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Michele's Letter to Annette

Dear Annette,

Annette,I wanted to write a letter to u even though u are not here. I wanted u to know that,I Love You very much and also to let you know that u mean so much to me.

When I first moved into the house you made me feel very special.All I was, Was just your Brother's girlfriend, But then when me and Anthony said we were getting married you were more happy then me. You gave such a smile and said "I'm glad you are going to be my Sister In-LAW. Cause I never had a Sister before."

I never told you how much those words meant to me.So, I know that it is never to late to tell you! Well my Sister, I am almost sure that where ever you are you are looking on all of us and you are proud of us. You will always be my Guardian Angel.I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH MY SISTER!

Love Your Sister,

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