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Finding My Someone

I've always looked for someone to be there for me.
To find the emotions in my heart that only he can see.
I want someone to console me when I'm feeling sad,
and to calm me down with his voice when I'm mad.
Someone who understands me when I haven't said a word,
someone who in his ear my heartbeat can be heard.
Someone who can brighten my day with just a smile,
someone with a sweet, and gentleman-like style.
A person who can heal all my hurt feelings with a kiss,
and can make a special day out of any day like this.
Someone to make me feel beautiful and strong,
someone to make a right out of all my wrongs.
A person with arms to hold me tight,
someone who can be my stars in my sky,
who appreciates the love between a girl and a guy.
Someone to be my rainbow on my rainy day,
someone who for me his soul he would lay.
Someone to rest his palm in my soft cheek,
someone to bring me faith when I am weak.

I've looked and looked for this very special guy,
I've looked for someone to make my heart fly.
I've met many guys but none have what I need,
all they could do was make my heart bleed.
I've gone out with guys I barely know,
all in hopes to find the one my heart was longing for.
But alas it was never meant to be for every guy I dated never made my heart leap.
Until one day I realized that he was right in front of me,
he was around me the whole time, but I never did see.
The guy who really loved me for me,
someone who looked at me like nobody else did.
I couldn't believe that I had been so blind,
that all this time I had other guys on my mind.
But now I realize that he will love me till the end and for all eternity.
Who ever knew that the person who loved me for me,
who made my heart soar and feel free
would in the end turn out to be my best friend.
I realized that he is the one who completed my soul
and that is when i knew that I finally found my someone.
