Kansas Story
by Grace

Chapter 21 - 30


Chapter 21 - Learning The Truth

October 25, Ludlow, Kansas, Cummings' house

Meg looks at her picture with Tim and sighs.

Meg (to herself): Tim, I'm so sorry it had to end this way. But we had no future together. I don't love me. And if you ever loved me, you'll get over me soon, cause this was not this great love. You'll find the right woman who will love you the way you deserve to be loved.

Ben (from outside): Knock, knock.

Meg instinctively takes a short look in the mirror.

Meg: Come in.

Ben: Hey.

Meg: Hey, what are you doing here?

Ben: Nothing. I was just coming by.

Meg (laughing): Yeah, right.

Ben: OK, so I wasn't exactly COMING BY. I just wanted to see you.

Meg: You did?

Ben: Yeah. And I think that's normal after what we said to each other the other day.

Meg: You mean that we are.

Ben: In love with each other. Exactly.

Meg: Look, Ben, I still don't know where this road leads to.

Ben: I do.

He leans to kiss her, but she pulls away.

Meg: Ben, no.

Ben: Meg, what's wrong? I thought that you.

Meg: Look, I just don't know what to do with all this. I mean, suddenly I start to feel something I've never felt before. I just don't know how to deal with that. Besides, you're from California and eventually you will have to go back home.

Ben: I wouldn't worry about that.

Meg: I can't stop worrying about that. Cause here I am, falling in love in just one second, not thinking about the causes and consequences. How can you imagine a relationship. if we are to have one.

Ben: We are.

Meg: Then how do imagine this? You in California, me in Kansas and what? We meet for the Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Ben: Meg, please don't worry about it.

Meg: Ben, I.

Ben: Look, it doesn't matter where I live. What matters is what we feel right now. And what we both feel is the most amazing thing anyone can ever feel. You agree, don't you?

Meg: Yes.

Ben: Then don't worry about the future, all right? I am here and you are here, it's all that matters.

Meg: I don't know.

Ben: I do.

Ben kisses her lips.

Ben: Tell me that you don't feel the magic right now...

Meg: I do.

Ben kisses her again, a little bit more passionately.

Ben: And tell me that you don't feel that thrill all over your body.

Meg: I do.

Ben; Then that's all we should worry about.

He pulls her closer for a long passionate kiss. She doesn't object, she just returns the kiss with even bigger passion. She feels like they were the only people in the world.

Suddenly the door open and they realize that they were caught. By Tim.

Tim (shocked and angry): Oh my God!

Meg: Tim.

Tim: So Connie was right. You. you left me for him. the guy you don't even know. Damn it, Meg. How could you?

Meg: Tim, I'm so sorry.

Tim: You're sorry? Don't be ridiculous. You don't have to feel sorry - you have a wonderful guy and you apparently you can't get your eyes of him. or your lips. No Meg, you shouldn't be sorry. I am the one who is sorry. that I ever fell in love with you.

Tim heads towards the door and Meg tries to stop him.

Meg: Tim, wait!

Ben (grabbing her hand): Meg, don't. Just let it go.

Meg: Ben, I can't.

Ben: Just leave him alone right now. I'm sure he will be fine.

Meg (cries): What have I done?

Ben: Nothing, you just fell in love.

Meg: How could I hurt Tim like this? How could I?

Ben: Don't do this to yourself. You couldn't do anything to help it. And neither could I. Our hearts did the job for us. And you know that heart never listens to the mind.

Meg: You're right, it does not.

Ben: Then don't be so hard on you. You just did what your heart was telling you.

Meg: You're right. Ben, can you please go now. I need to be alone. Please.

Ben: OK.

Ben heads towards the door and suddenly realizes something.

Ben: Meg.

Meg: Yeah?

Ben: Can you just tell me one thing before I leave?

Meg: What?

Ben: What's your second name?

Meg (laughing): You don't.

Ben: No.

Meg: It's Cummings.

