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Hi! My name is Katelyn Marie.
You can call me Katelyn, Katie, or Kate.
It doesn't matter to me. My Birthday is
November 30. That's a week after my mommy's
(her's is November 22). My mommy made this
page just for me. In my memory. I love my mommy
and all of our family and friends.
And I know that they all love and miss
me too :), but I am safe here. This is my home
I can watch over everyone down on earth from
here. I am a beautiful angel smiling down at my
mommy. The sunshine is my love and all the
other angels' love pouring down :).

"Tiny Angel"

Tiny hands that hold a lifetime
connect your heart to mine.
Tiny fingers trace the lifelines
of two souls that intertwined.

Tiny nose and tiny eyes
In a tiny little face
Reminders of your beauty
Quickly gone, without a trace.

Tiny kicks and tiny wiggles,
Stopped in the silence of one breath
As my tiny, lovely angel
Was caressed and kissed by death.

A tiny life stopped in one heartbeat,
Oh, how could this be?
You passed through my life, my heart, my soul,
You became a part of me.

Tiny whispers, tiny words
Never to be heard.
But your echos live forever,
My tiny, precious son.

by: Jennifer Gates

