"I am a student.
Please do not fold, spindle, or mutilate me."
-Slogan of the Free Speech Movement, 1964


Demeter is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea and therefore the sister of Zeus. It was Her daugher Core/Persephane that was abducted by Hades and Demeter's mourning over the loss of Her daugher brought winter and starvation to the people. Only by Her daughter's return in the Spring would the crops be allowed to sprout and grow, and so the farmers sacrificed often in Her honor. The Eleusinian Mysteries centered around Her and Core, and while very little is known what happened at these rites, it is assumend they centered around women and fertility.

Demeter is often shown as a mature woman carrying ears of corn, wheat or a torch. Her chariot was pulled by winged dragons, and during the spring, Core or Persephane might be with Her. The harvest and fertility were sacred to Her.

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Brightest of Blessings