"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must
first be who you really are, then, do what you need to do, in order to have what you want." Margaret Young
What's the deal with driving while talking on a cell phone? Are these people that desperate to get into a car accident with someone? Come on people! All it takes is common sense and some intellgence. Talking and driving is 1. Stupid 2. Dumb 3. Illegal. Any questions? Besides, who needs to be so available that even a quick trip to the store must be filled with gab time. Whatever happened to peace and quiet. Yeah, don't get me started on cell phones and movie theaters, nice restaurants, plays...
Yes, I do own a cell phone and Yes! I am responsible with it. I use it to tow people so I can get a spot to park or let my husband know where I am. However, I am always pulled off to the side of the road or in a parking space before hitting "Send". Since I hate to watch cell gabbers run lights, run stop signs or nearly plow their cars into someone else's car, I am not about to join the phone idiots guild.
Oh yeah. While on this subject...Did you know Mercedes is putting the final touches on onboard computers with internet access? Yes! Now we can all be nearly wiped out by some jack@ss talking on their phone while surfing the web. Hey Mercedes guys???? Get a clue! I sincerly pray you are not going to allow the moniter to be in the driver's field of view? I know, the drivers can look over their shoulders while talking on their phones. Yeesh. Hang up and drive, because Goddess help you if you hit me while using your damn phone.
To flip through the pages of my BOS faster...