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Eternal Serenity

It was never supposed to happen,
if at all it was one of the more imminent things.
But imminence meant nothing to her,
all that mattered was that he was gone.
Left alone the solitary sky,
which she now considered her domain.
Alone to bear her pain again.
It hurt to see him leave,
but there was so little that she could do about it.
As she stood there with the abundant November winds blowing her golden hair,
the pale sun illuminating her sky blue eyes as they shed the tears she never wanted to shed,
it was apparent now.
She must dig herself out of the infinite ditch so many have dug for her.
Heading back to her door,
pulling herself back together,
so much had come back at that instant,
memories of him, memories of them.
These once happy memories made it all a bit difficult for her,
but she knew she had to deal with them.
Weaving through her house trying to keep her mind occupied,
she finds nothing but to write.
Walking into her bedroom,
reaching beneath her bed she finds a thin notebook which bared it all.
Consumed by all her broken emotion she begins to write all,
the pain, the loss, the absolute end.
In her fury she begins to question herself where it all went,
its abruptness, its severity,
and most of all its stepping stone.
At end, she left regret of thought.
Pondering about what has brought her utmost pain.
Wanting so bad to let go of everything,
just to have the bland taste of nothingness to consume her and take her away.
She deems it impossible
and remains in the clutches of her immense sorrow.

She chooses to leave this cruel world,
and lays herself to sleep.
Burying her tearful eyes in her pillow,
closing her eyes tight,
not wanting to see what this world has to offer.
She enters her dream filled world of eternal serenity.
She gains peace of mind knowing she has left it all behind,
entering a place where she cannot be violated.
The consumption is frozen,
and existing now is the feeling of absolute peace.
This place she had known before,
but many of times was not attainable,
to her satisfaction she was there now,
and no one else.
To her dismay all things must come to an end,
and soon enough she finds herself back again.
With her resurrection,
she rises off her bed and walks to her window.
She stands amidst the night noticing the quiet atmosphere,
and simply smiling.
She makes her way to her dresser looking at herself smile,
reaches in a drawer, and upon finding the solution,
she gives herself eternal serenity.