Ben: Cummings. Meg Cummings. That's nice.

He smiles and leaves her room. Meg looks at the door.

Meg (sighs): Oh Ben, what have we gotten ourselves into?



Chapter 22 - California, Venice and White Roses

October 27, Ludlow, Kansas, Cummings' house

Meg looks at her watch. It's five to seven. Ben is supposed to be at seven. She takes another look in the mirror to check whether everything is OK, but it looks like she couldn't have really done a better job preparing herself for this meeting.

Meg: Looks OK. God, why am I so nervous? Why?

Ben (entering the room): Why what?

Meg (confused): Nothing, nothing, I was just thinking out loud.

Ben: Are you sure that's nothing important?

Meg: No, no.

Ben: Good. So, where are we going? The Buckaroo?

Meg: No. If you don't mind I'd prefer to stay home. I need some peace.

Ben: Sure. (looks inquiringly at her) There is something wrong, isn't there?

Meg: Look, I didn't want to bring this up, but everyone keeps repeating it. And they are right.

Ben: About what?

Meg: They keep saying that I don't know you. And they are right - I don't. I don't know anything about you. Besides the fact that I know that you live in California and that your name is Ben Evans.

Ben (laughing): Well, That's more than I knew.

Meg: Ben, it's not funny. We don't know anything about each other.

Ben: Then why don't we get to know each other a little bit better.

Meg: What do you mean?

Ben sits on the bed and pulls Meg after him.

Ben: Come on. Whatever you wanna know about me, just ask.

Meg (smiles): OK. Why don't you tell me what you do?

Ben: I'm a businessman.

Meg: Businessman. And what exactly do you do?

Ben: I'm a co-owner of a company which takes care of many things like building a resorts on the beach and renewing the old ones. I also have two clubs called The Deep and the Java Web.

Meg: You're the owner??!!!

Ben: Yes.

Meg: Wow!!! Are these a night clubs?

Ben: The Deep - yes, but Java Web is an Internet-Café.

Meg (smiles): An Internet-Café. Sounds interesting..

Ben: Don't tell me that you're interested in computers?

Meg: Maybe. I surf the net sometimes.

Ben: You do?

Meg: Yes. That's a great way to get away from everything.

Ben: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Meg: Do you like California?

Ben: I love California. Especially Sunset Beach, where I live, it's a really amazing place.

Meg (looking at her computer and thinking about SB): Sunset Beach.

Ben: What?

Meg: Nothing, nothing. I think it's a nice name.

Ben: Yes it is. And it's really beautiful there. All those beaches and palms.

Meg: Is there any other place you would like to live in?

Ben: No, I don't think so. I really like California. But there are many places I would love to visit.

Meg: Really? Like what?

Ben: Venice. The most.

Meg: Romantic city in the world.

Ben: How did you know?

Meg: I love Venice!

Ben (surprised): You do?

Meg: I think Venice is beautiful! I love it as much as I love white roses.

Ben (a little bit shocked): You like white roses?

Meg: Yeah, why?

Ben (confused): Nothing. I just know someone who loves white roses too.

Meg: Really? Well, there's no wonder. White roses are the most beautiful flowers in the world. I love them!

Ben: And what else do you love?

Meg: You.

Ben: Well, that's not what I meant. But since you've mentioned it.

Ben smiles and kisses Meg.

Meg: Ben, I have no idea what's going on with me when I'm with you, but I don't ever want it to stop. Ever.

Ben: It won't.

Meg: How do you know?

Ben: Because real love doesn't end just like that. It doesn't.

Meg: And you think it's real love?

Ben: I'm sure of it.



Chapter 23 - The Duty Calls

October 28, Ludlow, Kansas, Local motel

Ben looks at the phone.

Ben (thinks): I think I should. Or should I? Gosh, she's my wife, I owe her that much.

He takes the phone and dials the number.

Maria: Hello.

Ben: Hi it's me.

