First they Burn Books,
then they Burn People


Is censorship a good thing? Most Americans will answer with a resounding "no", but in the same breath give an example of when it should be allowed. The internet, TV, any other media, books etc. They can even give you rational reasons such as minors, minorities and morality (the 3M's). So, should censorship ever be allowed? How will we determine what should be censored or not censored? Who will censore whom?

And there is the rub. While censorship starts out with a noble purpose (like censoring porn sites on the web), it often escalates into everything becoming targets for censorship. Take filters (please!). Seems a good idea, keeps kids off those adult sites, but why can't the parents have control of what is to be seen by their kids? Heck, why aren't the parents in the same room with their kids anyway? Cybersitter (I didn't think I would jump on that bandwagon, but here goes!)filters out porn sites...and other sites that parents might want their kids to see, such as breast cancer, different lifestyles or other religions. I hear Cybersitter is getting better, and I applaude them for doing so, but why did people give this unknown third person control of their right to choose? Have we become so afraid to make our own decisions that we would rather turn to a faceless third party? Sadly, I feel many Americans have done just that.

I equate censorship to the legendary Hydra. For each head cut off, two grew back. For every book censored, another comes under fire. Where does it all end? Just because you may find it offensive, doesn't mean someone else will. We live in a free society, supposedly, with freedom of speech and other nifty rights guaranteed by our Consititution, so why can't we seem to come to terms with all our differences? Whether we like it or not, most people in our country follow Christian beliefs of some kind. Hence, Pagan beliefs are censored (If you don't believe me...WAKE UP TO REALITY!!). Whether we like it or not, men run most of our country. Hence, feminism is censored. Whether we like it or not, the aforementioned Christians and men fear gays and lesbians. Hence, censorship of alternative lifestyles. What are so wrong with these things that they must be hushed?

Maybe because they are so different. And instead of learning about their differences, they decide that no-one should learn about them. Sad really. If we stop others from having creative differences, what is to stop others from censoring us? It becomes a vicious cycle of fear. Fear of the unknown and different. Fear of opening ones mind and actually learning something new. People fear change so much that they would rather destroy it that learn from it, and if they can't learn, than neither can their children, and the cycle starts once again.

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