all the labels on the shelves. “I think I’ll take an M16,” Leon said, picking up an M16. “A Grenade Launcher, an AR33 Assault Rifle, and a Sub-Machine gun.” Leon put all his new guns in his backpack. “I’d take some ammo for those if I were you,” Jill said. “Of course,” Leon said, walking over to the shelf with all the ammo. He picked up 1000 M16 bullets, 3000 AR33 bullets, 500 grenades, 200 shotgun shells, 550 handgun bullets, and 5000 Sub-Machine gun bullets. “Are you going to get anything?” Leon asked, once the ammo was all in his pack. Jill nodded and took an M16, a Flamethrower, and a shotgun. Then she walked over to the ammo and grabbed a whole bunch of it. “Take some gadgets too,” she said. “Believe me, it will be easier.” Leon walked over to the Gadgets shelves. There were shooting ropes, remote mines, proximity mines, timed mines, plastiques, bomb detonators, bomb defusers, and watches with lasers. Leon picked up a shooting rope, 10 remote mines, a bomb detonator, and a watch with a laser. Jill picked up 10 proximity mines, and a bomb defuser. “What do proximity mines do?” Leon asked Jill. “They explode whenever some moves past it,” Jill replied. “Now that we’ve got our stuff, let’s go.” “Wait,” said Leon. “Shouldn’t we get something for Barry?” “Yes,” Jill agreed. “Get him an M16, a Rocket Launcher, and an AR33.” Leon quickly picked up the guns. “Now, we can go,” Jill said. They ran back outside and down the rest of the hallway. Suddenly, five crows tried to peck them, but Leon and Jill had killed them all before they could get a beak on them. “They were pretty easy,” Jill said. “I encountered them in the police station,” Leon told Jill. “They had pecked an officer to death.” They continued down the hallway and turned left on the next hallway. Suddenly, five Zombies broke through a door. Jill gave a little jump and quickly pulled out her shotgun and killed two of them, before she had to reload. Leon quickly finished them off with his shotgun. Once Jill had finished reloading her shotgun, she looked at the hallway behind the door where the Zombies broke through. “I wonder where that leads to,” she said. Leon looked down the hallway. “It looks like it leads to the back doors of the stores,” he said. “Let’s check it out.” They ran down the newly opened hallway. Suddenly, two Cerberus came running down the hall. “They’re yours Jill,” Leon said, backing away. Jill nodded and pulled out her grenade launcher. Once the cerberus were dead, they continued down the hallway. Suddenly, Jill stopped. “What is it this time?” Leon asked her. Jill was reading another sign on a door. “This is it!” she exclaimed. “Tools and Parts!” She tried turning the knob, but it was locked. Then she turned around and looked at Leon. “Do you know what I’m thinking?” she asked him. “You want to use my remote mines?” Leon asked, pulling one out. Jill quickly took it and placed it on the door. “Stand back,” Leon said, pulling out his bomb detonator. BOOM!!!” The mine had successfully cleared the door away. Jill ran inside, and Leon followed her. There were no Zombies, but everything was on the floor. There were shelves that were split in half, vehicle parts that were bent, and tools that were broken. “How do we find the right ones?” Leon asked. Jill looked around. “I-I don’t know,” she replied. “I guess we just look around. If we had Joseph Frost or Forest Speyer around, then it would be a lot easier.” “Why?” Leon asked. “They were the two Vehicle Specialists of S.T.A.R.S.,” Jill replied. “Until Joseph was killed by the Tyrant at the mansion and Forest turned into a Zombie. I can remember that day very well.” Jill looked around again. Then Leon saw a box of tools on the ground. “I found some tools,” he said, picking the box up. “Excellent,” Jill said. “Hold on to them while I find some parts.” After ten minutes, Jill had found some new shocks, suspension, some stainless steel for making the boat longer, steering wheel, front brakes, and back brakes. “Is that all we need?” Leon asked her. “A computer,” Jill reminded him. “Oh yeah,” Leon said. “We should call Barry,” Jill told him. “Right,” Leon replied, pulling out his radio. “Barry? How are you guys doing?” “We just killed three Zombies,” Barry replied. “I let Sherry take on two of them. She is quite good with guns.” “We found some tools and parts,” Leon told him. “We also have some stuff for you.” Leon saw Jill give a slight smile. “We’ll meet at the rendezvous point,” Leon said again. “See you soon.” Leon heard Barry’s radio give a click, and then he put his away. “So we’re going back to the Electronics Boutique?” “Yes,” Jill replied. “But we should get a cart or something. This stuff is killing me.” Leon ran out into the hallway and saw a cart on the