Maria: Ben?! Why aren't you coming back home? It's been three weeks. Is everything fine?

Ben: Yes, everything is great, but I think I will have to stay here a little bit longer. There are still some things I need to take care of.

Maria: Ben.

Ben: What?

Maria: I miss you.

Ben: Yeah, I miss you too. But there is nothing that I can do. I need to stay here.

Maria: Can't anyone do it for you?

Ben: I'm afraid not. I need to do it myself.

Maria: When are you coming home?

Ben: I don't know. It may take some time.

Maria: Some time? Ben, how much is it going to take?

Ben: Maria, I don't know!

Maria: Then what do you KNOW?

Ben: Look, I need to go. I'll talk to you later.

Maria: But Ben.

Ben: Bye.

He hangs up.

Maria: Damn you!!!

Annie (coming into the house - without knocking as always): Damn who?

Maria: Annie. What are you doing here?

Annie: I just came by to see if you were OK. But apparently you're not.

Maria: No, I'm not.

Annie: Why? What's going on?

Maria: Ben has just called.

Annie: Then you should be happy. When is he coming back home?

Maria: He doesn't know. He says he needs to stay there a little longer.

Annie: I'm sure he will come soon.

Maria: I don't think so. But that's not the only problem.

Annie: What do you mean?

Maria (sighs): Ben just doesn't seem himself anymore.

Annie: How come?

Maria: I don't know. It's just the way he talks. Something is different about him.

Annie: That's probably because he misses you very much.

Maria: No, Annie, no. It's not that. There is something wrong.

Annie: What could be wrong?

Maria: I wish I knew.

Annie: Look, I'm sure that Ben will come home as soon as he can and then you will work things out and it's going to be the way it used to be.

Maria: No, Annie. I got the feeling that it will never be the same again.



Chapter 24 - Cyber-romance

October 30, Ludlow, Kansas, Local motel

It's three o'clock in the morning. Ben lies on the bed and keeps thinking about what is going on with him.

Ben (thinks): Oh, Meg, what is it about you that makes me feel this way. The only person who was able to make me feel that way was Dorothy. I came to Kansas hoping that somehow I'll happen to meet her, but instead I found Meg. Meg Cummings. Meg, I need to tell you about Dorothy. God, what a fool I am! Maybe she wasn't even from Kansas. But Kansas or no Kansas, I need to tell Meg about Dorothy. I need to.


October 30, Ludlow, Kansas, Cummings' house

Meg wakes up and gets up to get something to drink. She goes to the kitchen, pours herself a glass of milk and goes back to her room. She sits on the bed and keeps staring at her computer.

Meg (thinks): I can't believe that Ben is so much like SB. So gentle, so funny, so charming. But I felt something for SB, I did. But SB is far away and Ben is here. And what's more important - Ben is real. real. I love you Ben. But you have to know about SB. You have to.


October 31, Ludlow, Kansas, Cummings' house

It's early in the morning. Meg gets up and goes to the bathroom. She takes the shower and gets dressed. Then she walks downstairs to eat breakfast. She sees a note for her. She reads it. It says:

We had to go to Kansas City. We'll be back the day after tomorrow. Love, Mom and Dad.

Meg (smiles): Looks like I've got the house all to myself. Great!

She opens the fridge and keeps staring at what's inside. Suddenly she realizes that she's not hungry at all. She heads towards the stairs when the doorbell rings. She opens the door.

Ben: Hi.

Meg: Hi, what are you doing here?

Ben: I came because I need to talk to you about something. It's kind of important.

Meg: Let's go to my room.

Meg (closing to the door to her room): So, what did you want to talk to me about?

Ben: I don't know if that matters to you, but I think I need to tell you the real reason why I came to Kansas.

Meg: The real reason?

Ben: Yeah.

Meg: You told me that you needed to get away from California. Is that a lie?

Ben: No, of course not. But there is something more to this.

Meg: What do you mean?

