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SE RPG: Archives - Week 2

September 5th - September 14, 2000

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Jessica stared at the note in her lap. She studied the beautiful drawing, how nicely it was sketched. Jessica read the note and began to daydream a little, thinking about Zac moreso than her math assignment. Her daydream was interrupted by the sound of the bell. She gathered her books and rushed out of class, praying she wouldn't be late for any more classes. "Oh! And Jessica..." the teacher called as she left, "Detention is cancelled today. Be lucky for that." Jessica sighed happily. "I get to see Zac after all!" she thought. She couldn't wait for the end of the day. She did her homework in school so she would have a free afternoon. Jessica heard the final bell ring. She grabbed her backpack and books and ran out the door and outside of the building. She reminded herself to slow down, in case anyone was watching. As she walked out the building, she noticed the same mysterious white cat near the tree. It was looking at her awkwardly again. Jessica walked to the front of the school and waited for Zac to show up.

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Zac smiled when he walked out of the room, there was something about her that just made him want to keep her close to keep her safe. "Get it together, Banes!" he muttered to himself as he went through history and his other classes. "And your homework for tonight is...nothing." The class cheered and Zac thanked whatever was giving him a good day. When the final bell rang he stopped by his locker, threw his bag in there and pulled out the things he needed to take home, or didn't dare to leave over night. Heading for the parking lot he pulled his keys out of the breast pocket of his jacket and unlocked the door and threw his stuff in teh back seat and hopped in. Starting up the car he smiled as he heared it purr to life. He pulled out of the parking lot and drove up to the front of the school and honked the horn to Jessica, then leaned over and opened the door for her.

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Jessica looked around to see if anyone was watching (which they were). She quietly stepped into the car. She shut the door and looked up at Zac. "Thanks me up," Jessica said. She wondered if he could tell she was extremely nervous. She looked back up at him and smiled.

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Zac looked over at her, "How about I take you out for a burger? Or pizza? We could get to know each other a bit better, we could swing by and pick up May if you would like... my treat." He could tell she was nervous and he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable in the slightest so he offered the only thing he could think of. He pulled out of the front of the school and merged into traffic and hopped on the main "drag" through town, unsure of which direction he should be going.

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"Uh...sure," Jessica said. She sighed. "But...I don't exactly know where May is right now... and oh...I need to be home by five..." Jessica remembered. "Sorry so early. But, I would really like to get to know you." She smiled up at him. She stared out the car window for a bit, not caring where they were going.

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Zac sighed quietly, this wasn't going all that well. In fact she seemed bored out of her mind. ~Great~ he thought to himself. He just drove for a little bit until he came to a small place that his sister just loved to go to. It had good food and a fifties style atmosphere, they served just about everything here. As he pulled in he looked over at her. "Hey, don't worry about the time thing, I totally understand. I normally need to be home no later than seven so I can help with my sister's homework." He pulled into the parking spot and stopped the engine and climbed out of the car and then waited for her. As they walked in he looked about. "Where would you like to sit? Window, table?" He looked over at her.

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"Umm...window?" Jessica said. She looked back at Zac. "Well...what would you like to do? I'm really not good at making decisions," she said. She looked around the area, scanning for empty tables. She spotted one by a window, one in a corner, and one near the counter. :great...: she thought. :I'm actually totally stupid again.: She decided that for the rest of the time, she would not do anything to make a bad impression on Zac.

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"Well how about the corner then?? That way we can sit back out of everyone's sight but can see them," he smiled at her, liking how she wasn't like every other girl he offered to buy supper for...sure he had a few friends and he cherished those ones but most girls just wanted to show him off to their friends...she didn't seem to be like that at all.

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Jessica nodded and followed Zac to the back corner table. She liked it that way, it was more private...or at least felt like it. She felt special when she was with Zac. Everyone else barely paid attention to her...classamates, her mother...except for May and her few other friends. she also felt something else from Zac...but she didn't know what...just like the girl she had seen earlier. She sat down in the chair next to Zac's and waited.