ground. “Here!” he exclaimed, pulling it up and bringing it over. Jill unloaded the items. “Now, let’s get to that Boutique!” They slowly walked back down the hallway and to the door they came in. Then they turned back into the hallway where the ‘Weapons and Gadgets’ store was. But they had forgotten about the fire blocking the way. “Now where?” Leon asked. “This fire is blocking the way.” “Maybe there’s a hallway that leads to all the back doors of these stores,” Jill said. “Wait here.” Leon waited for about five minutes until Jill came back. “Is there one?” he asked. “Yeah,” Jill replied. “Follow me. And bring the cart.” Jill lead Leon down the hallway and they eventually came to a door. “There should be another door at the end of this hallway,” Jill told him. “And it should lead somewhere past the fire.” Jill slowly walked down the hallway, while Leon slowly pushed the cart. Suddenly, the sound of Zombie footsteps echoed throughout the hallway. After a couple of seconds, four Zombies came around the corner. “I get two, and you get two,” Leon said to Jill, who had her shotgun out. Leon pulled out his, and they blew the Zombies away together. “Keep going,” Jill said. And after another five minutes, they came to a door. “If we go through,” Jill said. “We should come to the main hall.” And sure enough, they would. Jill was right. They were back in the main hall. “The Electronics Boutique is down the stairs,” Jill reminded Leon. But as they came close to the stairs, two more Lickers jumped at them. “You take them,” Jill told Leon. “Oh alright,” he said, pulling out his shotgun. Once they were both dead, they carefully carried the cart down the stairs. Then they put it back down and walked down the hall. Once they got to the electronics boutique, Jill ran inside and grabbed a computer. “This is the best one I could find,” she said. “It has 600 MHz, 200MB, a 20.2 Gigabyte Hard Drive, an Internet at the speed of 56K, a 10X CD-ROM Drive, and a CD-Recordable Drive.” “How much did it cost?” Leon asked. “$4999,” Jill replied, putting the computer in the cart. “Come on. I’ll push the cart this time.” They walked back to the main doors and waited for a sign of Barry and Sherry. Five minutes later, they finally showed up. “What took you guys so long?” Leon asked Barry. “,” Barry panted. Leon looked at Jill. “Another what?” she asked. Barry slowly looked up at her. Suddenly, they heard something fall. “It’s coming!” Barry whispered. “Well then let’s get out of here!” Jill yelled, grabbing the door’s handle. “Wait!” Barry yelled, stopping Jill. “Look!” Barry pointed to a wire going up and over the door. “There’s a bomb on the other side!” Jill backed away from the door. “Then how do we get out? I’ve got the parts right here!” Suddenly, the sound of running footsteps came from up top again. “Maybe Leon can help!” Jill said, hopefully. “Yeah,” said Leon. “I’ve got a bomb defuser, and a watch with a laser!” “Can I borrow them?” Barry asked. “I might be able to stop the bomb!” Leon quickly pulled out his laser watch and bomb defuser. “Thanks,” he said, and going to work right away. “Hurry!” Sherry said. “That thing is coming!” Barry cut a hole in the glass on the door-big enough for his arm to fit through. Then he picked up the bomb defuser and stuck his arm through. The sound of footsteps was getting louder. “Done!” Barry finally said. Jill kicked the door open and ran through, with the cart. “Let’s go!” Barry shouted, pushing them out. Suddenly, something almost the size of Nemesis slid across the mall floor. It was green, with cat-like eyes. “AAAHHH!!!” Sherry screamed, running as fast as she could. “Great!” Leon yelled. “Another monster to get in our way!” Suddenly, Nemesis jumped out in front of them. “Not our day!” Jill shouted, pulling out her sub-machine gun and pointing it at Nemesis. Leon was pointing his sub-machine gun at the green creature. Barry was pointing a shotgun at Nemesis. “FIRE!!!” Leon yelled, and letting his sub-machine gun fire. But the bullets didn’t seem to stop the two monsters from coming towards them. Suddenly, the green creature swung it’s fist at Leon, but he had ducked and rolled just in time. Then he fired more bullets at the creature. “These bullets don’t seem to be stopping them!” Jill yelled. Leon gave a quick nod, and then continued shooting the green creature. After ten seconds, it finally jumped away. But Nemesis was still there. It had somehow gotten stronger. “He’s stronger than he was before!” Barry yelled, shooting as fast as he could. But suddenly, Nemesis took off after the green creature. “W-where’s he going?” Sherry asked. “After that green thing,” Leon told her. “By the way, what was that thing?” “I don’t know,” Jill said. “Barry?” “Me and Sherry saw that thing back