Ben: Well, it's true that I wanted to get away, but there is one specific reason why I chose Kansas.

Meg: And WHY did you choose Kansas?

Ben: Because I know someone here. Well at least I think that I do.

Meg: What do you mean?

Ben: I meet her over the Internet.

Meg: Over the Internet?

Ben: Yes, we meet some time ago and we kind of. Well, there was this special bond between us.

Meg: And that's why you came to Kansas?

Ben: I was hoping that by accident I will find this whole Dorothy.

Meg (screams shocked): What???!!!

Ben: Dorothy was her on-line name. Dorothy from Kansas.

Meg looks at Ben with her eyes wide open. She feels that her legs stop to listen to her. She becomes pale.

Ben: Meg, is everything OK?

Meg: Ben. I.

She doesn't finish as she collapses on the floor...



Chapter 25 - Meet Your Destiny

October 30, Ludlow, Kansas, Cummings' house

Ben (runs to her frightened): Meg! Oh my God, Meg! Meg, answer me! Meg.

He desperately tries to wake her up, but it doesn't help.

Ben: Meg, please, answer me. Meg, what happened. Meg.

She slowly starts to come to herself and he sighs with relief.

Ben: Thank God. Are you OK?

Meg keeps staring at Ben, remembering what he has just said.

Ben (more and more concerned): Meg, is everything fine?

Meg (trying to gather her thoughts): Ben. I. You. It can't be. It can't. That's impossible.

Ben: What's impossible? Meg, what's going on?

Meg (still not being able to say a word): You. You can't be. Oh God. all this time. Oh God.

Ben (worried): Meg, tell me what's going on? What's wrong?

Meg: Ben, do you happen to know Dorothy from the chatroom. Ronda, Sunny and Garret were also there, weren't they?

Ben (looks at Meg shocked): How do you. Oh my God. You're.

Meg: Dorothy from Kansas. And you're SB, aren't you?

Ben: Yes. Oh my God, I can't believe it. You're Dorothy.

Meg: Yes.

Ben: That's explains everything.

Meg: What?

Ben: Why we were so attracted to each other. And this special connection we shared. That's because we have known each other for so long.

Meg: Yeah. So long. That's why you were so much like SB. Because you ARE SB. I can't believe it.

Ben: Neither can I.

Meg: All this time I was so confused. I didn't know why I felt so strange about SB and you. But now I do. Oh God, you're SB. Oh my God! You're SB! Youare SB!!!

Meg has tears in her eyes. But those are the tears of happiness. She wraps her arms around his neck and nestles into his arms. He enfolds her and holds her as close as he only can.

Ben: Oh Dorothy! I can't believe it's you!!! It's so amazing!!! I can't believe it!!!

Meg: It's so wonderful!

Ben: Yes! And you know what that means?

Meg: What?

Ben: It's fate. It's destiny. You and me. It's meant to be.

Meg: You think so?

Ben: Why else would God want us to meet? SB and Dorothy are meant to be together. They were meant to be together even before they were born. God had a plan. And now he is making everything happen for real. The two lost souls have finally found each other.

Meg: You're right, we have finally found each other. Do you have any idea how many times I was lying in bed, thinking about SB, wondering how he looks like. So many times I had doubts about my relationship with Tim. And all because of mysterious SB from the Internet. I didn't want to admit it, but I was in love with him. I was in love with SB, guy from the Internet. God, this is crazy, isn't it?

Ben: No it's not. I felt exactly the same way about Dorothy.

Meg: You did?

Ben: Yes. Dorothy was the only person I could be completely honest with. The only person I could open my heart to. The only person who understood me. Really understood me.

Meg: And SB was so romantic. Telling me all those beautiful things although he has never even seen me.

Ben: Now I have and I could repeat all those things I said, because they are true. You are exactly who I thought Dorothy would be.

Meg: And you are my knight in shiny armor. The man of my dreams. The one I have always dreamt of. I love you. I've loved you since the first second I met you over the Internet.

