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Sailor Elements RPG: Archives

Here are the messages from the RPG - exactly as they were sent. I have not changed anything. However, please note that the dates and order of messages may be a bit off at times - this is simply because of my email system, and other techno-illogical reasons. ^-^ But these problems are minor, and don't really mess up things all that much. Once I find time (school just started! ~.~) I'll try to put things back into order. =)

I will try to update as often as I can. BTW, dates displayed do not refer to the dates the messages were sent - just the period of time I spent collecting and transcribing the messages here. =)

September 1st - September 5th, 2000.

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Neo Queen Serenity walked down the dark halls of the palace quietly, her shoes tapping against the floor with each step. "The darkness is approaching once more..." she whispered to herself. She didn't know who...or what...was approaching the Earth. All she knew was that it was an evil force.
"Element Senshi of the Kingdom...there is a new evil approaching Earth. We are unable to fight there now. We have no one to send there...but you."
The Wind Princess nodded to this. The Aqua Princess spoke up, "Must we go fight on Earth, Neo Queen Serenity? How shall we get there?"
Neo Queen Serenity sighed. "You shall have to do as my mother did for me...I will send you there...but your minds will be temporarily erased, so you may not remember who you are for awhile. I hope you understand why."
The Fire Princess then spoke. "I'll agree to do this," she said. Wind, Aqua, Lightning, Light, Earth, and Chibi Wind all agreed with a nod.
"Thank you...very much," Neo Queen Serenity said with tears in her eyes. "But...I'm sure whatever is coming this looking for the nine star pieces. Whatever you do, whatever it takes, do not let them get the star pieces." Neo Queen Serenity sighed. "One of the star pieces is inside an evil force already. But they shall never find out. ONe piece is made up from the staffs of Wind, Fire, Aqua, and Earth. I have set them in your staffs. The rest are scattered." She then issued Princess Wind, Fire, Aqua, and Earth their staffs which they would use for battle. "Little shall take this use while on Earth."
Chibi Wind nodded. "Thank you Queen!" she said, and hugged Neo Queen Serenity.
"Lightning, Light, and the others will have their own weapons, too. Now...I must send you all to Earth as quickly as possible." Suddenly, they heard a little bell ring. "Queen, may I go too?" They all turned to see Starlight, the white cat, and Diana. Diana looked at her kitten. "I wish to stay here, but if the Queen gives you permission to go, Starlight, it's all right with me too." Neo Queen Serenity nodded. "Starlight will be your guardian on Earth. She will help you. Now...go, everyone. Wind, Aqua, Fire, Lightning, Earth, Light, and Chibi Wind. Good luck to you!" The princesses nodded and were transported to Earth to start their new lives...As Element Senshi.


"The Power is here...I can feel it!" The Dark Night Mistress said as they landed on Earth.
"Yes, Mistress. I can feel it too. But are you sure it is the right Star Pieces?" Sailor Death asked, sounding doubtful.
"Yes, I'm sure," she said. Now, we must find these star pieces, and the Senshi! We'll destroy the Senshi, then get their pieces." Sailor Death nodded. "Then, I'll be able to control the galaxy...but...I need the help of you and the Zodiac Warriors. I'll choose the first one to go later on. For now, let's just look at this planet for awhile to see where to locate the star pieces. We'll go on from there." Dark Night Mistress smiled at Sailor Death, and they began to search.


Jessica sighed, running into the school building. "I can't believe I'm late today," she said. She rushed into the classroom just before the bell rang. The teacher looked up at Jessica. "Detention, Miss Fisher. You aren't in your seat."
Jessica sighed. "Yes, Mr. B. ..." she mumbled. :Great: she thought, :Detention again...: Jessica looked at her watch. 9:02. She knew it would be a long day. She sat down in her seat and bgan the lesson.

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May glanced across the aisle at her friend Jessica, who was looking flustered. "Where have you been, Jessica? I was waiting all morning for you!" Not that she'd been all that late, but May often made it a point to arrive at school much before it was due to start. "You missed homeroom," she whispered. "There was a special announcement. Here," she discreetly passed Jessica a flier. On it, "SHOW YOUR SCHOOL SPIRIT!" was written in about a-billion-oint font. It went on to say that all students were welcome to attend a pep rally after school that day. "I think it looks interesting," May went on, "considering that our school hardly ever has events like this. What do you think, Jessica?"

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Jessica looked a bit skeptical. "Pep rally...well...I guess," she said. She wasn't really into school events, but it sounded a bit interesting to her, too. "Sure. Why not. I'll go. Oh yea...well, I woke up really late this morning...I forgot to set my alarm clock...and you know how my mom is never home." Jessica said. She looked out the window by her desk, and noticed a white cat outside, standing by the tree. She liked cats, so she watched it for a little while. It seemed like the cat was staring at her. Jessica looked back at May. She then started her writing assignment for the day, never taking her mind off the look of the white cat.