in the mall,” he replied. “He’s not as strong as Nemesis.” “That’s my hometown for you,” Jill said. “Always crawling with new creatures.” “Now that we’ve got the parts, we should get back to the boat.” Barry told them “Oh, wait!” Leon said, stopping Barry. “I almost forgot.” He pulled out and M16, a rocket launcher, and an AR33. “These are for you.” Barry took the guns and looked down at them, eyes wide open. Then he looked back at Leon. “Thanks,” he said. “Me and Jill picked them together,” Leon told him. Then Barry looked at Jill. “Thanks, both of you,” he said again. Once Barry’s new guns were in his backpack, they set off to find the boat. “We go back down Henderson St. and turn left on Beach Avenue,” Jill said, leading the way. “Then we follow that road until we get to the beach.” Suddenly, six Zombies broke out of a store and came for them. “If you guys don’t mind,” Barry said. “I’d like to try out my new M16.” “We don’t mind,” Leon said, looking at Jill. “Good,” Barry said, pulling out his M16 and killing the Zombies. Once they were dead, they continued down the street. Suddenly, another Licker jumped down from a building. “Leon,” Jill said. “You take it.” Leon nodded, and pulled out his shotgun. Then he blasted the Licker two times. “Well, the road is clear now,” Leon said. “So let’s continue.” But after a couple of minutes, Nemesis blocked them again. “Let’s turn around!” Sherry cried. But once they turned around, the green thing was blocking them. “We’re trapped!” Leon yelled. “Let’s get inside that office tower!” Jill shouted, pointing to an 70-story office tower. They quickly ran through the main doors and locked them once they were all inside. “It looks safe in the lobby,” Barry told them, looking around. “That’s a relief,” Sherry said. Suddenly, they heard banging on an elevator door. “It’s coming from this one!” Leon yelled, pressing his ear against the first elevator door. “But how do we open it?” Barry asked. “Oh, wait! What about your laser watch?” “Good idea!” Leon exclaimed, pulling it out. Once the door was cleared away, they saw a man, sitting down in the elevator. He also had blood all over his shirt. “He’s a cop!” Jill exclaimed. The man slowly looked up at Jill. “Jill....,” he moaned. “Valentine!....Of....S.T.A.R.S.....” “What happened?” Barry asked the cop. “I...I don’t....know,” the man replied. “I....was....taking....the....elevator....down....when suddenly....something” “What was it?” Sherry asked, interested. “Something....big,” the man replied. “First....I don’t....think....I’ve....introduced....myself. I’m....Officer....Branaugh....of....the....Raccoon....Police.” “Do you know what’s going on?” Leon asked Branaugh. “Yes,” Branaugh replied. “!” “Do you know anything about the G-Virus?” Leon asked Branaugh again. “G....Virus,” Branaugh moaned. “That....virus is....capable....of....turning....human....into....ultimate....fighting....machine!” “Is there anything else you know about Umbrella?” Jill asked. “Umbrella....,” Branaugh said. “! Is....stronger! Get....him! Get....that....traitor....” Branaugh suddenly shut his eyes. Jill checked his pulses. There were still moving, but he had fainted. “He fainted,” Jill told them. “Should I bring him out?” Leon asked. “Yeah,” Jill replied. “Get him out of there.” Leon went inside the elevator when suddenly, the cables started snapping. “Hurry!” Barry yelled, grabbing Branaugh’s arm. Suddenly, the elevator slid down a bit. Once Branaugh was out, Jill reached out for Leon’s hand. “Come on!” Jill shouted. Leon reached up, but the elevator’s cables suddenly snapped, and the elevator dropped. Leon looked around for a way out. The only way out was going through the top of the elevator. He quickly kicked the hatch open and jumped out on the roof. Then he looked down. The elevator was going to hit the ground any second. Leon jumped through an opening, and the elevator blew into pieces. “That was close,” he said. “But how do I get out now?” Leon looked around and found a sign on the wall. “Parking Floor 3,” he read. Then he looked down the hallway. There was a door at the end. Once he was through the door, he looked around. There were lots of cars, probably representing all the people that worked here. Then he pulled out his radio. “Jill?” he said. “Leon?!” Jill cried. “Are you alright?” “I made it safely out of the elevator,” Leon replied. “I’m in Parking Floor 3. Listen, it’s going to take me a while to get back to you guys, but don’t worry about me.” “Well, if you say it’s okay,” Jill said. “Then we’ll see you later.” “Bye,” Leon said, and then tucking his radio away. He looked around. There was a door in the far corner of the parking lot. He quickly ran over to it, but something stopped him. “AAAHHH!!!” he yelled, pulling