Ben: I love you too Dorothy. Meg. or whoever you are.

He smiles and kisses her gently. This simple action makes her feel a thrill all over her body. She feels like if she was the happiest woman in the world. She is with Ben. With SB. With the man she has waited for her entire life.


Chapter 26 - The Excitement

November 1, Ludlow, Kansas, Cummings' house

Meg sits on the bed and thinks about what happened yesterday. Ben is SB. She still can't believe it. Ben Evans is SB from the Internet. She just has to tell somebody. She has to.

She takes the phone and dials the number.

Ashley: Ashley Williams speaking.

Meg: Hey, Ash, it's me, Meg.

Ashley: Oh, hi Meg. What's up?

Meg (excited): A lot!!!

Ashley: What do you mean?

Meg: Oh, life is so beautiful!!!

Ashley (surprised): Meg, what's going on?

Meg: You wouldn't believe it?

Ashley: Then why don't you tell me?

Meg: I will, but not on the phone!

Ashley: Why?

Meg: It's not a conversation on the phone.

Ashley: All right, I'm on my way. Shall I call Jess and Connie?

Meg (smiles mysteriously): Yes, yes, you shall.

Meg hangs up and looks her computer.

Meg: Oh SB, do you have any idea how much I love you?

About fifteen minutes pass and soon Ashley and Jessica appear at Cummings' doorstep. Meg opens the door and leads them to her room.

Meg: Hi guys, where is Connie?

Ashley: She couldn't come, she had some business.

Meg: Well, then I guess she'll miss the show.

Jessica: What do you mean?

Meg (a little bit more serious): Guys, I need to tell you something.

Ashley: Sounds important.

Meg: It is.

Jessica: Well then tell us what's up.

Meg: It's Ben.

Ashley (sighs): That's nothing new.

Meg: No, no, no, you don't understand.

Ashley: You're right - we don't. Why don't you enlighten us?

Meg (excited): OK, OK. (she takes a deep breath) Do you remember SB?

Ashley: That guy from the Internet. Yes, yes, we remember. What about him?

Meg: Well, I met him.

Jessica: What? You met SB?

Meg Yes.

Jessica: But what about Ben?

Meg: Well, that's the whole deal.

Ashley: Now I really don't get it.

Meg (smiles): I'm sorry. I should have been more clear.

Ashley: Oh yes, you should have. So?

Meg (screams): Ben Evans is SB from the Internet!!!!!

Ashley and Jessica: What???!!!

Meg: You heard it!!!

Ashley (confused and excited at the same time): Are you saying that THIS Ben is THIS SB?

Meg: Exactly!

Jessica (sighs): Oh my God, I don't believe it.

Meg: I know, I couldn't believe it either! But it's true!

Jessica: But how did you find out?

Meg: Ben told me.

Jessica: He knew that you were Dorothy?

Meg: No, of course he didn't. He just told me about her not realizing that I was her.

Ashley: Oh my God, that is so unbelievable!!!

Jessica: Yeah, love over the Internet, that is so ROMANTIC!!!

Ashley: Who would have known that our Meg would get so involved in this whole cyber-thing.

Jessica: Yeah. (turns to Meg) I always thought that you would marry Tim, have dozen of children and live happily ever after in Ludlow, Kansas.

Meg: I thought so too. Until I met SB. He made me realize that I wanted so much more from life. And from love. And Ben gives me all of this.

Ashley: Have you told your parents yet?

Meg: Well, I told him about breaking up with Tim and I mentioned Ben, but I never really told them that I loved him so much.

Ashley: Then why don't you tell them now?

Meg: Actually they are away for a few days.

Ashley: Business?

Meg: I guess so, they left me a short note.

Jessica (laughs): So hopefully your dad won't be able to lace into Ben for a while.

Meg: Do you really think that this is going to be that bad?

