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My Thoughts

These are my thoughts,
Spilled all over this page.
I am now exposed and naked,
My walls and false realities gone.
I leave them all to you,
For you, and my thoughts are all I have.
But I must warn you,
They are scrambled and
All over this page.
Some ar hiding and running away,
Those are my secrets,
Dark and mysterious,
That I leave to you and only you.
Some are jumping up to you,
Those are my hopes and dreams,
Too fragile for your touch,
Please give those lots of attention.
Some are just standing around,
Remaining almost unnoticed by you and all,
Those are my everyday hidden thoughts.
Some look nice and all sweet and pretty,
Standing apart from the rest,
Those are my special and unique thoughts.
Keep a watchful eye and an open mind to those.
But all of those thoughts are special to me.
Please hold them dear,
And protect them carefully.
For those are all I really have,
And even I can't have them.
Take them and cherish them,
until I return.
I'll come back for them later,
But not now,
I can't have them now.
I can't handle them yet.
I am just a silly little girl
Who can't handle her own
Mature thoughts.
Maybe someday...
