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Sailor Elements RPG: Sailor Aqua

Senshi: Sailor Aqua

Name: May St. Lawrence

Age: 16

Favorite Food: Sweets

Least Favorite Food: Meat, particularly beef

Favorite Subject: Philosophy

Least Favorite Subject: Math

Family: May has an older sister, younger brother, mother, and father.

Appearance: Dark brown hair with light brown highlights in her bangs. She keeps her hair tied in a high ponytail, which reaches down to her waist. Her eyes are also dark brown; they almost appear black.

Personality: May is pretty quiet and contained, sometimes a bit too serious. However, she is generally friendly. In her Senshi form, her morals seem to become amplified - she will fight to the death for what is right. Battle-wise, she never runs into a fight without fully assessing the situation (this may be her overly-cautious side coming through).

Sky blue
Skirt: Dark blue
Shoes: Light blue heels, with straps around the ankles
Arm Bands and Gloves: Light blue gloves with the arm bands being the same sky blue as her skirt.

Weapon: Aqua's weapon is the Teardrop Staff

May says, "Aqua Star Power". As soon as she utters the words, powerful waves of water crash behind her. The waves then surround her, then surge straight up - falling back down around her like sparkling rain. As the rain clears, May is now Sailor Aqua. She steps forward, holding one hand out, opened. A bright blue streak appears, forming the shape of her Teardrop staff, which materializes as soon as she closes her fingertips around it. She looks up, and smiles, saying, "Let Aqua cleanse your soul."

Aqua's first and weakest attack - Rainstorm Deluge: She points her finger at the enemy, and the sky turns grey with clouds. Rain starts to pour, harder and harder until the raindrops are blue streaks of light. This attack hits multiple times and has the ability to knock the enemy down, but hardly ever out.

Teardrop Apparition: Aqua uses her weapon for this attack - a long, thin-handled staff, with a white ring standing on top. Inside the ring is a tear-drop shaped jewel, of a luminescent blue color. In this attack, she slowly brings her staff around in front of her, in a circle. The teardrop traces a circle of a bright light. The light sparks off towards the enemy becoming sprays of water which grow stronger at the end of the attack.

Rapid Torrent: Similar to Sailor Neptune's Deep Submerge. Aqua holds her hand out forward. A wall of water rushes up behind her, curving downwards to crash into the enemy.

The Poseidon Monsoon: Aqua raises her staff so the teardrop is high above her head. Water rises up and around her as streams rush into the jewel on her staff. There is a bright flash of light then the columns of water (the streams that were forming the sprial) surge towards the enemy, surrounding and drowning them.

Aqua's new Cosmic level attack: Purity Annointment: Aqua raises her staff above her head, and it glows white. Hundreds of bright, clear bubbles burst from the teardrop jewel and fly towards the enemy. If hit by the bubbles, it feels like a sharp shock, or pain. But if the bubble hits the enemy square on the forehead, they are attacked by a powerful geyser which blasts up from under their feet.

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Sailor Aqua's Personal Site - Dreaming in Aquamarine