Ashley: Oh come on, Meg. Your dad is gonna be mad when he finds out about Ben. He always wanted for you to marry Tim.

Meg: But he also wants me to be happy. And Ben is my happiness.



Chapter 27 - The Celebration

November 1, Ludlow, Kansas, Cummings' house

Jessica: We need to celebrate this.

Ashley: Oh, I've got an idea!

Meg: What?

Ashley (smiling): Since your parents are gone. and they won't come back tonight.

Meg (knows exactly what Ashley means): Oh no, Ashley, no!

Ashley: Oh, come on, Meg. Let's have a little party.

Meg: No!

Jessica: Meg, don't be so stubborn. We need to celebrate that you have finally found your great love.

Meg: I don't know guys.

Jessica: Oh, come on.

Meg: OK, OK, let's do it!

Ashley: Great! Look, we're gonna get champagne and invite everybody and you just make yourself beautiful and call for your prince.

Meg: OK, OK.

Meg smiles and Ashley and Jessica leave. Meg takes the earphone and dials the number to the motel.

Linda: Ludlow Motel, how can I help you?

Meg: Hi Linda, it's Meg Cummings. Can I please talk to Ben Evans?

Linda: You mean this hunk from room number 15.

Meg (laughs): Yes.

Linda: Hold on a second.

Ben: Ben Evans speaking.

Meg: Hi Ben, it's me.

Ben: Meg? It's nice to hear your voice.

Meg (smiles): Thanks, it's nice to hear your voice too. Look, I'm calling because I wanted to invite you to my place for tonight. My parents are gone, and the girls came up with an idea of having a party.

Ben: A party? Sounds wonderful. What time shall I be there?

Meg: Just as soon as possible.

Ben: I'm on my way.

Meg: Bye.

Meg hangs up. She goes to the bathroom and takes a quick shower. Then she opens her wardrobe and looks at her clothes. She realizes that she has never cared what she was wearing, she has never tried to be beautiful for Tim. But she needs to be beautiful for Ben.

She goes through her things a thousand of times and finally she picks up short, blue dress. She puts it on and goes to the bathroom to check her make up. When she takes a look in the mirror, she hears the doorbell. She goes downstairs to get that. It's Ben.

Ben: Wow! You look absolutely beautiful!

Meg: Thank you.

She takes Ben's hand and they go upstairs to her room.

Meg: I believe we have still a few minutes left before the others arrive, so what do you want to do?

Ben: How about this?

He walks closer to her and pulls her closer for a passionate kiss.

Meg (grins): Mhhhmmm. I like that. I think we should do that more often.

Ben: Definitely.

Ben smiles and pulls Meg for another passionate kiss. They fell on the bed. That's when they hear the laughter coming from downstairs.

Meg (getting up and fixing her dress): Looks like the rest of the guests arrived.

Ben (sighs): Yeah. Pity.

Meg smiles and at the same time the whole gang, except of Tim of course, enters Meg's room.

Ashley: We let ourselves in.

Meg (laughs): I can see that.

Ashley: We hope you don't mind.

Meg: No, of course not. Tim didn't want to come.

Jesscia: No.

Meg becomes sad.

Ryan: Don't worry, he'll get over it.

Meg: I hope so.Anyway this is Ben Evans.

Meg points Ben and then introduces all his friend to him.

Ashley: It's nice to meet you. We heard that Meg had really crush on you.

Meg: It's not a crush. it's love.

Matt: Let's hope so. Anyway it's nice to meet you, Ben.

Ben (smiles): It's nice to meet you too.

Ryan: Tim is kind of a wreck now and we feel really sorry for him, but it's great to see our Meg smiling again.

Ben: I'm glad that I'm the cause of that.

Meg: I am too.

Ashley: Oh, I almost forgot. We've got something for you, Meg.

Ashley pulls a bottle of champagne from her purse.

Meg: Wow! I'll get the glasses.

Meg goes down to the kitchen and after a while comes back with glasses in her hands. Ashley pours the champagne.

