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Please help those with breast cancer. 43,000
women will die from breast cancer this year.
In minutes, you can help give underprivileged
women the life-saving gift of early detection.
Visit The Breast Cancer Site every day to donate
free mammograms and help us reduce the number
of mothers, sisters, partners and friends we lose
to breast cancer.

Hunger is a deadly thing that affects many countries. Every
3.6 seconds, someone dies of hunger. 75% are children.
Visit The Hunger Site everyday to donate free
food and participate in the fight to end world hunger.

Almost 2 acres of tropical rainforest disappear every second.
Hundreds of species of birds, animals and plants
are losing their homes as you read this. Visit The Rainforest Site
every day to donate free land and participate in
in the fight to preserve the world's endangered rainforests.

Worldwide, 1,800 children will be infected with HIV today.
That's 75 babies an hour. In minutes, you can provide
them with nursing care to treat and prevent
the spread of the HIV virus. Visit The Kids AIDS Site
every day to donate nursing care for these children.

Let's carry on Princess Diana's mission. 72 people will
step on a landmine today. That's one person every
20 minutes -- 26,000 this year alone. In just minutes,
you can provide landmine victims with access to
medical care, artificial limbs, counseling and
training to heal and resume productive lives.
Best of all, this outreach assistance
is provided to landmine victims. Visit The Landmine Site
every day to provide funding for victims' aid.

30,000 children will die today. That's over 1,200 an hour.
This will happen simply because their immune systems
are not strong enough to survive diseases like
measels or malaria. In just minutes, you can provide
them with the Vitamin A they need to improve their
resistance to disease and improve their
chances to survive and thrive. Visit The Child Survival Site
every day to provide free Vitamin A
to the world's children.

Please help save the big cats. There's not too many left
and they need our help. Every time you click on a big cat
you will be supporting the protection of about
3.9 acres of big cat habitat. There is no cost
to do this so please click and help save
our big cats today.

