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Sailor Elements RPG: Sailor Death

Sailor Name: Sailor Death

Real Name: Damita Kron

Age: 17

Fav. Food: Pizza

Least Fav. Food: Mexican

Family: Damita's family is what one would term disfunctional. Her mother and father fight constantly, her older brother is never around and her sister stays locked in her room most of the time.

Apperance: Damita stands around five foot six inches, her hair is a deep midnight black that falls in soft waves around her face and shoulders, it stops aburtly at the bottom of her shoulder blades. It is normally pulled up into the most stylish of fashions. Her eyes are an emerald green and seem to hold much anger in them. Her skin tone is a deep dark tan even in the deadest part of winter.

Personality: Damita seems to be one that is a loner, she's always quiet in class she is very attentive, never does anything she shouldn't in class. Her demeanor makes most of the ppl in class think she is weird and a hermit but in actuallity it's just the fact that she's afraid to let anyone near her. When in Senshi Death her demeanor is completely different. She's cold, aloof and quite willing to do what ever it is that needs to be done, she is also not much of a team player. Woe be to any who stand in her way!

Bodysuit: Black
Skirt: Blood red, with the edge black with another black stripe going around the complete skirt about an inch up from it.
Arm bands and gloves: Her gloves are black and the arm bands are colored: red, black, red.
Boots: Her boots are black with a stripe of red going around the rim of them.

Weapon: Her weapon will be a Kriss sword.

Damita says Dark Star Power, Raising her hand above her head she is surrounded by souls as they rush through her body and around it the power from with in her awakens and she is cast into a ball of complete and utter darkness. With in this her clothes change to her fuku and as the darkness dissapates her sword falls into her hand from in front of her and then she swings it around her and she normally says "Death has come."

The first of her four attacks is:
Life drain: It takes your life and sucks part of it out of you so that you are to weak to fight anymore. (example is it would make someone feel like they have a VERY bad cold of flu, tired and achy all over.) It's a slow attack so there is a chance that people can dodge it if they are used to dodging attacks. (like the other senshi)

Her weakest and most used attack is: Heart Attack: A beam of black energy shoots out from her sword and flys straight at a person's chest or more specifically at their heart. It can't kill it's to weak but it can hurt very badly.

Her second most used power is: Darkness: It's a cloud of darkness that is completely and utterly black darn near impossible to see through. (Only see a half foot in front of you and even that is hard to cause you can't see the ground unless you are on your knees.) It's also very cold in there like being outside in the winter with only shorts and a t-shirt on. It's twenty feet wide, ten feet high and it lasts for almost an hour. She can use this one up to six times a day over that and it starts to weaken her.

Her final attack is her most powerful and she doesn't use it that often: Soul summon: She can summon up to two souls of the deceased souls to do her bidding. If she summons more then two it takes some of her life energy to bring them and it also drains her more if they remain there for an extended period of time. The souls can hurt ppl, but they aren't capiable of stealing any one's soul unless that soul really wishes to depart the body then it becomes possible. And if enough of them are called (five) then they are able to kill people. But it's unlikely cause she doesn't use this power often and when she does she only calls two at a time unless there is a "REAL" need for her to do otherwise.


