"You don't get to choose how you are going to die or when. You can only decide how you are going to live. Now." Joan Baez
I Told You So
George W Bush has a new "faith based" policy he is hawking. Or should I say, faith FORCED policy. The whole idea is to give federal tax dollars (mine and yours) to faith based charities for public dispersment. After all, religious charities have been giving help and money to the poor for as far back as time can remember so lets make their reach farther. Sounds good, yes?
Nope. Not even close. Hm. Separation of Church and State comes to mind, and has come to the minds of the ACLU, churches and most of the American Population. What's to keep religions from discriminating and postulizing to those who come for federal assistance? Churches hate this idea, and don't want federal money for this reason. Or doesn't it?
Bush publicly promised (Note the word PROMISED) that faith based charites who recieved federal money could not (Note the COULD NOT) discriminate against those coming to apply for or receive federal money. This went far to soothe some very nervous Americans, and made him look more like a bleeding heart conservative who wanted to help the public poor. I just shook my head and said it was all lip service. He would never force these organizations into all that.
And so we get into the phrase:
To hoist up the flagging faith based constituants, Bush privately went to several and said: If you agree to this faith based thing, I will allow you to DISCRIMINATE against gays in your hiring practice. WHAT??! We will give you federal money, but you cannot discriminate against the public **winkwink** What a slimeball. My husband loves GW Bush. I have hated Bush ever since he said he wanted to run for President. I warned that Bush would would impose his morality upon the nation and the world (oh, he pulled all funds from poor countries who utilize abortion for poor women and don't even get me started on the environmental issues). I warned and warned. Now I am limited to the phrase:
To flip through the pages of my BOS faster...