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Diana led a very, very busy lifestyle.
The Royal family barely let her breathe on her own.
But...Diana never gave up. She went on and
did what she felt she needed to do. She
was the strongest, bravest, most caring
person. She had the biggest, warmest heart.
She helped anyone she could. If you were
in need, Diana would surely find her way to you
and help bring a smile to your face. Most importantly
though, she was a MOM. She had two
very handsome boys, William and Harry.
No doubt they're what made her happiest.
She tried her hardest to be a real mom
to them. She took them to school, were in their lives,
was a modern day cool mom. I know they
miss her and they will always remember her...just
as we will always remember the Queen of
our Hearts. We love you Diana and will
never let your memory die!!

The Young Di
Diana's Engaged
Diana's Wedding
Pregnant Diana
Diana has 2 Sons
Prince William
Prince Harry
Diana In Later Years
A Sad Day For The World
A Sad Day Page 2
Diana In Red
A Caring Diana
Diana In Gowns
Sexy Di
Diana In Hats
Diana At Play
Diana In Cars
Casual Di
