"In passing, also, I would like to say that the first time
Adam had a chance, he laid the blame on a woman."
--Lady Nancy Astor

Lesson Three

The Jewish religion has the Torah, The Muslims have the Koran, and the Christians have the Bible. What do we have? More than you might think or realize. Sadly, a lot of literature has been lost over the Centuries either due to time, distruction or word of mouth that did not get written down. Happily, we are both recreating the old or creating new literature for us to learn from. This lesson is to familiarize yourself with what is out there. I have many pieces available for you to look at. The most important are the "Charge of the Goddess", "The Charge of the God", and "Principles of Belief" Read what I have, and see what you can find. Many answers can be found on my web pages or using the "Links" page.

Exercise One.
Read the Following Literature:

Song for the Goddess
The Pagan Pledge
Wiccan Rede (Short Version)
Wiccan Rede (Long Version)
The Rule of Three
Before Time Was
The Law of Power
The Law
Principles of Belief
The Witches Creed
The Witches Rede of Chivalry
Thirteen Goals of a Witch
Witches Rune
Witches Rune 2
Charges of God and Goddess

They can be found here...The Library

Did you learn anything new from reading these? What are your impressions? Do you like, dislike, don't care about any of this? Why or why not. See if you can find any other writings you think would be useful.

Exercise Two.
Why is the Principles of Belief so important? If you were asked to create your own version of the Beliefs, what would you write and why?

Exercise Three.
Where can you find other examples of Pagan literature? If you were asked to create an informative essay on Witchcraft, what would you say? What sources would you use and why?

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Brightest of Blessings