out his AR33. “What is this thing?” Once again, it was the green monster. Leon started shooting it, but it quickly jumped over to him and punched him hard in the hip. “Ouch!!!” he shouted, shooting the green monster even more. Finally, it ran away and disappeared. “Why do we need another monster chasing us?” Leon asked himself. “Now, how do I get out of here?” By the looks of it, he wasn’t going to get out of here for a long time. He quickly moved through the door and found himself in another large parking lot. “Wow!” he exclaimed. “This building is huge! And so many people worked here!” There was another door on the other side of this parking lot. He ran through it and found himself in a large security room. Leon read the sign on the wall beside him. “Parking Floor 3 Security Room,” he read. There was a puddle of blood on the ground and three dead human corpses. He searched the first one and found a note. ‘Security Guard’s Diary: September 25, 1998, 7:08am: Today, I was informed that some strange sightings have be seen in the streets of Raccoon City. Whenever I took a look, it seemed perfectly normal. September 26, 1998, 4:23pm: Some people who work in the building said that there was a Zombie found dead on a sidewalk. I also heard that the Raccoon Police were having some trouble with Zombies, but I didn’t believe any of it. If there were Zombies attacking them, how come the officers aren’t doing anything about it? September 27, 1998, 2:45pm: Many people in the building have started scratching their skin a lot. Whenever I take a good look at them, it looks like they’re very ill. When I asked the boss if he knew what was going on, he just told me that the people have caught a flu. September 28, 1998, 5:03pm: Today, I was going to ask the boss about this illness again, but he didn’t show up. I asked his secretary, but she just said that he needed a day off. At first I believed her, but then I didn’t because I noticed that a lot of the people here have disappeared. September 29, 1998, 1:30am: I know it’s early in the morning but, two of my partners have gone missing. When I looked for them, I found them dead in the parking lot. When I tried to use the elevator to get upstairs, it didn’t work. So I pulled their bodies back in the Security Room. September 29, 1998, 1:56am: A couple minutes ago, I heard some footsteps. The footsteps don’t sound human. I tried to look for a way out, but the power has failed to open the emergency exit door. Wait....I can hear the footsteps now. The footsteps belong to the monster lurking around the parking lots. It’s coming for me........’ Leon tucked the diary away and then looked at the corpse again. “From what I heard, he was killed early this morning.” Then he ran over to the other corpses and found an Office Keycard on the second body. Then Leon saw some monitors over in the corner of the room. He ran over to them and looked at them. Some of them weren’t working, but some of them gave a clear picture. Leon looked at the first monitor. It was placed in one of the corners of this parking lot. The second monitor was in a second corner, and same with the third and fourth monitors. But the fifth one was placed in a hallway. Leon looked over at it, and then looked away. Suddenly, he heard continuous beeps. He quickly looked back at the monitors. The fifth monitor had detected something. Leon stared at the monitor. He caught a glimpse of a black suit coming down the hallway. “That hallway leads to this room!” Leon yelled. “I’m going to have company real soon.” Leon pulled out his AR33 and pointed it at the door leading to the hallway. Suddenly, the door broke open and Nemesis walked through. Leon fired many bullets at Nemesis, but it seemed as though the bullets barely hurt it. Nemesis came forward and swung at Leon, but he ducked just in time. Jill pulled out her radio. “Leon?” she called. No reply. “Leon?!” she called again. Still, no reply. “Leon?!!!!” she shrieked. Finally Leon replied, but there was a bad reception. “Jill?” he called. “Leon!!!!” Jill yelled. “Is everything alright?” “No!!!” he shouted. “!” “Hold on!” Jill shouted. “We’ll be right down!” “H-Hurry!!!” Leon barely made out. “Can’t....breathe!....PSSSSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!” His radio had failed. Jill looked at Barry. “We’ve got to get down there!!!” But suddenly, the big green monster flew through a window. “Bad luck!!!” Barry shouted. TO BE CONTINUED Is Leon Kennedy doomed? Will Jill, Barry and Sherry survive the mysterious green monster? Will Claire find her brother Chris? Where is Umbrella taking her? And what did Officer Branaugh mean about the traitor? Find out in RESIDENT EVIL 3: The Rescue at Umbrella
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