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It Seems That I've Forgot

My whole mind seems to quiver,
as I struggle with the thought,
what do I have to live for?
It seems that I've forgot.
"Happiness" a memory,
"Lonliness" sets in,
when does this lonely life end,
and the happy one begin?
Looking in the mirror,
I'm not proud of what I see,
my eyes must be deceiving,
for this reflection can't be me.
A routine has settled in my life,
once everythings been said,
each day the sun will rise,
and force me out of bed.
The day will go by slowly,
and the evening slower yet,
the night will creep up on me,
but I won't get much rest.
I'll toss and turn all night,
as I struggle with the thought,
what do I have to live for?
It seems that I've forgot.
