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Sailor Elements RPG: Sailor Moonburst

Sailor Name: Sailor Moonburst

Regular Name: Aurora/Northern Lights (pet name by very best friends only)

Age: 14

Favorite Food: Vietnamese

Least Favorite Food: Mexican

Favorite Subject: Art/Writing

Least Favorite Subject: Physical Education (she doesn't like to be forced to exercise; she'll do it when she feels like it)

Family: Aurora lives in a brand new subdivision. She is a transfer student from Vietnam and knows three different languages: Japanese, Vietnamese, and English. She is currently living with the Chikono family. They consist of an oriental father and mother and their baby daughter who is only a few months old.
Aurora's real family is in Vietnam, lost to her. She was told to go to America and make a life there and to forget her old life in Vietnam.

Appearance: Long black hair which reaches to her calves. She wears her hair in pigtails with starshaped or round-shaped buns. When she transforms, her hair is shorter, becoming a mid-thigh length. Blue eyes, light skin.

Personality: Aurora was a shy person the first few weeks she arrived from Vietnam, but since she started school she observed her surroundings by watching groups of people around her. She noted which to makes friends with and which to not. She stands up for herself and others who can't.
In her Senshi form, she is a natural leader and will protect anyone who is on her side - even when she obviously is not going to win.

Bodysuit: White
Skirt: Baby blue
Boots: White, with the tops outlined in baby blue
Arm bands and gloves: White, with baby blue armbands
Ribbons: Baby blue

1. Moonburst Explosion - Stars burst from her staff and surround the enemy in circles. The stars are followed by a string of rainbow light that create a dusty after-effect once the stars hit their target. The rainbow lights won't show if the attack fails.

2. Power of Sailor Moonburst, Staff of Sacred Light! - Sailor Moonburst takes her staff and swings it in a circle in front of her. She suddenly stoops and the outline of her staff's circle bursts in a light towards the enemy.

3. Moonburst Heartache Enchant - She holds her hands to her chest and many white, baby blue, and baby pink hearts from in her hands. She turns in a 360 and the hearts radiate from her hands after she completes the circle.

4. Heal Thee for Love, Moonburst Love Radiate - A crescent moon with a star that appears to be bnursting appears in the middle of her forehead. A white light springs out from it. She looks into the person (or people) that need to be healed, and she places the light onto their forehead. This light will begin to heal them.
this attack drains much energy and she will use it only when she feels that it is the absolute last resort. She'll use it only when the other Senshi ask or if there is no other way to heal someone. Most of the time she will either faint or get extremely dizzy from using this. This will wear off once she gets to higher levels of training.

Weapon: A white staff that has a bright star at the top. The starr is surrounded by a barrier that looks like glass. On top of the glass is a big pearl-like ball, and on top of that is a gold-yellow crescent moon. At the bottom of the staff is one large pearl ball.

Transformation: After Aurora says her transformation call, a crescent moon appears behind her. It spins in several 360s and then many stars burst out from behind and engulf her. Her white bodysuit is formed. Then ribbons of all colors surround her and makes the rest of her fuku. Meanwhile, the stars form her white staff. Moonburst grabs the staff and places it proudly on her right.

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