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Sailor Elements RPG: Sailor Earth

Sailor Earth is a villain working for Sailor Death. Evelyn isn't a wicked person at heart (i.e., she isn't naturally bad), but she was awakened to her Senshi form by Death, which imbued evil powers within her (hence her cynicalism).

Sailor Name: Sailor Earth

Regular Name: Evenlyn (Eve)

Age: 17

Favorite Food: Vanilla Ice Cream

Least Favorite Food: Salmon

Favorite Subject: Geography

Least Favorite Subject: Home Economics

Family: Evelyn lives with her mother and father.

Appearance: Eve is about 5'7, slender, with fair skin. She has long, dark blue-green hair which she keeps tied tightly back in a single braid, interwoven with a pink ribbon. When braided, her hair reaches several inches below her lower back. When she transforms, her braid unravels and her hair hangs loose.
Her eyes are a clear dark blue, and her features are dainty.
She prefers to dress fairly conservatively, in deep ocean and earthtone colors, like navy blue, forest green, and brown.

Personality: Eve is basically quiet, and constantly has a somewhat cynical, sinister expression. She is known to have a sharp tongue, and often displays a blatant disregard for other peoples' sensitivity. However, her harsh exterior is mostly a cover-up for her own sensitivity - truthfully, Eve is an emphatic person, merely led astray by corruption...

Bodysuit: Dark green (sort of a bluish-green)
Skirt: Dark purple with gold trim
Shoes: Gold heels with laces that intertwine up the leg, stopping beneath her knee - sort of like a Grecian sandle.

Weapon: Earth's weapon is a wand called the Crystal Sphere. The wand is a luminescent green, about the length of Sailor Moon's Crescent Wand. There is a ring of gold at the top and bottom. Sitting at the top of the wand is a fairly large crystal ball, which emits a soft white glow. Finally, curving around the crystal are two "claws" which hold the crystal down. The claws are shaped like vines and are deep purple in color (like her skirt).


Earth's first attack is a spell, called Atlas Power. Her wand glows a bright yellow, instread of white, and she leans over so that her wand almost touches the ground. Then she traces a circle around her, which glows as a yellow ring. The light from the ring shines up in a column around her, and when it sinks back into the ground, Earth appears to have a golden glow. This spell multiplies Earth's strength several times, so that when she attacks (must be with a physical attack) it feels instead like being hit with solid rock.

Earth's second attack is Nature's Revenge. She holds her wand out in front of her, between her hands with her fingers spread (think of a praying stance, but instead of the tips of her fingers pointing upwards, they point toward her adversary). The crystal in her wand glimmers yellow. Then, no matter where her opponent is (that is, whether they be outdoors or on concrete, also, they must be within eyeshot of course), several thick, sinewy vines burst up from the ground around theikr feet, wrapping around them. The vines then try to pull the oppoent to the ground, binding them completely (and eventually suffocating them).

Next, Earth's third attack is Lotus Shard. Her wand glows a bright yellow, and the yellow "bursts" out of the crystal. Earth whips her arm around, as if throwing. The yellow light shoots towards her opponent, quickly becoming several diamond-hard, spinning pink lotus flowers. These flowers are about the size of ninja stars (but thicker) and attack in the same way.

Lastly, Earth's final attack is Earth Eclipse. She holds her wand out in front of her, concentrating all her powers to the crystal, so that it becomes a blindingly bright yellow. The light from the crystal grows into a yellow ball, growing until it is larger than Sailor Earth. The ball launches from her wand, and quickly circles her. As it reaches the wand again, Earth holds out her hand; and as she lifts it above her head, the ball follows (hovering above her fingertips). Finally, Earth throws her hand downwards, slamming the ball into the ground. The power ltears through the earth towards her opponent - once it reaches them, the earth beneath their feet explodes. Earth rarely uses this attack as it is physically draining (and dnagerous, because she, and those on her side, could get hit with the exploding rock).

Transformation: After saying "Earth Cosmic Power!" her brooch glows a bright green. Eve places her hands on either side of the brooch, "gathering" the light, which forms into a sphere (like in her Eclipse attack), and holds it in front of her for a moment. Then she throws the sphere straight up above her head. The sphere grows larger, and Eve leaps up into it. She curls into a ball, and the green glow surrounds her, unravelling her braid (the ribbon just disappears) and forming her fuku, gloves, and shoes. When she is fully transformed, she drops from the ball, and lands on her feet, extending one open hand upwards. The green sphere shrinks and becomes her Crystal Sphere wand (directly infront of her hand) and she catches it.
Evelyn has then transformed into Sailor Earth.

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