Ashley: So, here it is for Ben and Meg! May this be a real love for you!



Chapter 28 - The Phone Call

November 3, Ludlow, Kansas, Local motel

Ben is on his way out to meet Meg. Suddenly the phone rings. Ben answers.

Ben: Ben Evans.

Gregory: Hi Ben, it's Gregory.

Ben (surprised): Gregory? How did you find me?

Gregory: Ben, you know that I have my ways.

Ben (smiles): Right. Anyway, why are you calling? What's up?

Gregory: Actually we have some problems with the contract..

Ben: What kind of problems?

Gregory: Actually, that is not a problem, but the Madison Enterpreises says that they won't continue the job if we don't call a meeting.

Ben: And let me guess - I need to be there.

Gregory: I'm afraid so.

Ben: Damn it. So when is the meeting?

Gregory: Just as soon as you can be in Sunset Beach.

Ben: All right, I'll take the first flight. See you.

Ben hangs up and leaves the motel. He reaches Cummings' house. He rings the doorbell. Meg answers.

Meg: Hi, come in.

Ben: Actually, I can't come in.

Meg: Why, what's wrong?

Ben: I need to go back to Sunset Beach.

Meg (sadly): Go back? To California?

Ben: Yes. My partner called and told me that he was calling an important meeting and I need to be there.

Meg: Are you leaving immediately?

Ben: Yes, I'm taking first flight to Sunset Beach.

Meg: If you have to.

Ben: Meg, sweetheart, I hate this as much as you do, but I have to.

Meg (sighs): I know, I know.

Ben: I'll be back as soon as I can.

Meg: Take your time.

Ben (looking into her eyes): Hey, hey, hey. I love you.

Meg (smiles): I love you too. I just hate the thought that you need to go.

Ben: Yeah, I know, I hate the thought of being away from you too, but it's just a few days.

Meg: Still it's too long.

Ben: I know. A way too long.

Ben smiles and takes Meg in his arms.

Ben: I'm gonna miss you.

Meg: I'm gonna miss you too. Very much.

Ben takes Meg's face in his hands and gently strokes her hair. Then he kisses her, first gently and then more and more passionately. They both enjoy the kiss, but unfortunately it has to end.

Ben: Bye.

Meg: Bye.

Meg watches Ben getting into the car. One more time he sends her one of those beautiful smiles of his and then he starts driving, soon disappearing behind the horizon.



Chapter 29 - He's Back. He's Gone.

November 3, Sunset Beach, California, The beach

Ben slowly heads towards his house. He is not in the mood of seeing his wife, but he has to enter the house eventually. He walks closer and gets inside. Maria is not there.

Ben (thinks): She must be upstairs. (he calls) Maria! Maria, are you there?!

Soon he sees his wife running down the stairs, with a big smile on her face.

Maria (screams): Ben! Oh my God, Ben!!!

She runs to him and gives him a passionate kiss, which he doesn't return of course.

Maria: I'm so glad that you're home.

Ben: Yeah, me too.

Maria: I missed you so much.

She gives him another kiss.

Ben (trying to be nice): I missed you too, Maria. Look, I need to go the Liberty Corporation for that meeting. Gregory said he wanted it to be as soon as possible.

Maria: Do you really have to go there right away?

Ben: I'm afraid so. It's kind of important.

Maria: But we haven't seen each other for a month.

Ben: I know, but it's really important. I think I should go. We'll talk later.

Maria: OK. Bye.

Ben: Bye.

Ben rushes out of his house, happy that he doesn't have to face Maria anymore. She is his wife, but he just see her the way he used to see her. He can't. Not after he met Dorothy.


November 7, Sunset Beach, California, Ben Evans' house

Ben opens his wardrobe and starts packing his things. All of the clothes he had in Kansas are dirty now, and he had no time to take care of it, so he decided to pack the new ones.

