A Day In the Life of Daz...
"They call me taboo in the band, because I say the unsayable and do the undoable. I pull pranks (like what? fess up Daz...lol) and say whatever comes to mind."
"If someone tells me not to do something, then that just encourages me."
The Music Industry
"It's a strange job when you expose your feelings to everyone and get paid for it."
"No one ever stopped me in the street before I was a pop star. I know that I didn't suddenly become more interesting or intelligent because of that, but other people seem to think I did."
"It's a business that really teaches you about yourself, because you're talking about yourself, your music, and your life all the time. It's a real growth tool, like someone holding a mirror up to me."
Favorite Memory...Enter The World of ET
"Watching ET. I believed in ET and magic and innnocence."
"I used to ride around on my bike and I'd put some Reese's pieces in the park and hope that an alien would come down. But one never did!" (LOL!!)
Destined To Be A Rock Star?
"I was always dreaming; I thought everyone wanted to be a rock star. Then everyone else grew out of it, and I still thought I'd be. I think everyone thought I was crazy."
"I used to think I was Michael Jackson! The day that I woke up and realized I was just a poor white kid growing up in Austrailia, I was devastated." (Aw, poor Daz. Need a hug?)
Ooooh...Darren's Romantic Side
"A wedding ring is sexy and romantic. Commitment and monogamy is sexy. Random acts of kindness are romantic, too."
"I'm the type who found a balcony and climbed it at midnight to romance my girlfriend while I was courting her."
Those Embarrassing Moments...
"Once while I was performing on stage and walking down a catwalk, I was blinded by the light and I fell right off into the audience. I tried to look cool like I was surfing the crowd, but it was painfully obvious that it was an accident."
"I had to change my shirt offstage between songs. I undid my pants so I could tuck in the shirt and I couldn't get my fly zipped again. A team of fashion specialists and I were there tugging at my zipper for what seemed like a lifetime and we couldn't get it to go up! I was still backstage when the music started...but I didn't want to go out there until I was decent. So I started singing from backstage. Everyone wondered where I was! Finally, it was apparent that the zipper wasn't gonna budge, so I just went onstage and announced the delay was because my fly was stuck and that it still was. Nobody probably would have noticed if I didn't point it out!" (Daz, Daz, what'll we do with you? lol :) )
"Sweet like a chic-a-cherry cola."
"All these mixed emotions we keep locked away like stolen pearls."
"I know that it might sound more than a little crazy but I believe I knew I loved you before I met you."
"I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned."
"If you need to crash then crash and burn you're not alone."