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Ice Dome

She lives in an ice dome.
A rose with thorns in an ice dome but,
who can break it?
Who has caused her to live llike this?
Is it what she saw,
what she felt?
Who has hurt her?
Was it a lot from one person or a little from each?
Why does she not trust?
Why does she seperate herself?
Do you know?
Maybe everyone feels this way but she just makes it more obvious.
Is everyone insecure down deep inside?
She is just simply being honest I think.
She has gone through what everyone will go through.
Maybe she is just dealing with it a different way.
Has anyone ever tried to see why there is a frown behind her laugh?
Does anyone care?
She doesn't think so.
Will this ice dome wilt the rose,
will it freeze it
or will someone come along and thaw it out?
Is she just one of many who feel like this?
Does anyone even turn around and notice other people who live like this?
Does she have anyone?
Maybe a friend who only understands partly?
Maybe no one at all.
Does she really knkow what she wants, does anybody?
Will she stay like this forever?
Do you feel like this once in a while?
Deep down inside she is a beautiful bewildered mind not yet experienced.
Not innocent, no,
she's seen too much to be innocent,
but just not familiar with certain feelings,
like being cared for her mind or thoughts,
not just for her body.
To be appreciated for all her hidden talents,
to be loved for the person she is,
all of her.
What is her secret heart's desire?
Do you wonder?
What color is she?
What color dose she feel?
We see a pale blue,
but that's just artificial,
that's on top.
What is the color of her heart beat when she is blissful?
She's very beautiful,
you just have to look.
You can begin through her eyes.
They are gates to her soul.
You might see her talking to a crowd,
not knowing she's alone in that huge crowd,
but nobody takes time to really look.
She's not alone socially.
She is alone emotionally.
She is a good friend but does she have any good friends?
Maybe one partly,
maybe no one at all.
She is beautiful.
You just have to look.