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Zac sat down in the chair across from her and draped his jacket over one of the other chairs. The waitress came up and gave them two menus and two glasses of water and said she would be back in a few minutes when they decided. He picked up his glass and looked at it for a moment and then took a small sip of the water and set it back down. ~Wow...what to say...come on, this was your least have enough gumption to talk to her, you dit.~ He looked around for something...anything to talk to her about. He spotted something outside the window, there was a small leaf blowing in the wind. "I hope you don't mind me drawing you earlier today...something just told me that you would look good on paper...and it was right." Lord, he must sound like a total buffoon. ~Change the subject!~ " and May been friends for long?"

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A loud crash in the corner of the library shook May out of her deep concentration. She looked up from the thick text book she'd been reading, and noticed the librarian having some trouble with a heavy cart of books. "Do you need some help, Ms. Hill?" May asked. "No thanks, May, I've got it," she answered. May glanced at the clock then, and her jaw just about dropped to the floor. "I've been here for more than two hours!" she exclaimed. Grabbing her stuff, she rushed out of the nearly empty school. "I guess Jessica left already," she thought out loud. Once outside, the weather was unusually warm, so she decided to slow down a bit. As she ran down the stairs of the entrance, she noticed a white cat sitting there. "Hi, kitty," she said, approaching it. "I thought I saw Jessica looking at you! No wonder, you're such a cutie!" she reached out to scratch the kitten under its chin. Suddenly May slapped herself on the forehead. "The pep rally! I missed that too!"


Meanwhile, in the large throne room of a dark castle, the Dark Night Mistress stood before a floating, black, crystal ball. She waved her hand over it, and two seperate images appeared: Damita's and Stephen's.
"My warriors," she spoke into the crystal. "I demand to see you at once. I have an addition to the mission for you."


And in the restaurant that Zac had taken Jessica...a lone customer sat at the end of the counter, a half-finished hamburger and a glass of chocolate milk before him. Blue-black hair fell over his eyes as he scanned the people in the restaurant with a contradictory disinterest. His eyes passed over Jessica, then Zac...then the boy did a double take, his attention caught by Zac's piercing green eyes. "They seem interesting," he thought, referring to Zac and Jessica. "Not like everyone else in this dull town." Sipping on his chocolate milk, he continued to watch them...

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"Uh...yea...I guess," Jessica said. She tried to remember how long she had known May. Then she remembered. :Oh no...I missed the pep rally: Jessica thought. She decided to go right over to May's house to talk to her. Jessica looked around the restaurant with a sigh. Now there were six more empty tables. She spotted a young boy, sitting up at the counter. "What's he doing here by himself?" Jessica thought. Then, it appeared again...the same black aura that had come from the girl earlier...the darkness that seemed to surround him. Jessica quickly turned away. "What is wrong with me today?" she muttered.

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"Uh oh, the girl noticed me," Joseph thought. He quickly dug into his pocket and left a few crumpled up dollar bills on the counter, before leaving the restaurant.
Once outside, however, he didn't have much to do. He sat down on the curb and just waited, not really planning on anything.


At the same time, May was slowly walking home, enjoying the evening sun. "Maybe I'll give Jessica a call..." she glanced at her watch; it was already past 5 o'clock. "She should be home by now!"

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Damita jumped as she heard the mental summons. Looking around her room she found her full length mirror and saw an image of her queen and walked over to it. "As you command, my Mistress," she said, bowing to the image before her. Touching the small locket at her throat she silently said, "Bring me before the Queen." There was a flash of light and then darkness. Stepping out of the darkness, Damita went to one knee. "You summoned me?" She looked around and smiled...leave it to Gemini to be late as usual.

