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I made this page to share with
you about the Wiccan/Pagan Religion,
and about Witches. So, you're asking
me if I'm Wiccan or a witch
right? Well, to answer that honestly, I
do not know. I do not turn
men into toads, eventhough I've been tempted
before haha. I am actively studying the
path. I believe in a lot regarding
this path. Don't I believe in God?
Well, that can be a complicated answer.
I do believe in Gods and
Goddesses. I know there is something/someone
(and that may be plural, like
more than one God or Goddess)
and I do believe in Earth
and feel that has a LOT to
do with life. Whatever you believe
though is wonderful. I am not
about to tell you what to
believe and I hope you can
respect my choices. I just hope
this page and these links will
help you understand a little about
my path. If not, thats ok.
You don't have to understand. Thanks
for stopping by :-)

Information on Salem Witch Trials
More Info on Salem Witch Trials
More Info on Salem Witch Trials
The Blair Witch Movies
Blair Witch Files
More Information
The Wiccan Grove
A Wiccan's World
Wiccan Page for Teens
Pagan Lore
The Witch Vox : An incluse information site about Wicca and Paganism
Modern Wiccan
Wiccan Magic
The Wiccan Rede Project
A Little of Everything
The Wiccan Garden
Pagan Kids
For those Pagans who home school their children
A Friend's Page