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Time seemed to fly by as May immersed herself in her assignment. When she glanced up, she noticed the students starting to pack up their things, and the teacher was writing a homework assignment on the chalkboard. She noticed Jessica looking out the window, so as she stood up to stretch her legs, she nudged her friend's shoulder. "What do you keep looking at?"

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Damita was sitting at her desk in art finishing up a sketch of a woman, a very hideous and yet beautiful woman. She looked up at the time and growled slightly, it seemed like lately there was never any time to finish what needed to be done. Sighing she stood up and stretched, her button up shirt pulling against her shoulders. ~Well another day of having to put up with these dulldrones.~ She heard in her mind the orders to observe but her heart was was her spirit. "Soon." She heard the bell and stood up and gathered her belongings and started towards her next class which just happened to be her favorite, P.E. Sure it sometimes called for team work but most of the time it was just working by yourself running or the such. She hurreid down the hall, her hair pulled up in an elegant twist, she stopped and noticed a face that stood out from the crowd..."What's he doing here??" Her voice was a low hiss as she spotted the face again and then without giving it another thought she hurried on.

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Stephan stepped into the hall way and looked around, so this is a typical high school, how dull. It was his first day here and he was already wishing he was back with his queen and not here playing babysitter and watchdog. Several times he was bumped into by people walking along the hall and several times he had to check his temper and remember that this was the way thing were going to be. ~Oh well, well in Rome...~ After his first class of which was an all too dull economics he discovered that several guys were "attaching" themselves to him and starting to ack like he was, "What is this, be like Stephan day??" The one nearest him just smiled and nodded his head, "Come on dude it's only been a couple of's not like you have gone and forgotten us now has it?" AH yes the human's form that he stole...these must have been his friends. Well if I'm to fit in then I would have to guess that having friends to hang out with is a must, he thought to himself once again. He was walking to his next class laughing and joking around with them when something stole his attention away from everything around him, "Damita..." he said it so quietly that no one caught the word. One guy turned and saw where he was looking and shook his head laughing, "Forget it dude, that witch is colder than the sub arctic." They continued on their way laughing and joking around but Stephan's mind kept wandering back to her.


Zac was throwing his books into his locker, things were always more fun like this...YA right. Life seems to be turning into hell as of late. His grandmother wasn't feeling the best and his little sister was turning into a class A pain in the butt, as it was he had detention because of her. She wouldn't get out of the car and go to school without arguing and he was suffering because of it, and becuase he was late his darn coach was making him go to detention to "think" about what he did wrong. Sighing, he ran his fingers through his short brown hair and lightly banged his head against the locker in front of him, "Get it together Banes, it's not like it's the end of the world or nothing." Muttering to himself he stopped and thought what class he had next, "Computers. Great." At last something he was decent with. Grabbing his box of disks and his back pack he slammed his locker shut and threw his letterman jacket over his right shoulder and turned around and ran smack into someone, instinctively he reached out and grabbed the person before they could hit the ground.

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May gasped as she nearly fell flat onto her backside, her feet sticking out in front of her like in the cartoons. A strong hand closed around her arm and stopped her, and she managed to stay on ehr feet, only dropping her gym bag. "Yikes," May said, frantically scrambling for her stuff. "Sorry about that." She paused. "Hey...I don't think I've seen you around here before." She stuck out her hand. "My name's May."

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Jessica ran to her next class, late for it, as usual. :This just isn't my day,: she thought. Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, she spotted a she hadn't seen in the high school. It was creepy to Jessica; it seemed as if a black aura surrounded the girl. Jessica shrugged it off and turned the corner to see May talking to an older guy. She ran up to them. "Sorry to intrude." Jessica said. She looked at the guy, and her cheeks turned a little pink. "Oh, hello! May, is this your new friend?" She nudged May expectantly. "New boyfriend?" she whispered with a grin. She looked back at the cute guy and wondered who he was.

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Jessica smiled. "Ok, ok! Sorry! So...hello, Zac. You new here?"

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Zac chuckled slightly and smiled to the new girl, "Zac, Zac banes. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand and then smiled and leaned down and kissed her knuckles quickly. "Listen I don't have much time...I'm in detention as it is for being late this morning. I don't like school food, in fact I can't stand it...makes me want to hurl." He made a funny face that his sister always did when she was about to be sick and crossed his eyes. "Would you guys care to show me a good place to get lunch? We can take my car, there's plenty of room."

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Damita looked up as a girl ran into the room and unceremoniously dropped her stuff. ~Talk about a total ditz, sheesh.~ Damita shook her head and set down her stuff and proceeded to change for P.E. When she was done she glanced out into the hallway and caught a quick sight of a cute guy talking to the ditz and her friend. There was something...something there...but she couldn't put her finger on it. The whistle for class to gather blew and she shrugged her shoulders and headed out to the mat and sat down in one of the corners.

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Zac leaned down and picked up the bad once he made sure that the girl he bumped into was okay. "Sorry, I should have looked where I was going." He looked up and smiled, his green eyes dancing with a chuckle in them. "I think you dropped this," he held out the bag to her. "My name's Zac Banes, just transferred here this year." He couldn't help it, he's a typical guy. Looking up and down he smiles slightly, "sure you're okay? My friends used to say I could be as solid as an ox. I'm really sorry about that." He stood in the crowded hall being more a breaker for the crowd to go around so she wouldn't end up being pushed around.