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Stephen was sitting there listening to his "friends" when a mental buzzer-like sound went off in his mind. Standing up without another word to the crowd around him he walked to his motorcycle, hoped on and started it and took off. He didn't drive too far...just far enough to know that he wasn't followed. Driving into a back alleyway he stopped and walked into a shadow and appeared in the Dark Queen's throne room. Going to oneknee he smiled wickedly, "As you commanded, I amhere M'lady." He looked up at the sickly beautiful woman on the throne and caught a glimpse of Damita to his left and threw a quick wink in her direction. "Well, well, looky who comes running when called...just like a good lil lap dog." The taunt was whispered loud enough that Damita could hear it and hopefully not loud enough that the queen heard it.

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Zac looked at the menu and ordered a hamburger and strawberry milkshake and motioned for the waitress to take Jessica's order as well. Hearing her sigh he decided to pull out his sketch book and see if there was anything in there that might help them talk a little more. When he started to hand it to her he noticed her looking at a young boy and he couldnt help but feel his gaze fixate on him. Without realizing he was talking out loud he said, "Do you ever have the feeling you know someone from somewhere...another time perhaps... or place? I felt that way when I looked at May...and you." HIs gaze was still locked on the boy as though he was incapable of looking away.

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Dark Night heard the comment, but chose to ignore it. Instead, she raised her hand, and in a surge of dark energy, another black crystal ball appeared. It floated in between Damita and Stephen. "Take a good look," she said.
Inside the crystal ball, black energy swirled around like oil and water before turning into the image of a young boy.
"This child's name is Virgo. Find him for me, and bring him here." She raised an eyebrow, hinting at her sick sense of humor, "He's one of you. So I want him in one piece."
The image changed, to show three girls - Molly, Jessica, and May. "I don't know who these girls are, but keep an eye on them. They have a strange aura." She looked at Stephen, then at Damita. "But you've seen them already, haven't you?"
Dark Night lowered her hand and the crystal ball abruptly disappeared, signaling a change in subject. "By the way, you two...and especially YOU, Damita...since you're supposed to pretend to be part of these humans, it wouldn't hurt to try to blend in a little. Don't draw attention to yourselves. Not until it's completely necessary, at least." She smiled, at some hidden wicked thought.
"All right...that's it. You may go now. But report back to me at once, if you have any news."

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Gemini looked at the subject of his Mistress' globe and studied the face long and hard. He would remember that face. He would be the one to bring him back, not the Mistress' pet. Oh sure, he knew that she was the favorite, why shouldn't she be? After all, she was another Mistress in the making, but he would prove his worth as well to the Dark Queen.
When she mentioned the girls and he saw their picture, he nodded slightly. "Aye, my Queen, I know I have, and as for her...she is too busy trying to be a stand out. I will do more than keep an eye on them...I will take one as my 'human girlfriend' if that is possible. Then you will know even more."
He snickered when Damita was critized and he stood up and bowed low to the Mistress and walked back out of the shadow he came through and hopped on his bike. He would have to find them first, and he would have to find the kid as well. "One of us...somehow I don't think so." He laughed evily and drove off, looking for any of the four he was shown.

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Damita looked over at Gemini and her eyes flashed dangerously at the comment. If it wasn't for the fact that the Queen herself was standing there she would have given him a good taste of her full strength. But she didn't. When the globe appeared she looked into it to see a young boy that had an inky feeling about him. Smiling, she nodded. "Shouldn't be that hard to find the likes of him..." her smile faded though, when she saw the three. A light growl errupted from her lips and she wished to only lash out at the perfection she saw there...they were happy, friendly, and known around the school, everything she was not. Looking up at the Dark Lady she said, "If you wish, my Mistress, I will destroy them for you."
She lowered her head again then flinched at the tone of the voice she was admonished in. Looking up at the woman on the throne she bit her lower lip to avoid saying what she was thinking. ~I would rather die by her hand then blend in and be part of THOSE humans.~ She only nodded, "I will try to do as you command, my Queen." She noted that Gemini left and relaxed a little bit. Standing up she bowed as well, and turned and walked back into the darkness from which she came and flopped on her bed. She began to study, or at least try to study. Her mind was wheeling a mile a minute...another soldier... the three girls...they all seemed to be connected to each other, but she wasn't sure how yet...and that frustrated and made her angry.

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