You can build a throne with bayonets,
but you can't sit on it for long.
Boris Yeltsin


Lilith was the first proponant of feminine equality. According to tradional Judeo/Christian stories, She was created from the same dust as Adam and demanded that he acknowledge Her as his equal. Needless to say, Adam decided he wanted a more moldable bedmate and complained to God about his new bride. She was henceforth banished and religated to the depths of demonhood.

Lilith started Her life within the Sumerian parthenon. There are few representations of Her, but they all show that She was regarded as a kind and loving Goddess of beasts and kings. Her name crops up in a couple of Bible books, mostly in passing, and she becomes transformed into the Mother of Demons and Slayer of Children. It would rock the basic foundations of Judeo/Christian belief that woman was created out of the same dust as man (and therefore be his complete equal), so those who wrote the Bible (men) made sure that the first Eve was demonized and that the gullible second Eve would would become the womanly standard.

Lilith is often portraid nude, with long flowing hair, and has a distinctly sexual overture. She often is in the company of animals and may have some animal features of Her own. She is more of a darker aspect of the Maiden, yet represents the fullest independance of Women...both sexually and gender-wise.

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