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May's face turned the color of a tomato. "Jessica!" she whispered, face flaming. "I just met him!" She smiled meekly at him. "We, ah, sorta bumped into each other," she said, in her normal voice.

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Jessica nodded at May and walked off to P.E. class. "See you around!" she said to Zac with a giggle. She hoped she would, anyway. Maybe they would meet again...

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May blushed an even brighter shade of red. She giggled, glancing at Jessica. "Sorry, but I can't...I'm late already for a P.E class." She nudged Jessica. "And so are you!" Pulling her friend by the arm, she started towards the gymnasium. "But thanks for the offer..." she smiled apologetically. "Maybe we'll see you around sometime soon?"

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He frowned for a moment trying to remember and then chuckled and pulled out his schedule, "Let's see, first period. Physics, English, Math, History, P.E., and Computers." He smiled one of his half smiles, "Although I think Math is going to be my favorite one this year." He fiddled around for a moment and then took a slightly deep breath, "Um could I offer you a ride home after school?"

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Jessica sat down quietly. She looed at Zac for a moment and then looked at the chair. "Soo... um...what other classes are you in?" Jessica asked, trying to spark conversation before class started. :He seems familiar...: Jessica thought. She looked at his face again, trying to remember who he was.

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Damita looked up from the mat as the two other girls walked in from the hallway. "You're late!" snapped the teacher. "Hurry up and change and then you can come here and demonstrate how to do the flex arm hang, and if you don't at least get twenty seconds you're going to be doing pushups for the rest of the period!" She turned back to the rest of the class. Damita pointedly looked at them and snickered. She couldn't see them being able to do it.

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Molly entered her math class, she took a glimpse at everyone but when she came to Jessica she felt that she'd seen her before, but just couldn't recall when. "I've never felt something like this before." She thought, then looked at her watch, "Well better figure it out later, class will start soon." Molly took the seat next to Jessica thinking, "Why does she seem so familiar? It could have been a coincidence, but the feeling was so strong..." before she could get wrapped up in any more thoughts, class began.

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Jessica blushed. "Sure! I mean...uh, that would be great!" Jessica was always ditzy around cute boys. She looked back up at Zac and smiled. "It's a long walk home for me, and I'm usually alone since May and I go different ways. Also, my mom is never home...and it gets lonely. It would be nice to have a friend," Jessica said.

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Zac looked up from his book that he was reading. Smiling, he put the book down and pushed the chair in fron tof him out with his foot for her. "Hi...Jessica it was, right?" He looked up at her and motioned for the seat in front of him, "Have a seat?"

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Jessica finally got through a few more classes, Computers and Reading. After lunch, she walked down the halls towards her math classroom and sat outside the door. When the bell rang, she walked in, and noticed that Zac was also in the class. She walked over to him. "Hi!" Jessica said.

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Zac was walking along the halls, his mind on the two young ladies he just "ran" into when he was ran into himself. He stumbled back and hit a locker, his books alling from his hands. "I'm SOOOOoooOOOOOOoo sorry." The voice was neither sorry nor friendly, in fact it was about as sinister sounding as it could be. There standing in front of him was a group of kids that looked to be trouble and it was obvious he wasn't just ran into, he was more like shoved. Standing up he brushed himself off and leaned down and picked up his books. "Not a problem...just watch where you are going next time, dude." "Watch where I'm going?? WATCH WHERE I'M GOING?!?!" He got into Zac's face and so did a couple of other characters with him. "Maybe, lil boy blue, you should watch where I'm going...then you won't be hurt!" Stephan smiled and stepped forward from the back, "Jake...let him alone...he got the picture." Stephan looked right at Zac and smiled one of his "charming" smiles. "I would highly advise that you be more careful." "And I would advise," Zac's voice dropped a couple of octives and his eyes flashed dangerously, "that YOU watch it." With that, he shoved one of the guys out of the way and walked off, no need in staying where he wasn't wanted. Stephan smiled wickedly. "Follow him...I want to know where he goes, and what he does, and with WHOM he's doing it with." There was something about that one that he thought needed to be watched. ~Yes, something indeed, maybe a possible star piece. Wouldn't that so irk Sailor Death if I found the first piece?~ He chuckled lightly as one of the "minions" ran off after him at a safe distance so he wouldn't know that he was being followed. ~Stupid idiots. Don't even realize they are bringing around the down fall of their race and world.~

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Zac waved and held up his hand and then turned and headed towards his car. Then he turned around and looked back at them, then hollared above the din of the hallway, "Maybe I'll see you after school!" He threw a wink at the two of them and then walked off. ~Wow...they are both quite good-looking...yes, he would see them later...~ he would make sure of it.'

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Zac smiled and dipped his head to her. "It would be my honor, m'lady." He chuckled as the blush on her cheeks caught his eye.

>>Week Two>>

