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Learn About IBS

This page is to inform you about IBS,
Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Many many people suffer
this disease, including myself. It's not life
threatening or anything, but it sure can
be a pain...literally. I debated telling
about this on my some
may find it embarrassing or improper web talk.
Well, if you do, then don't read
any further. I feel it's something people
need to know about. And I'm sure
there's many others who feel the same
way. There are basically two kinds of ibs;
IBS-D and IBS-C. IBS-D is where you
have mostly diarhea. IBS-C is where you
get mostly constipation. However you can also
have the same day even.
IBS has no cure and there's nothing
to treat it. Doctors don't know what
causes it either, although stress, certain foods,
and excitement may cause symptoms. Please read
the following websites for more information. Thanks
and good health wishes to all!

IBS Self Help Group
Invisible Disabilities
IBS Resource Center
Books To Buy
The Healing Place
GI news, information, support
Vitality Doctor
Stress Management
Dawn's Backgrounds
