When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail.
Abraham Maslow


Kali is the dynamic female aspect to the static male aspect of Shiva. She is one of the Dark Goddessess of legend, and is most often portrayed in Her terrifying and dark aspect. With black and shrunken skin, blood dripping from Her mouth and wearing corpses as jewelery, Her whole demeaner is meant to terrify us. She appears as a vengeful malevolant goddess, yet in actuality She is the loving mother, through which death and rebirth occurs.

Kali is a protector of women. Female abuse is forbidden to Her followers. In many stories She devours Her followers to allow their rebirth. She is often worshiped during the dark aspects of the moon, and is a fierce goddess to follow. She loves all Her children equally, and protects them with a fierce devotion.

Kali is often represented with black and shrunken skin, blood drips from Her fanged mouth, a girdle of severed arms is around Her waist and a necklace of skulls is around Her neck. She is often dancing on the body of Her husband, Shiva, and is often showen eating His intesines. There are softer portrayels of Her, carrying flowers and having normal skin coloring, but the dark aspect is the most seen. Facing Her means facing death...and beyond.


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Brightest of Blessings