He finishes packing and looks at his computer. He thinks about Meg and her beautiful, smiling face. He remembers her shining eyes the sweetest lips in the world. He has a flashback of all the kisses they shared and he just can't stop missing her more and more every second.

Maria (entering the bedroom): Ben?

No answer.

Maria: Ben?

Ben (suddenly coming back to reality): What? Oh, Maria.

Maria: You were away. What were you thinking?

Ben: Oh, nothing important.

Maria (concerned): Ben, are you OK?

Ben: I'm fine, I'm fine.

Maria (suddenly seeing Ben's suitcase and some clothes on the bed): What's that?

Ben (pretending not to know what she's talking about): What's what?

Maria: The suitcase. Are you going away again?

Ben: I'm afraid so.

Maria: But Ben, you have only been home for a few days. Do you really have to go? Why?

Ben: It's a business trip.

Maria: How long is this going to take?

Ben: I don't know.

Maria: You don't know? Damn it, Ben! You are going away for a month, you come back home for a few days and you're going away again?! And you can't even tell me for how long? Damn it, I'm your wife! I think I deserve some kind of an explanation!

Ben: And I would give it to you if I only had any.

Maria: And you don't?

Ben: No, I don't. Come on Maria, you know that business trips can be unpredictable.

Maria (sighs): All right. When are you going?

Ben: Today in two hours.

Maria (sadly): Bye.

She gives him a kiss, but he immediately stands up pretending to be looking for something. Maria looks at him confused and finally she leaves the room.



Chapter 30 - Hello Again

November 7, Ludlow, Kansas, Cummings' house

Meg looks at her computer with yearning eyes. Then she walks over to her desk and keeps staring at all the e-mails Ben has sent to her during those few days.

Meg (to herself): Oh Ben, I miss you so much.

The same second she hears the doorbell. First she hopes that Joan or Hank will get that, but when they don't, she goes downstairs and opens the door. Her body thrills when she sees Ben's smiling face.

Meg (happily): Ben!!! What are you doing here??!!!

Ben (grinning): And what do you think I'm doing? I told you that I couldn't stand being away from you for a long time.

Meg smiles and Ben embraces her. They let their lips meet in a passionate kiss. They both taste the sweetness of each other's lips until they are interrupted by Joan.

Joan: Uhhhm..uhhhmm

Ben and Meg pull away from each other and seeing Joan's sight, Meg blushes.

Meg: We'll be in my room.

Joan (harsh): As you wish.

Meg takes Ben's hand and they go to her room.

Ben: Looks like your mother wasn't exactly excited about my being here.

Meg: Don't worry, she'll be fine. You should be glad that it was not my father who walked in on us.

Ben (laughing): Believe me, I am glad.

Meg: So, how did the meeting go?

Ben: Good, good. We signed all the papers. Everything is fine.

Meg: Does that mean..

Ben (smiling): Yes - no more meetings for now.

Meg: Great.

Ben: I know. I missed you so much. Those were the worse days of my life.

Meg: Of mine too. Thank God for Internet. And thank you for all those letters you sent. It was a pleasure to read them.

Ben: And it was a pleasure to write them as well.

Meg: Are you always like this?

Ben: Like what?

Meg: So sweet, so funny. so handsome. so sexy.

Ben (grinning): You think I'm sexy?

Meg: Definitely.

Meg smiles and pulls Ben for a kiss.

Ben: Now, that's what I call a nice welcome.

Meg: But I prefer when you don't have to go anywhere.

Ben: I know, but business is business.

Meg: Then did you have to be a businessman?

Ben: Well, if I had known that this would stop me from being with you, then believe me that I would have never, ever become a businessman.

Meg (laughing): Yeah, right.

Ben: Really. I.

Ben doesn't finish because Meg shuts him up with a kiss.

Meg: Don't explain, the words don't mean anything to me.

Ben (kissing Meg passionately): And does this mean anything to you?

Meg (grinning): A lot more than words.

